The happiest SMOKEbration on earth !!!

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Well-Known Member
I really think people need to work on getting along better. Initially it was the smokers who were rude, now its the non-smokers who are. If you are outdoors, in an area that does not ban smoking, and someone is smoking, DON'T STAND RIGHT NEXT TO THEM!


Well-Known Member
Woody13 said:
No. You're not a weird smoker. You are addicted to nicotine just like the rest. A pack a week is an addition. You are a drug addict.

In reality, there is no such thing as a "considerate" smoker. A person that smokes tobacco stinks!

Smoke gets in their hair, clothes, lungs and anything in which they come in contact. They are just like the cartoon character "Pigpen". They are happy to be smoky, slovenly misfits and spread their nasty odor without any shame. They often do this out of ignorance. Their own olfactory ability is so severely impaired that they can't smell their own stink! They think they are normal when, in fact, they are rude interlopers on the rest of society.

I have a mental picture of you out in the rain and snow at work smoking a cigarette with your other buddies.

Wow, could you be a little more rude?

And I think it's absurd to say people shouldn't smoke because some people are so 'highly allergic' to smoke and hate the smell of it on their clothing. Tough boogers. Then they should ban all perfumes and lotions, even some odiferous deoderants, because smelling those can cause allergic reactions or asthma attacks. And, while we are at it, tell everyone coming into the parks not to use smelly detergents or Downy softeners. Oh, and tell Disney to stop using fertilizers and pesticides on their property, because people are allergic to that.

There. So instead of some people smelling like smoke, everyone at WDW will smell like smoke, sweat, nasty body odor, old clothes, and we will all be covered in bugs. Ahh, the most Magical Place On Earth.

Shut up and have fun :p


PigletIsMyCat said:
Wow, could you be a little more rude?

And I think it's absurd to say people shouldn't smoke because some people are so 'highly allergic' to smoke and hate the smell of it on their clothing. Tough boogers. Then they should ban all perfumes and lotions, even some odiferous deoderants, because smelling those can cause allergic reactions or asthma attacks. And, while we are at it, tell everyone coming into the parks not to use smelly detergents or Downy softeners. Oh, and tell Disney to stop using fertilizers and pesticides on their property, because people are allergic to that.

There. So instead of some people smelling like smoke, everyone at WDW will smell like smoke, sweat, nasty body odor, old clothes, and we will all be covered in bugs. Ahh, the most Magical Place On Earth.

Shut up and have fun :p


To be fair, when I was working, I never had to double up on my masks and take frequent breaks from the procedure because of perfume or detergent. But I did have to do so when the patient was a smoker, and we kept candles in there too for comfort of the following patients. However, I was discreet about it, and I could never walk up and point that out to a person! I'd feel about an inch tall. :eek:


New Member
Woody13 said:
In reality, there is no such thing as a "considerate" smoker. A person that smokes tobacco stinks!

Smoke gets in their hair, clothes, lungs and anything in which they come in contact. They are just like the cartoon character "Pigpen". They are happy to be smoky, slovenly misfits and spread their nasty odor without any shame. They often do this out of ignorance. Their own olfactory ability is so severely impaired that they can't smell their own stink! They think they are normal when, in fact, they are rude interlopers on the rest of society.

Ok, so let me get this straight: Being a smoker is smelly and evil. But being an (expletive) is acceptable? Just want to be clear on this.


Well-Known Member
sleepybear said:
Ok, so let me get this straight: Being a smoker is smelly and evil. But being an ***hole is acceptable? Just want to be clear on this.

Erika said:
To be fair, when I was working, I never had to double up on my masks and take frequent breaks from the procedure because of perfume or detergent. But I did have to do so when the patient was a smoker, and we kept candles in there too for comfort of the following patients. However, I was discreet about it, and I could never walk up and point that out to a person! I'd feel about an inch tall. :eek:
To be fair and rebut that :kiss: I have had asthma attacks from other people's perfumes and lotions. My non-asthmatic mother has had allergy attacks from lotions at work, and my entire family is HIGHLY allergic to Arm & Hammer laundry detergent (go figure). Oh, and my brother has asthma attacks from scented candles, even the expensive ones that I used to sell that tout themselves as 'hypo-allergenic' and low soot...


my wife and I are smokers...

We ALWAYS use the designated areas and are as polite and courteous as can be. If I see a family walking towards us I always try and blow the smoke in the other direction. Look, it's LEGAL in the United States to smoke. I know that some people are rude and discourteous with their cigarettes and they definately should be talked to but as others have said, people do many rude things while at the parks. I agree the us "evil smokers" should be kept in a specific area but don't try and tell me that our "second hand" smoke is going to kill you when you walk by us for approximately one second. Even better, if you are so concerned, you can check the map for the smoking areas and walk around them. Most of them are out of the way. Although I appreciate and have seen the problems caused by the people that don't follow the rules, there are plenty of us who do. And we don't appreciate being stared with evil looks and talked to like second class citizens. This is America, and it is legal so don't take it out on us, write your congressman....who probably smokes.


