The main hurricane Charley thread (for WDW & Central Fla. discussion)


New Member
tigsmom said:
Glad you are OK & thanks for the pics. They just had an update on the news & we are expected to get hit around midnight. :wave:


Hope when Charlie gets to you there is no "fight left in the dog". The eye wall just left our area and the weather man says it is breaking down very fast.

Let's hope this is the end of Charlie!



New Member
Recover soon FL

Two years ago hurricane Isidore caused too much damage to Merida (Yucatan Mexico), the city where I live, after the hurricane they came the worst with almost two weeks in many parts of the city with no electricity and water.

I hope all the afected people in my beloved state of Florida will recover soon.

Also a big hug for all the WDW cast members.


New Member
Tigsmom, any word on PixieDuster? I haven't seen her on your list.

My prayers are with all who have suffered damage by the hurricane. I hope you, as well as your families, come through all of this safe and sound.


Well-Known Member
Laura22 said:
It hit us in eastern NC this afternoon and I thought it was pretty neat. It was my first hurricane (I've only lived here 5 years) so I was very fascinated!

Thanks for checking in, Laura! I saw that the main impact was in your area and I was worried for you. All we got inland here at Ft. Bragg was some rain - not a breeze or anything else. What a relief (now I get to put all my lawn furniture and things back outside!!)

Wckd Queen

New Member
Got a few texts from Aimee (wdwbabe) earlier tonite and shes ok. Joshie (mkepcotmgmak) has been gone from wdw for a bit now. I texted Jonnie (MicBat) early yesterday but he hasn't texted back yet. I will let you know.

Best friend called from Pop Century right in the middle of it screaming "JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW IM OOOO KAAAAYYY" while I was screaming "GET IN THE BATHROOM!! JUST STAY IN THE BATHROOM!!" :lol: I spoke to her mother tonite. They were supposed to be on a flight back to Jersey at 6 tonite, but they were told they wouldn't be able to get a flight out until TUESDAY, so they got a lift to Tampa, hoping to get a flight out sooner, since her niece starts school on Monday.


New Member
I got word a few minutes ago from my next door neighbor via cel phone. His brother is a state trooper and is out in Arcadia searching for people. He said they have bagged several people for identification out of one single mobile home park. They can't identify most of them because the people were strung up in trees and debris and not in their homes....because their homes were GONE. My heart goes out to those victims as well as those poor souls who have to collect the bodies and see such horrific sights. He also said the looting is pretty bad and they have been issued "bean bag" shotgun shells to shoot at people as a deterent if needed. They should shoot these people with real bullets. If you are gonna prey on the weak or defenseless at time like this,I don't have a place for you on earth.


Well-Known Member
Last night was fun........ :p

I was staying with my oldest sister and her husband for the weekend.They live in Davenport, several miles south of Disney. Around 1:00 my sis and I arrive at Wal-Mart for our last minute "rideout party" goodies. The store was supposed to close at 2:00 but everybody was kicked out by 1:30. As we were checking out the first band passed over the store. We followed the band back to her house.

Later in the evening we made plans for the rideout party. We popped in a tape to get some hurricane details for mom, who's out of state for the weekend. Around 7:30 I went outside to play in the rain. My sis took some pictures of me being an idiot.

About 8:00 the power went out. I tried to communicate in morse code to the people in the house behind us. Unfortunately I don't know morse code. When their roof was losing shingles I tried to send the message "Hey, your roof is blowing off!!!" Oh well.

We turned on a walkman to get news from a local radio station. At 8:45 the eye came. 8:50 the winds picked back up. 8:53 we heard the power went out downtown. We also heard that sustained winds were about 75-95 mph, with gusts over 100. Around 11:00 we settled in for a good night's sleep.


New Member
lamarvenoy said:
I normally procrastinate but for the sake of not hearing my wife complain I put up all 20 sheets of plywood I had and I tapconned them to the stucco walls.
Good man! The Tapcon system works great. Did you use the Condrive 500 installation tool? Did you use the 3/16" x 1-3/4" anchors (or smaller) or did you go with the 1/4" x 1-3/4" anchors (or smaller)?

