The 'Honey your famous, where did the pretty girlies go?'..July Trip Report.


By now most of you know who I (or rather we) are. But I will start with the details and 411 just in case you need a little reminder.

Me: Your host. Aleisha, 32 full time administrative support worker for a government contractor in DC. Part time evening student hoping to graduate eventually. Mommy to the sweetest boy in the world (more about this later) little man. Allergic to pretty much everything, but mainly animal fat found in beef, pork and dairy.Disney lover for ions. I have a slight disability, Cerebral Palsy to the right side. This is not important, but will be important enough for a future story.

Andy: aka Anderson. 34. full time graphic designer for the Washington Caps-hints why half our pics at least one of us wears something. Love his job, but its a long season and requires a lot of time away from little man and myself. Allergic to nothing-lucky man-a phone-a-holic I don't think he would know what to do without it. Hated anything Disney until I so lovingly made him go on our honeymoon back in 06, now he can't get enough.

Logan: aka little man. 3. The absolutely greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Without a doubt. I don't know how I got so lucky with this kid..he is a mommy's boy as you will probably see throughout the report. Loves Cars, Wall E, Nemo and Monsters Inc. Has a thing for Ariel and the little mermaid. Jake and The Neverland Pirates has become his best friend. Has had the fortunate luck to inherit my dairy allergy, though thus far that is it.

The 411:

When: July 19-28th
Where: Boardwalk Villas
The plan: 8 day park hopper, dinning plan.

We tend to switch it up from time to time, some years we do dinning plan and park hoppers, others we do table of wonderland and annual passes...and while I am sure you all wanted to hear this, I know what you really came for was my report...


Well-Known Member
Woo! Looks like it was indeed a hot one... Logan's red face cracks me up. Doesn't stop a kid that age does it? LOL! That stinks about Fairfax Fair not being accomodating to your allergies. That's probably the first time I've heard someone say that about any place on property. Glad you were able to work around it though!


Well-Known Member
Whoa, what a great dining experience at EPCOT! Can't get much more fortunate than accomodating and an amazing family to sit with! It sounds like their kids were really something - I work at a National Historic Site and I make sure to tell parents when their kids are amazing.. you don't always come across friendly, chatty, happy kids, which strikes me as so sad. New friends are always the best.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Woo! Looks like it was indeed a hot one... Logan's red face cracks me up. Doesn't stop a kid that age does it? LOL! That stinks about Fairfax Fair not being accomodating to your allergies. That's probably the first time I've heard someone say that about any place on property. Glad you were able to work around it though!

Yeah we thought it was weird but we managed. I try not to let those things get to still would have been nice..

Whoa, what a great dining experience at EPCOT! Can't get much more fortunate than accomodating and an amazing family to sit with! It sounds like their kids were really something - I work at a National Historic Site and I make sure to tell parents when their kids are amazing.. you don't always come across friendly, chatty, happy kids, which strikes me as so sad. New friends are always the best.

It was a great experience! And they were just something else. Those kids were great. And Logan really loved talking to them..New friends indeed

Awesome! Looking forward to reading your report!

Thank you!


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Day Four continued....

Dinner this evening was at Liberty Tree, once again one of our favorites even without the characters that once where. So we headed to Magic Kingdom, with a couple of hours to spare before our reservations. We asked Logan again about Pirates and were quite surprised when he started to Jump up and down and yell. 'Yes' I think as we got closer he may have been a little nervous. And I told him it was ok if he didn't want to go on it. But he said nope, he wanted to. And so he put on a brave face and headed into the line. As we got further in he looked around, heard the music and started singing the song. And as he came out after the ride he claimed. 'OK that wasn't bad at all. I like the wee slide...but it wasn't scary at all mommy.' His reward he got a sword fight with a cast member...I wish I had remembered to capture that moment as the cast member fell to the floor exclaiming he got him!! And not a moment to soon as we found we had just enough time to head toward the LTT for dinner.


Taken a little later in the trip but it was a re-enactment of the fight.

