The happiest SMOKEbration on earth !!!

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DMC-12 said:

First off.... Mam... I am (was) not judging YOU, or anyone for that fact.

Secondly... everyone’s body responds a bit differently to nicotine & quitting. I started smoking when I was 14 -- Then I went into a high stress career path at age 16... I am now 28 and am still in that very same high stress career.

*kids close you eyes and don’t read this part.. SMOKING IS BAD FOR YOU!!*
I like to smoke... NO.. make that, I LOVE to smoke... I think its quite YUMMY! :slurp: :slurp: I enjoy it... I think Dennis Leary and I should start our own smoking club. Where we would sit around ,drink coffee... chain smoke... and poke the complaining non-smokers that walk by, with some sort of stick. I have been smoking for 14-15 years now. I happen to enjoy it. I can say also that I have no desire to quit at this time.

So... that’s great that you quit... but eh... some of us just have no desire to do so or find it very hard to do so. :wave:

LMAO We love you anyway, Jer :kiss:


New Member
DMC-12 said:
:veryconfuThen I went into a high stress career path at age 16... I am now 28 and am still in that very same high stress career.
*kids close you eyes and don’t read this part.. SMOKING IS BAD FOR YOU!!*
I hear smoking is bad for electronic equipment too. I hear some electronic equipment room owners won't even allow smokers on the payroll.


Well-Known Member
Still, it's better at WDW than it is at other parks!

Busch Gardens is a JOKE! (the people smoking part)

(and I'm a smoker!... but at least I'm a considerate smoker! I feel bad if i'm up-wind of anyone...and I'll stop.)


New Member
BwanaBob said:
(and I'm a smoker!... but at least I'm a considerate smoker! I feel bad if i'm up-wind of anyone...and I'll stop.)
How do you do that? You still smell like smoke. :eek:


New Member
As a mostly-non-smoker, I can see the world from both sides of the issue. While having designated smoking areas is a good thing (although they should be both covered from the elements and maybe have a few more per park), what is the harm in someone taking a quick puff while leaning over the bridge between lands in the AK? :lookaroun

It isn't like the airspace over the water is being used by anyone. And when you are zooming from one side of a park to another to catch a show, but have to get a break with filtered air, who are you harming if you are out of the main traffic flow, and not blowing smoke in the face of people as they walk by?

On the other end of the spectrum, I've seen grandmothers tooling around in motorized scooters, with their grandkids in their lap, puffing away and blowing the smoke right at the kids. :hurl:


New Member
dflye said:
As a mostly-non-smoker, I can see the world from both sides of the issue. While having designated smoking areas is a good thing (although they should be both covered from the elements and maybe have a few more per park), what is the harm in someone taking a quick puff while leaning over the bridge between lands in the AK? :lookaroun

It isn't like the airspace over the water is being used by anyone. And when you are zooming from one side of a park to another to catch a show, but have to get a break with filtered air, who are you harming if you are out of the main traffic flow, and not blowing smoke in the face of people as they walk by?

On the other end of the spectrum, I've seen grandmothers tooling around in motorized scooters, with their grandkids in their lap, puffing away and blowing the smoke right at the kids. :hurl:
The problem is that there are some people that are DEATHLY allergic to smoke and if they even get a sniff of Cigarette smoke they could end up in the hospital. My one neice is that way.She can not even be taken to a resteraunt with smoking and non smoking sections cause the smoke still filters into the non smoking section :(


Well-Known Member
Woody13 said:
How do you do that? You still smell like smoke. :eek:
Actually, Woody, you'd be suprised.

I only smoke outside. Don't do it in the car. Won't do it around other non-smokers. ...I really should just stop. I don't do it at home, just when I'm really stressed out at work. I don't chain smoke. Hell, a pack will last me almost all week sometimes.