New Member
My husband and I are smokers. We are at the world at least 4 times a year. We only smoke in the designated areas and still get looks and attitude. We are always considerate and do not even smoke in the designated areas when there are children around. 2 trips ago we were at the bus stop- no one else was there. It was clearly a smoking area as there was an ashtray (already used too!) we were smoking when a family came to the stop and made all sorts of commotion- well I mean it was a smoking area- of course, we stopped smoking to appease the family, but we have rights too and should be allowed to enjoy ourselves on vacation without harrassment!!

I would have to say that my children should be able to wait for the bus without inhaling cigarette smoke, and I think that ashtrays are put at the bus stops just to prevent smokers from littering the grounds and sidewalk with cigarette butts. I see it everywhere, if a smoker wants to smoke, they will smoke anywhere and then throw the butt wherever they feel like when they are done. Take a second and watch how many people throw their cigarette butts out of their car window. You have an ashtray in your car, use it! Cigarette butts are litter too, it's disgusting. (And before everyone flames me for lumping all smokers together, I apoligize, there are .029% that aren't self centered jacka@#&*.


Well-Known Member
Nut4Disney said:
I would have to say that my children should be able to wait for the bus without inhaling cigarette smoke, and I think that ashtrays are put at the bus stops just to prevent smokers from littering the grounds and sidewalk with cigarette butts. I see it everywhere, if a smoker wants to smoke, they will smoke anywhere and then throw the butt wherever they feel like when they are done. Take a second and watch how many people throw their cigarette butts out of their car window. You have an ashtray in your car, use it! Cigarette butts are litter too, it's disgusting. (And before everyone flames me for lumping all smokers together, I apoligize, there are .029% that aren't self centered jacka@#&*.

I won't flame you for lumping all smokers together, but I will make a comment about how you lump 99.971% in that self centered jacka** category. My DH and myself would never smoke that close to children, we would move to another part of the bus stops and make sure the wind wasn't blowing the smoke towards people who weren't smoking. If it was unavoidable, we would put our smokes out. And I have many friends/aquantainces/family members who would do the same thing. I feel like alot of the non smokers on this thread are very unsympathetic to how hard it is to quit, and are very misinformed thinking that all smokers are 'this way' or 'that way'. If my cigarette smoke bothers you, you should say something NICE to me, like 'I'm allergic to cigarette smoke, could you move/put it out?' or 'I'd prefer you didn't smoke here' or 'Maybe you could move over there, so I can stay smoke free?' instead of the disgusting, nasty, horribly rude comments most of us get.



Take a second and watch how many people throw their cigarette butts out of their car window. You have an ashtray in your car, use it! Cigarette butts are litter too, it's disgusting. (And before everyone flames me for lumping all smokers together, I apoligize, there are .029% that aren't self centered jacka@#&*.[/QUOTE]

Your car pollutes more in one year than a lifetime of a smoker throwing his butts out the window. get real.

For the record, my wife and I never throw our butts on the ground while at Disney. And I have seen just as many non-smokers throwing "litter" on the ground. Get over it. It's legal and as long as we "evil smokers" are being responsible and following the rules. There is nothing you can do about it. I would love for you or someone like you to come and speak to me in person like you do on this board. It's easy to hide behind the anonymity and broad generalizations. I'm not advocating violence or anything, just debate...

There is just as much evidence to the contrary of the whole second hand smoke causing cancer debate and their is for it. It's one thing to be locked in a small room with someone smoking ten packs, it's entirely another to walk briefly by a designated smoking probably believe in global warming too!


New Member
PigletIsMyCat said:
... instead of the disgusting, nasty, horribly rude comments most of us get.
Comments only match the habit... :rolleyes:

I find it amusing that the only smokers on here are the "nice" and "respectful" ones. Where are the smokers that are so disrespectful? Come on out. Admit your faults. Come on. Don't be ashamed... :lookaroun

I wonder, would a post about one picking their nose in public while at WDW get over 200 responses? :D


PigletIsMyCat said:

To be fair and rebut that :kiss: I have had asthma attacks from other people's perfumes and lotions. My non-asthmatic mother has had allergy attacks from lotions at work, and my entire family is HIGHLY allergic to Arm & Hammer laundry detergent (go figure). Oh, and my brother has asthma attacks from scented candles, even the expensive ones that I used to sell that tout themselves as 'hypo-allergenic' and low soot...