We were sat pretty much immediately which was fabulous since Logan sad he was starving. I know normally its a all you can eat but the Chef comes out, and we will be getting separate plates. The take the order I will be getting all turkey and some special veggies, Logan minus the mac-n-cheese and Anderson will get everything. We sit back and wait for the salads when they finally seat the table next to us. And who walks in to sit right beside us?

The same family from Tapen Edo the previous night. Thats right, once again they are talking about this and that with us and we are just really enjoying watching them. Our food comes out, to which it is enhaled. Logan begins to fall asleep. Beside us on the other side a young couple from Britain is sat. I hate to admit I did try to ease drop as I loved their dinner is going on nicely, we are talking with the family again, who gave us props for the place saying they agreed it was delicious, and said did we have anything else we wanted to suggest. When the English lady asked me a question about magic. I smiled and told her no, because for some reason all I had in my head was the game from back in the day. After a few moments though it dawned on me, she asked if I posted on wdwmagic...I turned and said yes...I sure do. Apparently she is a lurker-so if you are reading this hello!! And please come out!' and had been reading my trip reports. She recognized the cutie Logan and myself I was just honored that someone on here remembered me enough to say something to me....

By the time we left I am sure the other diners were wondering who we were because we were saying goodbyes to both the young couple and the family beside us....

Andy's reaction after we left was. 'OMG honey that was really cool. Your like famous.'

We got a good laugh out of this all the way home. And it sure made for some interesting comments on my facebook....


Well-Known Member
That's really awesome that someone recognized you from here. Some people might think that's really creepy but I think it's awesome!!! :) you're a star!! woooooooo!!

SO COOL that Logan liked Pirates. Adn hwo awesome was the CM at the end sword fighting with him? Love that Disney magic. See, it's not dead... just sparse lol
Day Three: Saturday July 21,2012

Animal Kingdom was packed. I suppose by now we were in midst of the 'tour group' peak and they all seemed to have the same thought as we did. Still we weren't going to let them stop them. We have always been the kind of folks to try and not let them get to us...instead we marched our way over to the Festival of the Lion King where we had no wait and were seated immediately in the giraffe section. Let me say, I had forgotten how incredible this show was. And how much fun it is. If the Broadway show is anything like this, I am sold...


These were Logan's favorites by far...He kept repeating five little monkeys jumping.....and his eyes. They just lit up whenever they did a trick..It was very cool.

Hey, no fair! We saw the Lion King show about two weeks after you and the monkeys didn't do any of the acrobatic stuff! That was our favorite part of the show too when we've seen it in the past. Well at least it probably is still part of the show. It was probably just cut from the performance we saw for some reason.


Active Member
Love, love Logan's pirate get up! He sure is a cutie! I think it's pretty neat that someone recognized you from the boards...not creepy at all! Thanks for sharing and can't wait to read more....


Well-Known Member
loving your trip report aleisha!! logan is super cute! your story about him not wanting to ride something if you couldn't ride is precious. i gotta say i actually teared up while reading that part. such a sweet boy! and isn't the boardwalk awesome?! wes and i stayed there when we got engaged and we loved it. it is a little pricey but the location is so worth it. that is so crazy that you saw the same family that was at your table at teppan edo! i guess it was a good thing that you enjoyed their company. hahaha i can't wait to read the rest of your trip report!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
hes so precious!!!
I'm with darolyn I don't think it's creepy either I'd love to meet people from here,or from anywhere really I just like meeting ppl who share a common interest

It was quite cool. I really wasn't freaked out..I thought it was just awesome. And totally honored. I agree that it is so nice to meet people that people that totally get it.

That's really awesome that someone recognized you from here. Some people might think that's really creepy but I think it's awesome!!! :) you're a star!! woooooooo!!

SO COOL that Logan liked Pirates. Adn hwo awesome was the CM at the end sword fighting with him? Love that Disney magic. See, it's not dead... just sparse lol

It was really cool to watch the CM fight with Logan. Sparse is true. But when they come around its quite awesome....

A star I am LOL..


