The happiest SMOKEbration on earth !!!

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Well-Known Member
. . . SMOKEbration,etc.

(Sigh) Here I am responding to a thread I said I would absolutely stay quiet on. :zipit: As an ex-smoker for 10+ years, I never thought I would deplore the smell of cigarette smoke, but I do. In Disney I find myself feeling sorry for the smokers who have to leave the MAGIC to find those designated areas but I also remember my own addiction :cry: and wanting to adhere to the rules. All in all, even though there are some smokers who break the rules, for the most part the smokers in Disney stick to the smoking areas. I know many smokers who are not rude people. For those smokers, however, who smoke while in the attraction queue, or in the concession line, I always attempt to notify a Cast Member. They WILL ask the person (in a civil manner) who is smoking to move to the smoking area or put out their cigarette.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
natalia1681 said:
I AGREE!!!! Maybe they could just ban rude people in general!!!

I'll take this even one step further... How about we ban all those gas guzzling SUVs and their awful drivers. :hammer:

I mean really... those things really pollute a heck of a lot more than my little cig does.

Also.. what about those busses at WDW... They pollute a HECK of a lot more than the SUV's do... :mad: I mean... dont you all see the BIG black plume of crap they emmit as they drive off?! I'd bet that would kill ya first, before my cig does. :D :cool:

So... I hereby declare that all SUV's and all of WDW's busses should be banned from WDW property.

:wave: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Hey, how about we stop letting people drive to wdw because some people drive bad and cause accidents!

Or how about we don't allow any husbands into wdw, because there have been some husbands that hit their wives!

Sounds pretty ridiculuos right?

Don't classify an entire group of people as being evil just becuase a few people can't follow the rules. If you do, it's no different the racisim.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
astewart said:
Hey, how about we stop letting people drive to wdw because some people drive bad and cause accidents!

Or how about we don't allow any husbands into wdw, because there have been some husbands that hit their wives!

Sounds pretty ridiculuos right?

Don't classify an entire group of people as being evil just becuase a few people can't follow the rules. If you do, it's no different the racisim.

Seeee... and that is exactly my point!! Thank you! :king: :) :sohappy:


Account Suspended
I am a smoker. I don't want to be but I am addicted and have tried to quit a thousand times. My bad. Not the cigarette companies. I started smoking after all the Surgeon General warnings. If you are going to be stupid, you better be tough. God, I hope I'm tough.

WDW has designated smoking areas. I always use those. If someone is so inconsiderate that they can't use them then kick them out of the parks. Find a cast member and make the person put it out. In my world they would have to leave the park for at least a couple of hours if not the day before they could return. If you can't read a map, there's probably nothing at WDW for you anyway. Ignorance is no excuse.

Conversely, if I am in a designated smoking area pounding some coffin nails, keep your self righteous bs comments to youself. Or better yet go tell WDW about how offened you are, its their park and their rules. I don't want to hear about it or see your offended looks. That's just as obnoxious and unhealthy as smoking. Yes, being nasty and rude will shorten you life.

That other stuff about SUV's and husbands, etc. is nonsense and they know it. Smoke where WDW says or don't go. Thats not rocket science!



It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
DoomBuggy05 said:
Conversely, if I am in a designated smoking area pounding some coffin nails, keep your self righteous bs comments to youself. Or better yet go tell WDW about how offened you are, its their park and their rules. I don't want to hear about it or see your offended looks. That's just as obnoxious and unhealthy as smoking. Yes, being nasty and rude will shorten you life.

LMAO!!! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Thanks... its nice to know there is a fellow smoker out there that thinks the same exact thing. :wave:


New Member
DMC-12 said:
I'll take this even one step further... How about we ban all those gas guzzling SUVs and their awful drivers. :hammer:

I mean really... those things really pollute a heck of a lot more than my little cig does.

Also.. what about those busses at WDW... They pollute a HECK of a lot more than the SUV's do... :mad: I mean... dont you all see the BIG black plume of crap they emmit as they drive off?! I'd bet that would kill ya first, before my cig does. :D :cool:

So... I hereby declare that all SUV's and all of WDW's busses should be banned from WDW property.

:wave: :sohappy: :sohappy:
HEy bud, I am with you on the SUV thing! :D :wave:

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
DoomBuggy05 said:
Conversely, if I am in a designated smoking area pounding some coffin nails, keep your self righteous bs comments to youself. Or better yet go tell WDW about how offened you are, its their park and their rules. I don't want to hear about it or see your offended looks.

Absolutely agree !!!! I always go to the designated area's but if non smokers come in giving dirty looks or comments you can bet some smoke is coming their way. Don't like it, STAY OUT of smoking areas. Period.