:eek: There must be somethign about Arm & Hammer!!! It makes me break out in a rash.

My grandma used to have a lot of problems with perfumes and stuff, so we'd be careful when going over there (oddly enough, she can handle them now)... I know it exists... I just think it's more of a rare thing than the smoke. *shrug*


PigletIsMyCat said:
If my cigarette smoke bothers you, you should say something NICE to me, like 'I'm allergic to cigarette smoke, could you move/put it out?' or 'I'd prefer you didn't smoke here' or 'Maybe you could move over there, so I can stay smoke free?' instead of the disgusting, nasty, horribly rude comments most of us get.

It's that old saying... It's not what you say, but how you say it :)


New Member
krueg66 said:
Take a second and watch how many people throw their cigarette butts out of their car window. You have an ashtray in your car, use it! Cigarette butts are litter too, it's disgusting. (And before everyone flames me for lumping all smokers together, I apoligize, there are .029% that aren't self centered jacka@#&*.

Your car pollutes more in one year than a lifetime of a smoker throwing his butts out the window. get real.

For the record, my wife and I never throw our butts on the ground while at Disney. And I have seen just as many non-smokers throwing "litter" on the ground. Get over it. It's legal and as long as we "evil smokers" are being responsible and following the rules. There is nothing you can do about it. I would love for you or someone like you to come and speak to me in person like you do on this board. It's easy to hide behind the anonymity and broad generalizations. I'm not advocating violence or anything, just debate...

There is just as much evidence to the contrary of the whole second hand smoke causing cancer debate and their is for it. It's one thing to be locked in a small room with someone smoking ten packs, it's entirely another to walk briefly by a designated smoking probably believe in global warming too![/QUOTE]

1)I can't drive a cigarette to work, and until this country comes up with better mass transit or another form of fuel for automobiles then there will continue to be car pollution. I'm not saying that other people do not litter, but the topic is smokers.
2) I'm not hiding behind anything, I would tell you the same thing in a bar over a beer.
3) And no, I don't believe in Global Warming. It's part of a liberal scare tactic, but that is a discussion for another day, and since we can't discuss politics here........ :zipit:


Eh... if it's not cigarette butts, it's Big Gulp cups... it's not just smokers who throw trash on the ground. Non-smokers do it too. Some people don't know how to keep anything looking nice.


what a debate it would be...

2) I'm not hiding behind anything, I would tell you the same thing in a bar over a beer.
3) And no, I don't believe in Global Warming. It's part of a liberal scare tactic, but that is a discussion for another day, and since we can't discuss politics here........ :zipit:[/QUOTE]

Could I at least smoke in the bar???? I think we could debate quite a few things!


New Member
I concur Erika. BTW, Congratulations on expecting your first child. :sohappy: You'll make a wonderful mom. Our second will be due any week now. My wife is having some issues with Preclampsia (sp), so it may come sooner than expected though.


New Member
krueg66 said:
2) I'm not hiding behind anything, I would tell you the same thing in a bar over a beer.
3) And no, I don't believe in Global Warming. It's part of a liberal scare tactic, but that is a discussion for another day, and since we can't discuss politics here........ :zipit:

Could I at least smoke in the bar???? I think we could debate quite a few things![/QUOTE]

Sure. I knew that was coming. :lol:


maybe that just proves our point...

brich said:
Comments only match the habit... :rolleyes:

I find it amusing that the only smokers on here are the "nice" and "respectful" ones. Where are the smokers that are so disrespectful? Come on out. Admit your faults. Come on. Don't be ashamed... :lookaroun

I wonder, would a post about one picking their nose in public while at WDW get over 200 responses? :D

So maybe those of us Disney fans that respect the property and those in it are the ones that would take time out of our day to read/post here? Did you ever consider that? Perhaps the people that most of you are talking about are the kinds of people that don't care about anyone else in general? They are not bad people because they are smokers, they are idiots that smoke.

You are obviously a Bruins fan. Let's assume you are a Red Sox fan too. I live in Tampa and have some run ins with Sox fans. They were complete a__holes. Should I then by default say that ALL Boston fans are? That's not the truth, and most of us "evil, dumb, mean, rude etc. smokers" aren't either. We have our vice, we know it's bad for us and we don't try and push it on anyone else. Just leave us alone in our little smoking section, feel sorry for us if you want, but don't judge and certainly don't shoot looks in our direction or say something ignorant. If you do, you may be surprised by the response. On the other hand, if some jerk is smoking in the queue and blowing it in your face, by all means call a spade a spade and tell him what's up! I smoke and I would...

Can't we all just get along!!! I'm tiring of this plus I'm leaving for WDW in 8 days for a week. I PROMISE I will only smoke in the smoking sections and on my balcony as always.
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