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Love, love Logan's pirate get up! He sure is a cutie! I think it's pretty neat that someone recognized you from the boards...not creepy at all! Thanks for sharing and can't wait to read more....

thanks. Yes I do think he is adorable in his pirate. I am so glad that people don't think it was

loving your trip report aleisha!! logan is super cute! your story about him not wanting to ride something if you couldn't ride is precious. i gotta say i actually teared up while reading that part. such a sweet boy! and isn't the boardwalk awesome?! wes and i stayed there when we got engaged and we loved it. it is a little pricey but the location is so worth it. that is so crazy that you saw the same family that was at your table at teppan edo! i guess it was a good thing that you enjoyed their company. hahaha i can't wait to read the rest of your trip report!

It was such an awesome place to stay. And well worth the wait for it as we had always wanted to stay.
Thanks for your comments about Logan yes he is quite precious...getting all emotional is a good thing I hope. And running into the family twice was awesome. I just found it sort of strange because what are the odds of that happening really!!!


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Day Five: Monday July 23, 2012

Welcome to a rainy Monday. It seems as though our good fortune with the weather came to an end this morning, at least for today. Thankfully it started well after we had arrived at EPCOT..As you can see, the skies were clear for awhile...


Logan of course wanted to ride 'the Donald Duck boat ride.' once again. We ended up there too early for world showcase to open however. And so we made our way to the Seas, where we found Nemo. That poor little fish I swear he is forever getting lost! And then talked to Crush. Logan however did not have any interest in sitting with the rest of the kids so he sat on my lap but still managed to laugh. When Crush had to leave we decided it was time to have a little fun....


Logan looks petrified while Anderson looks as if getting eaten by a shark is the greatest thing that has happened to him...

We moved from the seas to the land, as the rain began, and because of this we swam with the crowd right into the Living with the Land. Never had I seen a line that long for the ride. While Andy and I enjoy the ride-yes call us a bit cheesy here-Logan didn't seem to like it to much. He didn't like the thunderstorm for some reason and so we we moved along. The rain was coming down slightly and the clouds still loomed. But spending some time in the Land ate up enough time that by now the world showcase was open.


They were heading to Mexico as well.

It was time for Mexico...where we listened to Logan giggle the entire way through. As his mom the sound of his giggle is a sound I will never get tired of. And why this ride makes him giggle so hard is beyond me. By the time the trip is done I am sure Anderson will hate this much as he does Its a Small World.

The skies opened up as we made our way through the worlds so we quickly decided lunch would be at the Americas. Andy once again sat us, then went off to get our he did so Logan spotted a young boy with a cast from his leg to his hip suddenly all concern for his food went out the window and he was more concerned for this little boy...he kept asking me what happened and I told him I didn't know. I swear his concern for others is just so touching sometimes. He turned to the family and asked if he was OK and if he went to the doctors and did they make him better. We found out the boy broke his leg horribly two days before vacation. But for a minute the boy seemed to not be caring about his leg as Logan talked.

Either my son is going to make a great doctor, or is going to run for something.

The skies were opening up pretty good and so we decided to head back home and do a little shopping. Logan had been bugging us for a huge cars toy since we arrived and we were determined to get it for him. Though instead of having mommy and daddy pay for it he decided to spend the money he had been saving in his piggy bank, which he had been saving on his own!-and ended up with 70 dollars of his own money. He carried it up to the counter and was so proud of himself as he handed the money over to the cast member. He even informed her that it was his own money from his piggy bank...he just thought it was the coolest thing. Once bought it was time to head home and relax! The pool of course would have to wait as the skies were not accommodating...

This was ok since we had scheduled Kids Night Out, and Kelly our sitter would be arriving any minute.


Waiting for Kelly...

She showed up right on time. I love this about the service. I don't have to worry at all. She brought toys and games and all and settled in for a night of fun with little man while Andy and I enjoyed some adult entertainment and rides. He did get a bit upset as he realized that while he would be with Kelly we wouldn't and so we had to quickly sneak out while he wasn't looking.