I'm a weird smoker. :rolleyes:

*scratches head...... throws lighter in trash*


New Member
darthdarrel said:
The problem is that there are some people that are DEATHLY allergic to smoke and if they even get a sniff of Cigarette smoke they could end up in the hospital. My one neice is that way.She can not even be taken to a resteraunt with smoking and non smoking sections cause the smoke still filters into the non smoking section :(
Yikes, this sounds like the whole peanut allergy issue that has made it impossible for me to even make a PBJ sandwich for my kid in preschool without getting slapped down by the teachers! :eek:

So how did we end up with all these horrible near-fatal allergies in the last few decades? Are we sheltering our kids too much from real world experiences when they are young, so that they cannot build up immunities to what is out there in the big scary real world?

If someone is going to drop dead from one whiff of smoke, how can they enjoy a s'more? Or fireworks? Me forgetting the steak on the grill? I mean, how is cigarette smoke so much more specialized than any other smoke?


New Member
BwanaBob said:
Actually, Woody, you'd be suprised.

I only smoke outside. Don't do it in the car. Won't do it around other non-smokers. ...I really should just stop. I don't do it at home, just when I'm really stressed out at work. I don't chain smoke. Hell, a pack will last me almost all week sometimes.

I'm a weird smoker. :rolleyes:

*scratches head...... throws lighter in trash*
No. You're not a weird smoker. You are addicted to nicotine just like the rest. A pack a week is an addition. You are a drug addict.

In reality, there is no such thing as a "considerate" smoker. A person that smokes tobacco stinks!

Smoke gets in their hair, clothes, lungs and anything in which they come in contact. They are just like the cartoon character "Pigpen". They are happy to be smoky, slovenly misfits and spread their nasty odor without any shame. They often do this out of ignorance. Their own olfactory ability is so severely impaired that they can't smell their own stink! They think they are normal when, in fact, they are rude interlopers on the rest of society.

I have a mental picture of you out in the rain and snow at work smoking a cigarette with your other buddies.


New Member
dflye said:
Yikes, this sounds like the whole peanut allergy issue that has made it impossible for me to even make a PBJ sandwich for my kid in preschool without getting slapped down by the teachers! :eek:

So how did we end up with all these horrible near-fatal allergies in the last few decades? Are we sheltering our kids too much from real world experiences when they are young, so that they cannot build up immunities to what is out there in the big scary real world?

If someone is going to drop dead from one whiff of smoke, how can they enjoy a s'more? Or fireworks? Me forgetting the steak on the grill? I mean, how is cigarette smoke so much more specialized than any other smoke?
Don't know can't tell you, but what I can tell you is that when she was born she was "preemie" <SP?> she was so small that she fit in the palm of your hand and they put barbie clothes on her.and she has always had asthma and other breathing related problems.


New Member
Woody13 said:
No. You're not a weird smoker. You are addicted to nicotine just like the rest. A pack a week is an addition. You are a drug addict.

In reality, there is no such thing as a "considerate" smoker. A person that smokes tobacco stinks!

Smoke gets in their hair, clothes, lungs and anything in which they come in contact. They are just like the cartoon character "Pigpen". They are happy to be smoky, slovenly misfits and spread their nasty odor without any shame. They often do this out of ignorance. Their own olfactory ability is so severely impaired that they can't smell their own stink! They think they are normal when, in fact, they are rude interlopers on the rest of society.

I have a mental picture of you out in the rain and snow at work smoking a cigarette with your other buddies.
You would be surprized!
When I worked at Libra, an electronics manufaturing company, It was a non smoking facility and the smokers would go outside and smoke even in -20 deg weather all bundled up and shivering .


Well-Known Member
For these fatal type allergies we seem to have more of, medicine has gotten better and preemie babies can be taken care of better. It used to be that those kids just died, kind of a nasty survival of the fittest. For many of you, if you go back to grandparents or great grandparents, those who fought in WWII and before, you may discover that many of those folks had siblings that died at young ages. I think many of those deaths would have been from undiagnosed allergies that we know about today. As a result, those same types of kids(same genes) are around today.