Did you use any fender washers under the anchors to secure the plywood? What thickness of plywood did you install?

Sorry for all the questions. I know you have a lot of recovery work to do. Take good care of yourself!:wave:


Well-Known Member
Yesterday Pixie Duster posted on DisneySites that she and Carl were running off to her parents house for shelter so I can't say how long she's going to be there for. She's most likely okay, just not having access to a computer or possibly just wanting to get things sorted at her parents place before heading home.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
lamarvenoy said:
I got word a few minutes ago from my next door neighbor via cel phone. His brother is a state trooper and is out in Arcadia searching for people. He said they have bagged several people for identification out of one single mobile home park. They can't identify most of them because the people were strung up in trees and debris and not in their homes....because their homes were GONE. My heart goes out to those victims as well as those poor souls who have to collect the bodies and see such horrific sights. He also said the looting is pretty bad and they have been issued "bean bag" shotgun shells to shoot at people as a deterent if needed. They should shoot these people with real bullets. If you are gonna prey on the weak or defenseless at time like this,I don't have a place for you on earth.

Yes, I am afraid that some of the dreadful news is only starting to come now from the areas hardest hit. :cry:

As for looting, I think I am with you on this one. The lowest of the low. I would think that, just like this kind of circumstance tends to bring out neighborliness in people, I would conversely think that other people might go after the looters and stop them many times. I hope so, anyway.


Well-Known Member
All the video of the damage I'm seeing on the news reminds me of Andrew in '92...while I was real happy that the storm didn't affect us on the south east...I was worried for those on the west and central portions of the state...a storm like that hasn't hit the west side of the state in 80+ years....luckly it moved by quickly....

I just hope all the affected will find some relief soon...


Well-Known Member
On to this morning.....

The whole area looked like a war zone! This was the worst hurricane I've been through (and I've been in several). Fences, signs, trees, and patio screens were shredded. Construction sites were torn up. (They live in a rapidly expanding area.) Trees were down all over. The streets were covered in debris. There was a traffic cone in the sand trap at a golf course, and another in the water hazard! Come to think of it, the water hazard didn't even exist before Charley! :lol: Several power lines were down along the drive to work.

We got to Animal Kingdom around 8:30. At that point the park was set to open at noon. Cleanup had already begun but there was much left to do. Dinoland was completely trashed. So was Africa, from what I hear. Supposedly they couldn't even get the trucks onto the safari! Cleanup had just begun in the camp. Several small-ish trees were down there. Around 9:00 it was decided that the park would not be safe enough to open at noon. Cast was deployed to other parks and resorts, mostly in greeter, custodial, and backstage foods positions. I was lucky- I was deployed to Studios and got called into Little Mermaid/Playhouse Disney!!!!!

Noticed two big trees down near the Brown Derby. The branches had been cut off, leaving two giant logs. Apparently there was damage at Indiana Jones, causing the show to be shortened..... Only the opening scene was performed, but more showtimes were added. That's about all I noticed there.

And, for the record, the Tree of Life, Everest, and all the animals are doing just fine! :D


Active Member
Good news! Kenan just signed on AIM and he's ok! *adds him to the list*

mkt (rob)
The Mom
speck (Brad)
wdwprincess (kelly)
Invero (Tyler)
ISTCrew20 (Patrick)
KevinPage (and wife)
General Grizz


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hey, Sillyspook: thanks for the details. Must have been very scary.

I hope Earle (coming over the Atlantic now) does not continue on the same path. So far, they are saying that he might....


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
1stStarIC2nite said:
Good news! Kenan just signed on AIM and he's ok! *adds him to the list*

Great! Maybe he will post here and let us know how he his area was hit, and how they rode out the storm.

In fact, I hope the others will, too, if they have not already.


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