We had dinner reservations at Kona, which we paid out of pocket since we needed an extra meal for later this week. It had bee years since we had been to Kona, I had shrimp and scallops and Andy had pork chops. Both dishes were actually quite fabulous, though the service was a little slow. Which would be our only complaint about the place.

But we don't dwell on this, instead we paid and made our way to the Magic Kingdom. Bypassing the parade we made our way to Space Mountain. As we made our way through the line, we noticed we made it just in time for behind us two tour groups came in. Now I know people have strong opinions on these groups. Most loathe them. We try not to let them get to us. This year however they seemed to just be extremely loud. As each person-none of whom were in the groups-they would chant and yell and scream and all not. This went on and on with everyone. And then another group did the same. It got to the point where the cast members had to talk to them. The continued however and it was at this point Andy said maybe we would push our annual summer vacation back a few weeks later.

The rain must have kept the crowds light, as we were able to walk right in on the Haunted Mansion and then attempted to ride Big Thunder Mountain only to discover it was down. Which always seems to happen on our kid free much so its almost comical...

But it was alright....we would return. It was only Monday...


Well-Known Member
Day Five: Monday July 23, 2012

Welcome to a rainy Monday. It seems as though our good fortune with the weather came to an end this morning, at least for today. Thankfully it started well after we had arrived at EPCOT..As you can see, the skies were clear for awhile...


Logan of course wanted to ride 'the Donald Duck boat ride.' once again. We ended up there too early for world showcase to open however. And so we made our way to the Seas, where we found Nemo. That poor little fish I swear he is forever getting lost! And then talked to Crush. Logan however did not have any interest in sitting with the rest of the kids so he sat on my lap but still managed to laugh. When Crush had to leave we decided it was time to have a little fun....


Logan looks petrified while Anderson looks as if getting eaten by a shark is the greatest thing that has happened to him...

We moved from the seas to the land, as the rain began, and because of this we swam with the crowd right into the Living with the Land. Never had I seen a line that long for the ride. While Andy and I enjoy the ride-yes call us a bit cheesy here-Logan didn't seem to like it to much. He didn't like the thunderstorm for some reason and so we we moved along. The rain was coming down slightly and the clouds still loomed. But spending some time in the Land ate up enough time that by now the world showcase was open.


They were heading to Mexico as well.

It was time for Mexico...where we listened to Logan giggle the entire way through. As his mom the sound of his giggle is a sound I will never get tired of. And why this ride makes him giggle so hard is beyond me. By the time the trip is done I am sure Anderson will hate this much as he does Its a Small World.

The skies opened up as we made our way through the worlds so we quickly decided lunch would be at the Americas. Andy once again sat us, then went off to get our he did so Logan spotted a young boy with a cast from his leg to his hip suddenly all concern for his food went out the window and he was more concerned for this little boy...he kept asking me what happened and I told him I didn't know. I swear his concern for others is just so touching sometimes. He turned to the family and asked if he was OK and if he went to the doctors and did they make him better. We found out the boy broke his leg horribly two days before vacation. But for a minute the boy seemed to not be caring about his leg as Logan talked.

Either my son is going to make a great doctor, or is going to run for something.

The skies were opening up pretty good and so we decided to head back home and do a little shopping. Logan had been bugging us for a huge cars toy since we arrived and we were determined to get it for him. Though instead of having mommy and daddy pay for it he decided to spend the money he had been saving in his piggy bank, which he had been saving on his own!-and ended up with 70 dollars of his own money. He carried it up to the counter and was so proud of himself as he handed the money over to the cast member. He even informed her that it was his own money from his piggy bank...he just thought it was the coolest thing. Once bought it was time to head home and relax! The pool of course would have to wait as the skies were not accommodating...

This was ok since we had scheduled Kids Night Out, and Kelly our sitter would be arriving any minute.


Waiting for Kelly...

She showed up right on time. I love this about the service. I don't have to worry at all. She brought toys and games and all and settled in for a night of fun with little man while Andy and I enjoyed some adult entertainment and rides. He did get a bit upset as he realized that while he would be with Kelly we wouldn't and so we had to quickly sneak out while he wasn't looking.

