The happiest SMOKEbration on earth !!!

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New Member
Nut4Disney said:
I like chocolate pudding! Tension breaker, had to be done. :)
Maybe if everyone was smoking their own hand-rolled medicinal drug of choice, we'd be one big happy relaxed family, albeit with a huge case of the munchies! :lol:

So, quick, pass me some of that chocolate pudding!! :D


New Member
dflye said:
Maybe if everyone was smoking their own hand-rolled medicinal drug of choice, we'd be one big happy relaxed family, albeit with a huge case of the munchies! :lol:

So, quick, pass me some of that chocolate pudding!! :D

NO! MINE! :p *hugs bowl of chocolate pudding*


Well-Known Member
dflye said:
Maybe if everyone was smoking their own hand-rolled medicinal drug of choice, we'd be one big happy relaxed family, albeit with a huge case of the munchies! :lol:

So, quick, pass me some of that chocolate pudding!! :D
I'm sure there's something in Darrel's pants that you could.........



Well-Known Member
darthdarrel said:
Ugh now that is gunna feel squishy! :eek: :lookaroun
So tell me Darrel... you have smoking and non-smoking sections in your pants?

(and if so, let me guess... the smoking section is nestled snugly right between your a$$ cheeks, right?) :eek:



Well-Known Member
BwanaBob said:
So tell me Darrel... you have smoking and non-smoking sections in your pants?

(and if so, let me guess... the smoking section is nestled snugly right between your a$$ cheeks, right?) :eek:


Keeps the stench in one place. :lookaroun


BwanaBob said:
(and if so, let me guess... the smoking section is nestled snugly right between your a$$ cheeks, right?) :eek:


I hope not! Isn't that flammable?

If it isn't, I know one husband who is going to be extremely disappointed when I tell him.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Woody13 said:
No. You're not a weird smoker. You are addicted to nicotine just like the rest. A pack a week is an addition. You are a drug addict.

In reality, there is no such thing as a "considerate" smoker. A person that smokes tobacco stinks!

Smoke gets in their hair, clothes, lungs and anything in which they come in contact. They are just like the cartoon character "Pigpen". They are happy to be smoky, slovenly misfits and spread their nasty odor without any shame. They often do this out of ignorance. Their own olfactory ability is so severely impaired that they can't smell their own stink! They think they are normal when, in fact, they are rude interlopers on the rest of society.

I have a mental picture of you out in the rain and snow at work smoking a cigarette with your other buddies.

You are in deep stuff if you smoke and are a DVC member.... :lookaroun


Account Suspended
Nut4Disney said:
Close it or move it to Chit Chat. It did get kind of off topic, and I was probably one of the people who contributed to it. I apoligize.

As for Doombuggy05, don't read it. :brick:

Make sure there are no other threads that you disagree with, as premium members who have been on this board for one month or less get to make all of the decisions on the content of the discussions.

I can't believe it took that long to get around to the PREMIUM MEMBER comment! I'm a little disappointed. :kiss: Like I really think that I deserve preferential treatment. Get a grip. :hurl: I just figured this post needed someone else to slam besides smokers. The whole smoking thing was becoming boring. Apparently there is a strong need for people to express their superiority over others here. Who am I to deny them of their needs? BTW, I watch a few shows on PBS so I always contribute to them too. I like to pay for services rendered. :animwink: That should get your vitriolic juices flowing!

Your Friend,


Account Suspended
Chocolate Pudding

Originally Posted by Woody13 Bizzaro :rolleyes:
You are addicted to chocolate pudding just like the rest. A serving a week is an addiction. You are a chocolate pudding addict.

In reality, there is no such thing as a "considerate" chocolate pudding eater. A person that eats chocolate pudding stinks!

Chocolate pudding gets in their hair, clothes, lungs and anything in which they come in contact. They are just like the cartoon character "Pigpen". They are happy to be puddingie, slovenly misfits and spread their nasty odor without any shame. They often do this out of ignorance. Their own olfactory ability is so severely impaired that they can't smell their own stink! They think they are normal when, in fact, they are rude interlopers on the rest of society.

I have a mental picture of you out in the rain and snow at work snarfing a can of chocolate pudding with your other buddies.

