I finished off the remaining Behind the Attraction episodes this morning. I needed something brainless, and I need to try and finish everything on D+ when my subscription expires in the fall, because I don't have any good reason to renew at this point.
The ones I watched today seemed less-bad than most of the ones I've seen before. I actually thought the Disneyland Hotel episode was fairly well done. Granted, this is undoubtedly the subject covered in the series that I know the least about. But bringing in actual former Wrather executives was an unexpected touch. They conveniently omit the part where they bulldozed quite a lot of (and all of the original) Disneyland Hotel in preparation for the resort expansion, and I'm sure the takeover of the Disneyland Hotel was less pleasant than portrayed, but other than that, nothing super objectionable from my perspective.
IASW: Solid World's Fair overview. Reminder for the coastal elite types, especially those who will be interviewed on camera...the state with Chicago in it is called Ill-i-NOY, NOT Ill-i-NOISE. You look...not smart when you get that wrong.
Later on, there was a goof with the map of Small World attractions-the map purports to show the five locations of IASW. Except that the star located in China is where Shanghai is, NOT Hong Kong. I guess they're all the same to whoever put that together, huh?
THAT SAID, somehow, somehow, they got through the episode without talking about how WE ADDED DISNEY CHARACTERS AND IT WAS AWESOME AND MADE THE RIDE 100% MORE INTERESTING AND DISNEY, AKSHULLY. A minor miracle.
The transportation episode that had a lot of Bob Gurr and (less enjoyably) a lot of Scot Drake seemed fine.
Was kind of half-watching the Hall of Presidents episode, to be honest. Not one of my favorites.
Overall the series is a mixed bag, as my previous posts attest to, but if all of the episodes were like the ones I watched today, I'd have much better opinions about the overall show than I do now. A season 2 is apparently confirmed-hopefully they will have taken the right lessons from the first batch.