We had dinner reservations at Kona, which we paid out of pocket since we needed an extra meal for later this week. It had bee years since we had been to Kona, I had shrimp and scallops and Andy had pork chops. Both dishes were actually quite fabulous, though the service was a little slow. Which would be our only complaint about the place.

But we don't dwell on this, instead we paid and made our way to the Magic Kingdom. Bypassing the parade we made our way to Space Mountain. As we made our way through the line, we noticed we made it just in time for behind us two tour groups came in. Now I know people have strong opinions on these groups. Most loathe them. We try not to let them get to us. This year however they seemed to just be extremely loud. As each person-none of whom were in the groups-they would chant and yell and scream and all not. This went on and on with everyone. And then another group did the same. It got to the point where the cast members had to talk to them. The continued however and it was at this point Andy said maybe we would push our annual summer vacation back a few weeks later.

The rain must have kept the crowds light, as we were able to walk right in on the Haunted Mansion and then attempted to ride Big Thunder Mountain only to discover it was down. Which always seems to happen on our kid free much so its almost comical...

But it was alright....we would return. It was only Monday...

okay the compassion in this kid is un real... seriously , it maked me grin ear to ear with joy reading about the little boy and the cast!..... :), you have a special kido , alisha!.. cant wait to hear more storys about him on this trip and as he grows up!, " God has a special plan for this little man!"


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
okay the compassion in this kid is un real... seriously , it maked me grin ear to ear with joy reading about the little boy and the cast!..... :), you have a special kido , alisha!.. cant wait to hear more storys about him on this trip and as he grows up!, " God has a special plan for this little man!"

I so agree with you. He sure does. I really don't know how I got so lucky. I had some bad luck last year and had 3 emergency surgeries. My hubby was at work, and Logan just started rubbing my back. And telling me the doctor would make it better. He just held my hand and hugged me. This made me cry that much harder. I just remember thinking how lucky I am and I had no idea where it came from. But so.....sooo fortunate.

loving the trip report.. can't wait to read more

Thank you for reading. It is coming!


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Day Six: Tuesday July 24, 2012

Halfway through our trip now. And we took full advantage of our time and found out what park hopping really means. By the end of the day we would visit 3 out of the 4 parks. Starting with Hollywood Studios for a little...Toy Story Mania. Once again the park was packed with tour groups and when we got to the ride standby was 70 minutes and fast passes were for 6:00 that evening. Judging by the line, we knew unlike the other day, this was truly a 70 plus minute wait. Logan said he would wait though and so we crossed our fingers and went in. He did amazing actually and got a kick out of Mr. Potato head as we stopped in front of him this time, he talked to him. And what did they discuss? His angry birds hat. He didn't complain as we made our way to the front. Andy and I passed the time by talking to another DVC family.

After Toy Story Logan asked about Nemo, so we hopped the boat and took a relaxing ride over to EPCOT


Logan giving his I am cool and I know it look....

EPCOT was just as packed and for the first time, there was a 40 minute wait for Nemo...but he took it like a champ now that he was an expert in line waiting...After Nemo Logan said he was hungry and so we had lunch in the Land, then made our way to Spaceship Earth just in time for a downpour. Thankfully we were under the ball before it happened and where inside the ride during the majority of it. So by the time we got out, the skies were clear. But the park jumping began to wear on little man who was actually beginning to fade. And so we headed back to hopefully grab a quick nap before our dinner reservations at O'Hanna's.

It worked he managed the crash for a full hour-not to common these days-and was up and ready to go...and bonus, he was actually really really hungry!!!


His first ride on the monorail this year.....

Oh O'Hanna's how I love the. No seriously. I do. It is absolutely good yum yums. And while the main course was obviously delightful, what I cherished was the dessert.

