The happiest SMOKEbration on earth !!!

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DisneyFreak529 said:
I know how to solve the smoker problem....

Smokers should just quit. It's bad for your health and the health of your family.

really? you mean it? That's all I gotta do? Wow.. why didn't I think about that?


Well-Known Member
DisneyFreak529 said:
I know how to solve the smoker problem....

Smokers should just quit. It's bad for your health and the health of your family.

Such a simple solution, it's easy, just like flipping off a switch. :rolleyes:


New Member
I am a non-smoker but I do believe that they should not ban it. It just isn't right. They should enforce what they have in place.


New Member
celticdog said:
Such a simple solution, it's easy, just like flipping off a switch. :rolleyes:
To some people it is just that easy, like my dad who after burning my brother simply never touched another cig from that day forward, others it isnt that simple like my brother Mark who has tried several times to quit and he just can not do it, I think it is all mind set you have to REALLY want to quit, before you will quit.
Please stop the hate

Growing up in a non-smoking household with a mother who is very against smoking, you develop a very negative image of smokers as all around bad people. I don't smoke but I know many smokers personally. Smoking is a terrible vice and a self destructive thing to do. But it doesn't make smokers bad people. Many of them are very considerate of other people. When I last went to Disney, there were definitely people smoking outside the designated areas. While I don't think its appropriate, especially in front of children, I wasn't going to let it ruin my good time by any means. As much as these things (smoking, drinking, language, dress, rudeness etc.) may annoy many of you, you can't dwell on it the entire time and let it get in the way of your enjoyment of the parks. Some people, smokers or not, are just inconsiderate and theres really nothing we can do to ultimately change how other people act. If something is going on that shouldn't be and your bothered by it, tell the nearest CM, let them handle it, and continue to enjoy your day. Disney does the best it can but it can only do so much and they would probably never be able to please everybody (i.e. allowing/banning smoking or alcohol). Disney isn't perfect, but it comes alot closer to it than many other places.


Well-Known Member
Corrus said:
Dear Customer, We follow the rules, would you like a BIG FAT Rib with greasy fries, and on behave of the Walt Disney Company, We wish you a FAT & and OBESE life with lots of cholestorol, and a heart decease...

Have a Magical Day, and thank you for stuffing yourself with our Fat & greasy food

Probably the smartest thing said here today.


New Member
I was a smoker for 15 years and have been smoke free for 1 year. Anyway I came upon this thread and it makes me a little angry having been a smoker for so long and the way non-smokers treat people who smoke. Some are VERY rude and if you do any research on second hand smoke you will see that the very air you breath is almost as bad as walking past someone who is smoking a cigarette. I know I'm gonna catch hell for this but I can actually post a link to some sites (completly unbiased sites I might add) that say that the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) bloated its numbers on a report that came out in 1993 regarding "Environmental Tobacco Smoke" and the lung cancer link. Conveniently enough many jurisdictions at the time were rallying to ban smoking completly in their cities. Honestly I'm not making any of this up and it's actually a very interesting read. There are some governors and senators and such who used this very report to get elected because it appeals to the masses and it gets votes. Of course smoking cigarettes can give you cancer and emphasema (sp?) but second hand smoke?


New Member
We just got back from 8 days at WDW. I don't ever recall seeing as many smokers walking around, waiting for attractions - all outside the designated smoking areas. I thought for a minute I was back in Disneyland Resort Paris...

When possible I just pointed it out to the nearest CM.

And as long as smoking is still legal (and it will be for a long time, considering the amount of taxes raked in by the states and federal governments) they should continue to allow it, and enforce the designated smoking areas.


hls1023 said:
Of course smoking cigarettes can give you cancer and emphasema (sp?) but second hand smoke?

I am not going to argue that non-smokers should be polite and that smokers in designated areas should not be harassed. I am also not going to argue that for the average, healthy person, the rare encounter with cigarette smoke is not going to cause any damage.

But, as far as the long-term dangers go, forget the EPA for a minute and look at it from a strictly medical standpoint. It is a fact that those who live with smokers or work in smoke-filled environments suffer from smoking-related diseases at a much higher rate that those who are not regularly exposed, including a 25% rise in coronary diseases and a 20 to 25% increase in lung cancer. Isn't that a little high to be coincidental? How do young children end up with cotinine in their blood? Are they chewing Nicorette? :confused:

Don't forget that much of the harm to the smokers themselves comes from the butt end of the cigarette- their OWN "secondhand" smoke.

I've had to say goodbye to a lot of smokers and they were all people who were very close to me. I saw them struggle with trying to quit, and I saw many of them fail, and I do understand how difficult it is. Nobody would go through what they went through if it was easily preventable. So I can't judge a person for not quitting. I know it is hard. :wave:


New Member
Erika said:
But, as far as the long-term dangers go, forget the EPA for a minute and look at it from a strictly medical standpoint. It is a fact that those who live with smokers or work in smoke-filled environments suffer from smoking-related diseases at a much higher rate that those who are not regularly exposed, including a 25% rise in coronary diseases and a 20 to 25% increase in lung cancer. Isn't that a little high to be coincidental? How do young children end up with cotinine in their blood? Are they chewing Nicorette? :confused:

