The 'Honey your famous, where did the pretty girlies go?'..July Trip Report.


By now most of you know who I (or rather we) are. But I will start with the details and 411 just in case you need a little reminder.

Me: Your host. Aleisha, 32 full time administrative support worker for a government contractor in DC. Part time evening student hoping to graduate eventually. Mommy to the sweetest boy in the world (more about this later) little man. Allergic to pretty much everything, but mainly animal fat found in beef, pork and dairy.Disney lover for ions. I have a slight disability, Cerebral Palsy to the right side. This is not important, but will be important enough for a future story.

Andy: aka Anderson. 34. full time graphic designer for the Washington Caps-hints why half our pics at least one of us wears something. Love his job, but its a long season and requires a lot of time away from little man and myself. Allergic to nothing-lucky man-a phone-a-holic I don't think he would know what to do without it. Hated anything Disney until I so lovingly made him go on our honeymoon back in 06, now he can't get enough.

Logan: aka little man. 3. The absolutely greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Without a doubt. I don't know how I got so lucky with this kid..he is a mommy's boy as you will probably see throughout the report. Loves Cars, Wall E, Nemo and Monsters Inc. Has a thing for Ariel and the little mermaid. Jake and The Neverland Pirates has become his best friend. Has had the fortunate luck to inherit my dairy allergy, though thus far that is it.

The 411:

When: July 19-28th
Where: Boardwalk Villas
The plan: 8 day park hopper, dinning plan.

We tend to switch it up from time to time, some years we do dinning plan and park hoppers, others we do table of wonderland and annual passes...and while I am sure you all wanted to hear this, I know what you really came for was my report...


Well-Known Member
Yayyy so happy you started your TR!!! Can't wait to follow along!! Looks like a great time so far! :D

And I must say, your entire last post made me tear up a bit! Your son is too cute for words. :)


Well-Known Member
The trip sounds awesome so far and your little man is so gallant and adventurous!

Thank you for posting the room pictures. The pictures I have seen on look nothing like this room. Was this a standard view studio? This room looks MUCH better than the pictures I have seen and makes me a little more excited about our stay!! :D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
You have a wonderful little boy and that was an incredibly sweet moment. Next time, let him drive and you ride along! :)
Oh believe me, he will dif be in that drivers seat before to long. He is just that sort of kid.....

You've already had me tearing up this morning...what an amazing little guy! Love the pic of you guys w/ Push. Can't wait to hear about the rest of your adventures!

Well I hope those are good tears...he is such an amazing little man. And I am so blessed to have such a caring little man. He adored Push, and was so sad that we didn't find him again.

Awww...what a perfect little gentleman! Isn't incredible being the Princess Mommy??? I love that my boys look out for me and want to take care of me. It's the best feeling ever. I totally get it. Oooh...and a little ladies man, to boot? Sweet!

It is most dif. awesome to be a princess at I agree I love the way the little man takes care of me...
A ladies man, yes yes he is...just you wait. There are quite a few little stories about

OK, your stories about Logan had me tearing up! What a sweet little boy. You're so lucky to have such a kind hearted little man there! And awesome that you got him on something other than IASW!! lol

Believe it or not, there are many first adventures on this trip. So hang in there. I am so glad that you loved the story....your right I am one lucky mommy....I could not have asked for a better or more caring little boy had I asked.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sounds like you've got a great little guy on your hands there. I loved the comment about the pretty girls, its amazing how children have no inhibitions and will make best friends with someone over the course of a boat ride. Love the report so far!

Thank you! Yes the pretty girlie comments just kept are right the lack of inhibitions are amazing aren't they...he made lots and lots of friends

Always enjoy reading your reports! Logan is a bit older than our little one, so it's like a preview of things to come! We'll be back in October just before she turns three, so fingers are crossed that she'll be a bit more adventurous - plus we're also there for 10 days, so curious to see how Logan did with the long trip. We stayed at BWV in December and fell in love with the resort - glad you enjoyed it! I'm curious to hear your take on the Dining Plan as a DVC member. We've gone back and forth on whether or not it's worth it while staying on points. Thinking about it for this upcoming trip, so I'd love your feedback!