See what I mean? I love pudding eaters. Yes, even those that feel the need to eat chocolate pudding. :D

My question is: Should Disney ban chocolate pudding eaters? And save those of us with chocolate pudding aversion?? :rolleyes:

This should probably be a new thread but I have been informed that I should just sit in the corner and be quiet until I build the seniority to actually post something. See "Posting and You" for more details.

:rolleyes: DB05:rolleyes: (did I put enough sarcastic icons?)



Premium Member
DoomBuggy05 said:

Is there an administrator in the house?

This is an ugly, nasty post and it needs to stop. There is nothing productive here or even remotely Disney. Lock it now please!!!!!! If you don't, I will be calling WDWMAGIC tomorrow! THANK YOU VERY LITTLE. I DIDN"T PAY $50 A YEAR TO READ THIS CRAP!!!!!!!!!!


Hi there. Your contribution to the site is appreciated. However, being a paying member does not award you the right to demand any threads closed that you do not agree with. If you are not happy with that arrangement, make a post at, and your Pass can be cancelled and refunded. Thanks.


New Member
Cosmic Irony

"Not defending people that do not follow the rules or anything here, but please remember that Walt himself smoked and at the time Disneyland was originally built and later Magic Kingdom, smoking was allowed everywhere. It is only in more recent times, when people are more health concious(at least about smoking) that smoking was mostly banned in the parks and the smoking areas were set up. Some of the older visitors that don't follow the rules may have been coming to the parks for years before these rules were set up and it may just be force of habit from years of being able to smoke anywhere. Should that be an excuse? No. But I am just trying to point out that in some cases, it may not be that they don't care, just that it's what they had been used to for so long. "

From the Disney Family Museum Bio of Walt

"In late 1966, Walt was diagnosed with lung cancer. Years of smoking had caught up with him. Walt told his family that they shouldn't be concerned, that he'd have the cancer removed and quickly recover. But on Monday, November 7, the surgeon told Lilly, Diane, and Sharon that the cancer had spread and that Walt had between six months and two years to live. There were a few more visits to the studio -- which was working on "The Jungle Book" and "The Happiest Millionaire" -- and to WED. But Walt spent most of the next few weeks with his family, making plans for the future: "I'm going to concentrate on the parks and building EPCOT," he told son-in-law Ron. On November 30, he went back to the hospital. And on December 15, he died. The flag at Disneyland flew at half mast. And as commentator Eric Severeid said, "We'll never see his like again." "


Account Suspended
wdwmagic said:
Hi there. Your contribution to the site is appreciated. However, being a paying member does not award you the right to demand any threads closed that you do not agree with. If you are not happy with that arrangement, make a post at, and your Pass can be cancelled and refunded. Thanks.

Please check your email. I think I explained everything there. I don't understand why I am being singled out here. Did you bother to read any of the other posts to this thread? Lot's of bad stuff. But I guess my post about how pointless this dicussion is and my plea for you to end it was not sufficient. The post from the ten year old boy is on the news and rumors page. The thread starts with Did you hear that.... Read that post and the responses. Refund my Pass if you will, but tell me about how proud you are with the responses to a ten year old boy. This is the stuff I'm talking about.



New Member
Erika said:
I hope not! Isn't that flammable?

If it isn't, I know one husband who is going to be extremely disappointed when I tell him.

I'll take care of that. Here you go Darrel.....

** throws a bunch of fire fighters in the pants, (hope fire fighters like pudding :lookaroun )**


Well-Known Member
hakunamatata said:
You are in deep stuff if you smoke and are a DVC member.... :lookaroun
:lol: Yes, if you smoke and are looking at buying DVC you definitely need to include the inflation adjusted cost of cigarettes in your calculation to see if you can afford DVC. Since we don't smoke, we just used our cigarette money to buy our DVC :animwink:


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
On average I recieve 3 reported posts per day. Obviously, Steve recieves these as well. As soon as I am able, I check them out and discuss with Steve what action should be taken. From this thread I recieved only one reported post (just yesterday). Steve and I both work full time and I am also a part time graduate student. If the members do not report posts then it is very likely that those posts will not get our attention.

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