New Member
DisneyFreak529 said:
I didn't know Disney smoked?? Learn something new every day!!

Yep. For years and years. That's what ultimately killed him--lung cancer. In the middle of making The Jungle Book. His cough is what allowed his employees that he was near.

His left lung was removed. After being with his family on thanksgiving, he collapsed--and from then on lost conciousness regularly. Walt turned 65 in the hospital. On December 14th, Roy visited him, and left the hospital room in tears. On Roy's orders, the lights at Disney Studios were to remain on. Walt asked the nurses to prop him up to view the Studios out his windows. He died a few hours later.

Only close relatives came to his funeral, because Walt didn't like funerals. He wanted people to remember him as he was alive. He was cremated.

Sad--what smoking does to you. :(


New Member
as a smoker, i feel compelled to respond to this thread. i understand how annoying it is to be a non smoker and have people smoking around you, that's why i always smoke in the designated areas. but it smoking were completely banned, i might reconsider visiting wdw. and a LOT of other smokers would too. disney wouldnt risk losing that many guests, so banning smoking just isnt an option for them.



New Member
Not all smokers break the rules though. Im a smoker and I always use the designated spots. Someone ran into me last May with a lit smoke and burned the back of my arm. After screaming at this guy I told him to go find a smoking spot. Guess what, he went right to the one next to pirates. I think he was scared. lol :p


New Member
bhg469 said:
Again you guys have the wong coast, NY doesnt have smog thats a west coast thing.

This is true, I'm a New Yorker and we DON'T have Smog. Like bhg469 said, go see our neigbors in California for the Smog!!


Well-Known Member
DisneyFreak529 said:
I know how to solve the smoker problem....

Smokers should just quit. It's bad for your health and the health of your family.

Its easy for a non-smoker to say that. I know I should quit, but its the hardest thing I've ever tried to do in all my life.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
DisneyFreak529 said:
I know how to solve the smoker problem....

Smokers should just quit. It's bad for your health and the health of your family.

Wow... great idea!! Alas... tis easier said than done. ;)


New Member
mikeymouse said:
Its easy for a non-smoker to say that. I know I should quit, but its the hardest thing I've ever tried to do in all my life.
My dad was a 5 pack a day smoker, but after my brother michael was born, a cig accidentally fell out of his mouth and burnt Michael and from that day forward my dad quit cold turkey, never picked up another cig as long as he has lived.


New Member
mikeymouse said:
Its easy for a non-smoker to say that. I know I should quit, but its the hardest thing I've ever tried to do in all my life.

DMC-12 said:
Wow... great idea!! Alas... tis easier said than done. ;)

What you don't know is that when I turned 18years old I started smoking. I smoked till I was 21, with the help of my husband, at the time we were dating, I quite. Now I'm 26 years old and have not had a smoke in 5 years this January.

Yes I wasn't a pack a day girl, but I was a smoker. I feel that if I can quit any one can. I didn't even quit for my self, I quit mostly for my husband because at the time we were dating and he thought it was gross. So I quit cold turkey.

Yes when we go to parties I get the want to. Yes when I go to the supermart I want to buy a pack. I don't, I'm a non-smoker now and I'm proud.

Please don't judge to quickly.


I laugh when you see the "sly" smokers who cup the cancer stick in their hand and puff away-as if eveyone around them can't smell or see it. I guess if they can sneak it-it must be OK.

Stand up and say something to these idiots or get a cast member. :mad:


Well-Known Member
I cannot believe the hate on this thread. Smokers VS nonsmokers, rude mothers VS my feet, SUVs VS walking.... Geez, people, can't we all just get along?

My first trip to WDW I was smoking almost two packs a day, so was DH. We got a smoking room and ALWAYS went to a designated smoking area. Even as smokers, other people's second hand smoke bothered both of us. We both dislike smoking around children, to the point where we would turn around and hide if someone brought a child into the smoking areas.

Thankfully, we both quit last December and now have no worries about smoking in the parks. But I can assure you smokers out there that I will NOT go into smoking areas and yell at you. I will NOT complain about the little bit of smoke I can smell drifting towards the line at BTMR from the Frontierland smoking area. Because you are allowed to smoke there.

All of you constantly referring to smokers in a negative way, calling cigarettes things like 'cancer sticks', etc. are not being nearly as sensitive to the feelings of a smoker as you expect everyone to be about your lungs. Smoking is a stupid thing to start doing, but is one of the hardest things to quit. Quitting some illicit drugs is easier than quitting smoking. WDW does the best it can to protect people and keep them comfortable, by things like having special smoking areas, not serving alcohol in the parks, and putting up safety warnings. I personally am much more offended by people's dress and speech in the parks around children than I am about smoking in the parks.
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