Great report so far...looking forward to the rest!

We were very interested in how he was going to do this year on rides. I am happy to report he tried so many more than he did last year and loved it. Here is to hoping your little one enjoys it just as much.

The Dinning plan discussion was something that we debated a lot for awhile as well, I will have my final thoughts on the end of the report like last year but I will say in the end, we were happy we went with the plan...

Holy little heartmelter and omg I just soaked the keyboard(crying much ? yep I'm done like dinner),what a sweetheart

Heartmelter he now has a new nickname. lol. Yes a sweetheart he is..I am glad you enjoyed the story. I want to make things a little different when I write my posts..

Yayyy so happy you started your TR!!! Can't wait to follow along!! Looks like a great time so far! :D

And I must say, your entire last post made me tear up a bit! Your son is too cute for words. :)

Well welcome to the report....we had a blast...thank you for the kind words on my son, and I am glad I have touched you.

The trip sounds awesome so far and your little man is so gallant and adventurous!

Thank you for posting the room pictures. The pictures I have seen on look nothing like this room. Was this a standard view studio? This room looks MUCH better than the pictures I have seen and makes me a little more excited about our stay!! :D

That was actually a Boardwalk view, but from what we saw there really isn't a bad view, you may get parking lot view but it was so far away that it really isn't an issue...or the pool overlook and that would be kind of cool!! I will have to look to see if I have any other views either in instagram or on my camera. Since I went kind of crazy. But I really think you are going to love it. Neither my husband nor myself really had a clue of what to expect and we were greatly impressed....

I love the gallant and adventurous comment. I will keep it coming.


Well-Known Member
Aw Aleisha, what a great little guy you have! Also, the picture of the two of you with Push makes me smile so big - you look like you're having the time of your life! Based on the good looks and the "liking pretty girls", you might have trouble before you know it - but at least he likes Cinderella girls.. if he meets his future wife at Disney you're set for life!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Your little man is precious!

Thank you. I think so. But I am a bit biased.

Great Report so far. I cant wait to read more.

Thank you.

Aw Aleisha, what a great little guy you have! Also, the picture of the two of you with Push makes me smile so big - you look like you're having the time of your life! Based on the good looks and the "liking pretty girls", you might have trouble before you know it - but at least he likes Cinderella girls.. if he meets his future wife at Disney you're set for life!

Ah yes now wouldn't that be awesome. I would dif be set for life. lol. We did have a fabulous time. I swear each time we go it gets better each time...and you are right I am going to have my hands full sooner than later. There are a couple more moments like this so keep your eye out for them. Thank you for reading...


Well-Known Member
So great to see you have started your trip report!
There is something about that picture of you and Logan with Push that just gets me. The smile on your face, to see how much you are enjoying the time with your son. It's just amazing. And I can only imagine the smile on his face after what is on yours. Simply beautiful, really.

Glad to see he likes rides other than Its a Small World and the Fiesta tour lol. Movin on up in the world!

Cannot wait to read more!!! Keep it coming!


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Original Poster
Day Three: Saturday July 21,2012

We wore Logan out yesterday and once again found ourselves having to wake him up. We had breakfast once again in the room, got dressed and made our way down to the bus stop. With our first MK visit under our belt, we decided we would hit up Animal Kingdom this morning. We wanted to see the Lion King this year, as it has been quite awhile since we had seen it. We actually weren't quite sure how Logan would like the park but we figured we would give it a try.

Animal Kingdom was packed. I suppose by now we were in midst of the 'tour group' peak and they all seemed to have the same thought as we did. Still we weren't going to let them stop them. We have always been the kind of folks to try and not let them get to us...instead we marched our way over to the Festival of the Lion King where we had no wait and were seated immediately in the giraffe section. Let me say, I had forgotten how incredible this show was. And how much fun it is. If the Broadway show is anything like this, I am sold...