A couple months before vacation we discovered Logan had inherited the good fortune of my food allergies. Thankfully it is only one right now, dairy. But for a kid that loved his milk, the occasional ice cream and mac and cheese, this was devastating. But we had been promising him that when he got down to Disney that he would get his own special ice cream just for him. This of course made him count down even more and he couldn't wait to see what they had in store for him. And only him. When they came out with his special dessert...well the pictures say it all..


Dairy free ice cream and dairy free cookies....


That thing was gone in minutes....

This soon became his favorite of the places that we ate at..the chef came out and even told us where to get some incredible dairy free stuff. We have yet to get them but we will dif have to look into it.

With the nap he had earlier, Logan was still wide awake and so we made it over to Magic Kingdom where we hit up Pirates since Logan has decided he really really really really loves the ride and that he was so brave. We then scored a sweet spot and watched...


Before calling it a night...all of us completely exhausted.


Active Member
That's awesome that he was able to get dairy free ice cream. I also suffer from dairy and as a kid it was really bad so while everyone else could have ice cream I was stuck with non dairy frozen yogurt. Is the allergy from the lactose or something else? My dairy issues have gotten a lot better as I've gotten older so I can eat mac n cheese, ice cream, and pizza without too much of an issue normally. Perhaps the same may happen for Logan.


New Member
. Logan begins to fall asleep. Beside us on the other side a young couple from Britain is sat. I hate to admit I did try to ease drop as I loved their dinner is going on nicely, we are talking with the family again, who gave us props for the place saying they agreed it was delicious, and said did we have anything else we wanted to suggest. When the English lady asked me a question about magic. I smiled and told her no, because for some reason all I had in my head was the game from back in the day. After a few moments though it dawned on me, she asked if I posted on wdwmagic...I turned and said yes...I sure do. Apparently she is a lurker-so if you are reading this hello!! And please come out!' and had been reading my trip reports. She recognized the cutie Logan and myself I was just honored that someone on here remembered me enough to say something to me....

By the time we left I am sure the other diners were wondering who we were because we were saying goodbyes to both the young couple and the family beside us....

Andy's reaction after we left was. 'OMG honey that was really cool. Your like famous.'

Hi! I'm Sam and I was the crazy English lady sitting at the table next to you; here's a couple of pics from that night sat at the table across from yours. That was our first proper night of the holiday and we were very excited to be away, to be in Disney, to be in America and even more excited to see someone I recognised and who's Trip Reports i'd read, so I have come out of Lurking to say Hi again!



I really hope it didn't seem creepy as other posters suggested! It really was like seeing a famous person, I didn't know whether to say Hi or not, but Richard persuaded me to, said you would probably think it was cool too. It sounds like you had a great holiday, I'm hoping to pay back all you guys like Fractal and HollyBelle and yourself whose TR's I pored over before our holiday by writing my own. We got back only on Sunday so i shall have a think and start soon!

Enjoying the report!



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hi! I'm Sam and I was the crazy English lady sitting at the table next to you; here's a couple of pics from that night sat at the table across from yours. That was our first proper night of the holiday and we were very excited to be away, to be in Disney, to be in America and even more excited to see someone I recognised and who's Trip Reports i'd read, so I have come out of Lurking to say Hi again!



I really hope it didn't seem creepy as other posters suggested! It really was like seeing a famous person, I didn't know whether to say Hi or not, but Richard persuaded me to, said you would probably think it was cool too. It sounds like you had a great holiday, I'm hoping to pay back all you guys like Fractal and HollyBelle and yourself whose TR's I pored over before our holiday by writing my own. We got back only on Sunday so i shall have a think and start soon!

Enjoying the report!


OMG Yea!!!! I am so thrilled to see you. And totally not creepy at all. The thought actually never crossed my mind at all. So I welcome it. I am so glad that Richard made you say hello I totally did think it was cool.We actually had a great time meeting you..and now I know your names Andy was like did we even catch their names? He will be glad to know you are no longer referred to as the English couple ..We did have a fabulous holiday. And I can't wait to read yours.. Now I am the one all geeking out. LOL

I can not wait to read yours either and I hope you guys had a great rest of your holiday...

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