According to the EPA they are looking at it from a medical standpoint. I'm am not here to argue whether smoking gives you lung cancer or heart disease because we all know that it does. But you can't dismiss the fact that the same people that are telling everyone that second hand smoke will give you cancer and that we must make everything entirely smoke free are getting their information from the studies that the EPA has done. The truth of it is, there hasn't been a solid study done over a long period of time to prove beyond a doubt that being exposed to second hand smoke drastically raises your risks of lung cancer. I am a non smoker so I am not trying to start a fight. I just know that this particular subject tends to be politically driven by some and so candidates tend to shove things down peoples throats to get votes thats all.


hls1023 said:
According to the EPA they are looking at it from a medical standpoint. I'm am not here to argue whether smoking gives you lung cancer or heart disease because we all know that it does. But you can't dismiss the fact that the same people that are telling everyone that second hand smoke will give you cancer and that we must make everything entirely smoke free are getting their information from the studies that the EPA has done. The truth of it is, there hasn't been a solid study done over a long period of time to prove beyond a doubt that being exposed to second hand smoke drastically raises your risks of lung cancer. I am a non smoker so I am not trying to start a fight. I just know that this particular subject tends to be politically driven by some and so candidates tend to shove things down peoples throats to get votes thats all.

You are right-- plenty of people use this debate to their political advantage. And I have heard reports about the EPA being slightly less than honest as well. I am just saying, EPA numbers aside, the occurances of many diseases are considerably higher for people who are regularly exposed to EITHER end of the cigarette. :wave:

And you are also right that there is still never a reason for one side to be rude to the other. :) Especially in Disney World, for Pete's sake!


Well-Known Member
Being an ex-smoker (just quit over a month ago) I had smoked on my last visit to WDW. I obeyed the rules for my safty and others. Though it is a nasty habit, Disney did the right thing not to infringe on other peoples rights, I do believe however that smokers should not infringe on non-smokers rights.

The only thing I was disappointed in is that when you create these smoking areas, they are always lacking protection from the elements. I was there during Hurricane Ailene, and it rained so when I "needed a cigerette" I had to other suffer in the rain or wait for it to stop so I may go to a designated smoking area.

Even though I had the common curtesy to go to the area I did have to remind a few people where it was.


New Member
Ban Obnoxious Mothers with Strollers???????I DON'T THINK SO

cowboibabyy said:
If they ban smoking then they should also ban obnoxious mothers with strollers that run over my feet and never even say excuse me.

I can't tell you how many OBNOXIOUS inconciderate people there are at the park who just cut us Moms with strollers off. It takes me double the time to get anywhere because I am too busy stopping so I DON"T run over the OBNOXIOUS people who cut stroller Mom's off. Why can't everyone just be considerate of the people around them who obviously have the same interests...Disney


Well-Known Member
hellison said:
I can't tell you how many OBNOXIOUS inconciderate people there are at the park who just cut us Moms with strollers off. It takes me double the time to get anywhere because I am too busy stopping so I DON"T run over the OBNOXIOUS people who cut stroller Mom's off. Why can't everyone just be considerate of the people around them who obviously have the same interests...Disney

dont forget the obnoxious moms with strollers that think they own wdw just because they have a child. those moms who run over your feet with a stroller, who bump into you with a stroller, and never bother to say anything, just give you a dirty look that you had the gall to be in their way.

and theres always the mom who has to change her kids smelly diapers in the middle of the sitting area of (insert resturant name here).

oh, and lets not forget the mom/ dads who absolutely refuse to control their kids in any way, and let them run roughshod (sp) over everything. this is especially annoying in queue lines, in resturants and in the gift shop type places.

sorry for the rant.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
DisneyFreak529 said:
What you don't know is that when I turned 18years old I started smoking. I smoked till I was 21, with the help of my husband, at the time we were dating, I quite. Now I'm 26 years old and have not had a smoke in 5 years this January.

Yes I wasn't a pack a day girl, but I was a smoker. I feel that if I can quit any one can. I didn't even quit for my self, I quit mostly for my husband because at the time we were dating and he thought it was gross. So I quit cold turkey.

Yes when we go to parties I get the want to. Yes when I go to the supermart I want to buy a pack. I don't, I'm a non-smoker now and I'm proud.

Please don't judge to quickly.


First off.... Mam... I am (was) not judging YOU, or anyone for that fact.

Secondly... everyone’s body responds a bit differently to nicotine & quitting. I started smoking when I was 14 -- Then I went into a high stress career path at age 16... I am now 28 and am still in that very same high stress career.

*kids close you eyes and don’t read this part.. SMOKING IS BAD FOR YOU!!*
I like to smoke... NO.. make that, I LOVE to smoke... I think its quite YUMMY! :slurp: :slurp: I enjoy it... I think Dennis Leary and I should start our own smoking club. Where we would sit around ,drink coffee... chain smoke... and poke the complaining non-smokers that walk by, with some sort of stick. I have been smoking for 14-15 years now. I happen to enjoy it. I can say also that I have no desire to quit at this time.

So... that’s great that you quit... but eh... some of us just have no desire to do so or find it very hard to do so. :wave:

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
DMC-12 said:
I think Dennis Leary and I should start our own smoking club. Where we would sit around ,drink coffee... chain smoke... and poke the complaining non-smokers that walk by, with some sort of stick.

Can I join ? :goodnevil


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
:lol: And I just wanna throw this out there really quick... the majority of my last post was a goof -- in jest.... So please... dont send me hate PM's or posts. :wave: :lol:


Active Member
When I go, I smoke in designated areas. Not all people follow the rules, but I am one who does. I'm considerate of other people. There are plenty of ways to be inconsiderate to other people in the parks, and smoking is only one of them.
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