These were Logan's favorites by far...He kept repeating five little monkeys jumping.....and his eyes. They just lit up whenever they did a trick..It was very cool.

After the Lion King, we decided to see how long the safari wait was, or what time the fast pass return was. Luck must have been in our favor as the line was nothing and like the Lion King, we pretty much walked right in. I was curious to see how the new setup would be now that the whole baby elephant senerio was out. There wasn't a lot of change yet though we did see where the zebras will be going. While I am excited to see the new storyline-if any-in the future. I have to say I miss the baby elephant scheme.


Daddy did you see that???

But with the safari out of the way, and Lion King done. Our stomachs were getting pretty hungry and so we made it through to the Flame Tree.( I will say this, Flame Tree is one of the best quick service meals for allergies. They are always more than accommodating in swapping things out for me. I highly recommend them if you yourself have them.) We all scarfed our food down and just vegged. After pushing through the entire day yesterday with no break, Andy and I made a decision to make a point in taking a break this afternoon. This meant my beloved Everestt would have to wait. As much as this saddened me I knew it was still early enough in our stay. Plenty of time.

We headed back to Boardwalk in hopes that someone would take a nap. We called home, to check in on family including if my parents had heard from my family in Aurora CO. Everyone was ok, shaken as my uncles house is across the street from the place but no one was at the movie so I breathed a little different. I know this has nothing to do with Disney, but its times like these that reminded me while we are living a fantasy here, life goes on. Logan never took that nap and was in full charge mode after just an hour and a half...we somehow had a funny feeling we knew what this meant, but we would deal, Logan was excited to finally get to EPCOT...the boys favorite park.

Why.. two reasons. 1. Mexico 2. Nemo

We had avoided it as long as we could, but we knew that it would have to come. We took our time hitting the worlds, stopping to watch the shows in Japan-always amazing-and US, before we hit up 'The Donald Duck ride.' and to no shock, he still loved it. I know one day he is going to hate this ride. And so I am trying to enjoy these times while I can. Though I swear I will make him ride it for nostalgia sake. And then it was on to Nemo...


Just keep on swimming...keep on swimming.

After we played around in the seas, and could have spent hours there but we knew we had to hightail it back to....


Were we were scheduled for dinner. Yummy.

As most Disney-holics have, there are those favorite places to eat. This is one of ours. And for the most part our experiences here are always the same. But tonight was just a little extra special...Logan of course crashed on the way over. Which was what we expected..perfect photo op time for mommy and daddy!


Tada! Here we are.

Anyways we check in, and are seated with a lovely family of four from Ohio, the two boys celebrating birthdays. 11 & 12. The 12 year old seems to be really curious to Logan and picks up a convo with me. His father is allergic to seafood. I am allegic to beef. We sit and talk while we wait for the chef. When the chef comes out, its one we haven't had. He introduces himself and says he is from Pensacoula Japan. LOL. Anderson though this was hilarious. Really though he was just great. Loved his personality and all...


Well look who finally decided to wake.. The boys take note of this, and for the rest of the night the three of them sit there and chat. They even put up with Logan telling the same story over and over and over. They were just really really great. They asked us a lot of questions about places to eat and all. And told Logan he was the luckiest kid in the world to come here over. They talked to him about the pins, and the trading cards that he will one day collect. I was really impressed with them and was sad to see the dinner come to an end. Between the chef, the management who went out of their way with boy the dad and mines meal...and the kids. It was a great meal.

They even gave Logan an honorary birthday hat when they brought the boys stuff out....


Right before the food coma came on

And as we walked out, we saw them setting up for the Illuminations. But Logan would be fading fast, and despite his protect, and his claim otherwise he was out before we hit the exit....