New Member
darthdarrel said:
Don't know can't tell you, but what I can tell you is that when she was born she was "preemie" <SP?> she was so small that she fit in the palm of your hand and they put barbie clothes on her.and she has always had asthma and other breathing related problems.
Ah, that is indeed a difficult row to hoe, as a preemie may indeed have to suffer through life without whatever functions that weren't fully baked at the time of delivery. :(

I'm truly sorry to hear that your niece has this severe of an allergy to particulate matter, hopefully she can live in the cruel world that is out there without too much undue stress.


New Member
darthdarrel said:
You would be surprized!
When I worked at Libra, an electronics manufaturing company, It was a non smoking facility and the smokers would go outside and smoke even in -20 deg weather all bundled up and shivering .
Oh, that is so beyond true that it isn't even funny.

I had a business trip up to the Minneapolis in January a few years back, and I was freezing my posterior off just walking from the car to the front door of the facility I was visiting. And yet, in this god-forsaken wintery weather, with a stiff breeze, snow everywhere, the dedicated smokers were huddled out front in their designated smoking area (like a bus shelter, with a few glass walls) in their parkas getting their fix.

Now, I just have to figure out what my billing code is for the slacking off time I'm missing out on that the smokers get for the price of a pack of smokes! :eek:


dflye said:
Yikes, this sounds like the whole peanut allergy issue that has made it impossible for me to even make a PBJ sandwich for my kid in preschool without getting slapped down by the teachers! :eek:

So how did we end up with all these horrible near-fatal allergies in the last few decades? Are we sheltering our kids too much from real world experiences when they are young, so that they cannot build up immunities to what is out there in the big scary real world?

I have read that kids raised in the country tend to have less seasonal & animal allergies compared to kids raised in the city. I think it is half lack of exposure, like you said, and the other half of it is like LaughingGravy said- much in the past went undiagnosed.

I have read that the peanut allergy can result from a mother's OVERexposure, but I don't know how much truth there is to that. We do have two friends who have the allergy, but not so badly where they can't even smell it without endangering themselves. Those are the real extreme cases.


Well-Known Member
I have seen people come off rides and start smoking. I hate that. The best thing to do is scream fire really loud. That will solve it.


Well-Known Member
Erika said:
I have read that kids raised in the country tend to have less seasonal & animal allergies compared to kids raised in the city. I think it is half lack of exposure, like you said, and the other half of it is like LaughingGravy said- much in the past went undiagnosed.

I have read that the peanut allergy can result from a mother's OVERexposure, but I don't know how much truth there is to that. We do have two friends who have the allergy, but not so badly where they can't even smell it without endangering themselves. Those are the real extreme cases.
I know that I don't really have any allergies and I was raised in the country- my kids on the other hand have the seasonal allergies and I think it is because the lack of exposure....But I could be wong....

As for the whole smoking issue- well I really try not to get into it because I know it is hard for smokers to quit, but I do agree that there should be some decency for all involved. :D


New Member
My husband and I are smokers. We are at the world at least 4 times a year. We only smoke in the designated areas and still get looks and attitude. We are always considerate and do not even smoke in the designated areas when there are children around. 2 trips ago we were at the bus stop- no one else was there. It was clearly a smoking area as there was an ashtray (already used too!) we were smoking when a family came to the stop and made all sorts of commotion- well I mean it was a smoking area- of course, we stopped smoking to appease the family, but we have rights too and should be allowed to enjoy ourselves on vacation without harrassment!!


New Member
I gave up smoking a few months ago in preparation for this years trip. I always used to smoke in the designated areas, favourite being in Animal Kingdom, but I always felt bad for smoking in Disney, just didn't feel like the right thing to do in a world of magic and fantasy. I found the worst place to smoke was just up from the fountain at Epcot where you was in full veiw of the public, made it feel so wrong to sit and smoke.
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