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So great to see you have started your trip report!
There is something about that picture of you and Logan with Push that just gets me. The smile on your face, to see how much you are enjoying the time with your son. It's just amazing. And I can only imagine the smile on his face after what is on yours. Simply beautiful, really.

Glad to see he likes rides other than Its a Small World and the Fiesta tour lol. Movin on up in the world!

Cannot wait to read more!!! Keep it coming!

Funny that was a shot I was like eh But you are right I am enjoying the time with my son. I know how fast these days go...I see it everyday and I am just trying to enjoy each moment.

Yes he sure is moving up in the world...:)


Well-Known Member
Never been one to really follow any trip reports, but I just love yours!.... Can't wait to read more!.... I also can't believe that with the picture of your son with the honorary birthday hat on, that there is NO ONE in the background... Last time I was at Epcot I felt like a sardine! :)

Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member
Another fan of your trip report. Loving the pictures! Your family is absolutely gorgeous and Logan is such a cutie pie....and so photogenic. Glad you had such a great time.


Loving your report-so glad it's a long trip so there will be lots more to come! Yay! Logan is adorable! Cried for the "Super Woman Mommy" and "If you can't ride, I won't either!" comments. Kids are so awesome! We took my son for his 3rd birthday and your report is bringing back some good memories. I'll have to get out our photo album from that trip in a bit! Keep it coming!


Well-Known Member
I'm really enjoying your TR! We were there from July 13-23, so we overlapped by a few days! My DD is 14, and tolerates our yearly trips, but or course, everything I do is embarrassing. I'd like to think she enjoys our trips more than she's letting on!
Logan is such a handsome & sweet little boy! I'm looking forward to reading more.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Never been one to really follow any trip reports, but I just love yours!.... Can't wait to read more!.... I also can't believe that with the picture of your son with the honorary birthday hat on, that there is NO ONE in the background... Last time I was at Epcot I felt like a sardine! :)

Well I take that as a huge compliment thank you so much for reading! I actually hadn't noticed the fact no one was in the background but you are right! I actually don't remember it being too packed that day come to think of it.

Another fan of your trip report. Loving the pictures! Your family is absolutely gorgeous and Logan is such a cutie pie....and so photogenic. Glad you had such a great time.

Thank you! Oh yes he is quite photogenic it is disgusting how much at times.

Loving your report-so glad it's a long trip so there will be lots more to come! Yay! Logan is adorable! Cried for the "Super Woman Mommy" and "If you can't ride, I won't either!" comments. Kids are so awesome! We took my son for his 3rd birthday and your report is bringing back some good memories. I'll have to get out our photo album from that trip in a bit! Keep it coming!

Well I hope you can pull those photos out ad remember. It truly is such a magical age isn't it. And they are awesome. I just couldn't believe he said such comments...

I'm really enjoying your TR! We were there from July 13-23, so we overlapped by a few days! My DD is 14, and tolerates our yearly trips, but or course, everything I do is embarrassing. I'd like to think she enjoys our trips more than she's letting on!
Logan is such a handsome & sweet little boy! I'm looking forward to reading more.

Oh wow we were there at the same time for a few days. That is really cool. I fear the day he thinks everything is embarrassing and I too hope the day that it does come he enjoys it more than he leads on..


New Member
Well I take that as a huge compliment thank you so much for reading! I actually hadn't noticed the fact no one was in the background but you are right! I actually don't remember it being too packed that day come to think of it.

Thank you! Oh yes he is quite photogenic it is disgusting how much at times.

Well I hope you can pull those photos out ad remember. It truly is such a magical age isn't it. And they are awesome. I just couldn't believe he said such comments...

Oh wow we were there at the same time for a few days. That is really cool. I fear the day he thinks everything is embarrassing and I too hope the day that it does come he enjoys it more than he leads on..


Well-Known Member
alisha , om gosh.. what a great story .. about Logan and understanding what most people , now days cant.., he is going to be a Stud muffin when he grows up!... , i can remeber talking about him ... im glad i can finally see pics.. keep um coming .. and taining him right.. -- train a child in the way he should go..


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
alisha , om gosh.. what a great story .. about Logan and understanding what most people , now days cant.., he is going to be a Stud muffin when he grows up!... , i can remeber talking about him ... im glad i can finally see pics.. keep um coming .. and taining him right.. -- train a child in the way he should go..

Thank you! We try very hard but truthfully it hasn't been hard, it has been amazing to see just how much compassion and understanding he has had all along. Just simply amazing...I hope he continues this throughout his life. Fingers crossed.


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Original Poster
Day Four. Sunday July 22, 2012.

(This will probably be a two post sort of day, since a lot of things happened. Just to fore warn everyone.)

We had one park to go before we had hit every park, so before we started we knew immediately that where we were going to start..Hollywood Studios. After breakfast we hopped on a bus to get to the park relatively early. It was packed already, we were able to bypass large parties and while mommy wanted to, Logan decided we would not stop for a family picture in front of the hat, instead we would head straight back. He saw the 'scary elevator ride' and made the executive decision that he did not want to ride it because he was too little but one day when he gets older he will. Especially with mommy.

We would make a bee line for Toy Story Mania as this was the sole purpose in going to the park. Logan again didn't ride it last year. When we passed the Fastpass board at the front of the park we saw that it was for 1:30-2:30 already. eekkk. Anderson immediately got discouraged saying this did not look good. Still I convinced him to make our way to the ride. Because well you never know, but by the time we got to the ride itself FP was now at 4:10 and standby was 60 minutes. Yet I looked at Logan and at the line I said it was now or never. 60 minutes wasn't really all that bad. So we went in. And thankfully we did. This was no 60 minute wait, it turned out to be in truth 20 minutes. Andy gave me props for making the decision! And Logan who played along with me while Anderson played on his own). Let me just say that giggle started and the smile grew...he absolutely loved loved loved it. So much so he wanted to do it immediately again. He couldn't understand why, but then said. 'Well I think this kid would like it to.' And gladly gave his seat up. As long as I promised to ride it again.


First time rider!

Unlike last year little man had no desire to see any of the shows so we took him to the Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground and let him run around for awhile. He had plenty of energy to burn! Being only 3 he has no clue what the whole thing was really about. Has never heard of the movie which made me feel extremely old.


That didn't stop him from having a good time....he thought it was really cool!! 45 minutes later though he was absolutely red in the face and we knew it was time to take a break.


Of course Andy couldn't leave without getting me into a shot!


We exited the playground and grabbed lunch at Fairfax Fare. While Flame Tree is accommodating, HS and Fairfax Fare are not. I waited with Logan while Andy got the food. They would not substitute anything for me. Kind of sad but we made due. We ate and people watched. Logan didn't seem interested in doing much of anything else there so we figured it was a good time to call it a midday break, besides the pool called us. And we had yet to try it.

Ah the pool...Anderson is not much of a pool person back home but there is something about Disney that makes him say yes. The heat probably. We weren't the only ones to need a break as the pool was quite crowded. We managed to find a couple of chairs, plopped our stuff down and jumped in..Logan had seen the clown slide and had been asking one of us to go down it. Andy volunteered me up. So I climbed out of the pool, and made my way up the stairs. By the time I got up there I noticed my leg was covered in blood. I was sort of freaked out for a minute because I didn't know where it was coming from...I immediately ran down and was on the side trying to get Andy and Logans attention, neither of course were paying attention. Thankfully a lady spotted me and came to my rescue, turned out I must have scrapped it on my way this day the gash is still there. None the less it put a stop to my pool time though Andy and Logan enjoyed it for some time later.


As you can clearly see he had a great time...

Before long, it was getting to be that magical time to get ready for dinner and an evening at Magic Kingdom....

And part of the reason for the Trip Reports title will be revealed.

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