The happiest SMOKEbration on earth !!!

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Active Member
Cynderella said:
But I think the thing that bothers me the most is that fact that 95% of smokers never ever put out their cancer sticks in an ashtray. They just throw it on the ground.

I guess you have proof of that?

As I have learned earlier, no one will win this battle. Threads like these should be banned.
As a smoker and multi-time visitor to the parks, I can proudly say that I will ONLY smoke where allowed. I can understand all the non-smokers frustrations about the ones who really don't care where they are or who they might offend. If truth be known, I wish I had never started and have tried to quit on several occasions, but alas I'm still huffing and puffing. Smoking is just like smog caused by all the cars of the smokers and non-smokers alike, it causes breathing problems, linked to respritory disease, but yet I'm still waiting for the country on a whole to lean towards pushing for electric cars or something that won't affect everyone's breathing. Smoking is bad for you I fully agree, but locking yourself in a sealed garage with 20 quality chain smokers for 3 hours won't kill you as quick as being in that same garage with one running car. I vote for Wedways!!! :)
Actually, I just had another thought... I wouldn't really care if WDW went non-smoking as I can throw on a patch like when I fly.. but can SOMEONE suggest Disney put in deoderant booths??? There are some might foul smelling people running around the parks that smell MUCH worse than my cigs..LOL


Active Member
Original Poster
Just A Big Kid said:
Actually, I just had another thought... I wouldn't really care if WDW went non-smoking as I can throw on a patch like when I fly.. but can SOMEONE suggest Disney put in deoderant booths??? There are some might foul smelling people running around the parks that smell MUCH worse than my cigs..LOL

I wouldnt disagree with that !!! :animwink:


New Member
Considerate Smoker

As a smoker myself, I agree it is a nasty habit, but I always smoke in the designated areas only. In fact in the hotels, my fiance and I request a non-smoking room because we don't like smoke in enclosed areas. Even before Disney created designated smoking areas, I would always go into a private corner to smoke and always disposed of my butts properly, never on the floor, I have too much respect for the parks to do that and I don't wish to impose my bad habit onto others.

However, I will tell you that I see plenty of people who have no problem leaving their empty water bottles, ice cream wrappers or soda cups lying around on the floor in the cue lines for the rides. On my last trip while waiting in line for Peter Pan I saw a 10 year old simply dump the remainder of her soda and ice on the floor, along with her cup and just left it there for the rest of us to trip over... I picked up the cup and politely tapped her on the shoulder to tell her she had dropped something, alerted her to a garbage can and aided her in throwing away her trash... I thought her mother was going to smash my face in for causing her embarassment... Needless to say, you can't change people... they are going to be considerate and mindful of others or not...

btw... You have got to be kidding me...I grew up in NY and lived there until I was 30....bus fumes? smog? trash? the subway system? I love NY but there are probably 10,000 other things there to pollute your lungs besides some cigarette smoke...

Ok I've said my I need a cigarette!


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
wdwgal1969 said:
btw... You have got to be kidding me...I grew up in NY and lived there until I was 30....bus fumes? smog? trash? the subway system? I love NY but there are probably 10,000 other things there to pollute your lungs besides some cigarette smoke...

New York State is smoke free. There is more to NY than NYC. :animwink: :wave:


New Member
2 said:
But do obnoxious mothers give you over 100 deadly chemicals just from smoke inhilation?

Look, it's fairly obvious second hand smoke has been proven to kill people! Basically, allwoing people to walk around the park with a cigarett is no different than allowing a person to walk around the park swinging a razor-sharp sword left and right. Children have been known to have serious asthmatic reactions to second-hand smoke. Now wasn't Disney originally built for children of all ages (both the young and young and heart)!

To me, it's foolish to allow people to smoke wherever and whenever they want in the parks. Look, just because you want to sacrifice the longevity of your life does not mean you should can make that decision for someone else!

Go to your emphysema pit (or as Disney calls them "designated smoking areas") and get on with your life.

I’m a non smoker, and my father is a respitory doctor/surgeon. I hate to tell you but second hand some DOES NOT cause caner, nor have any short or long term effects. Try researching this information for yourself, rather then believing what you see on the news. Its a scare tactic used to have citizens form a mob mentality, which furthers the governments agenda. Ya know kinda like how we get terror alerts every 5 minutes, to make us feel the war in Iraq is justified.


Well-Known Member
ECurto said:
I’m a non smoker, and my father is a respitory doctor/surgeon. I hate to tell you but second hand some DOES NOT cause caner, nor have any short or long term effects. Try researching this information for yourself, rather then believing what you see on the news. Its a scare tactic used to have citizens form a mob mentality, which furthers the governments agenda. Ya know kinda like how we get terror alerts every 5 minutes, to make us feel the war in Iraq is justified.

Second-hand smoke 'causes cancer'
Exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke increases the risk of developing lung cancer, international experts have said.

A working group from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is part of the World Health Organization, examined all of the major studies looking at smoking and cancer.

After a five-day meeting in Lyons, France, this week, they suggested non-smokers who are exposed to second-hand smoke are between 20% and 30% more likely to develop lung cancer.

Passive smoking is quite clearly more than just the nuisance many of the world's tobacco companies would have us believe
Marsha Williams, ASH

The experts also found cancers of the stomach, liver, uterus, cervix, kidney and myeloid leukaemia could be caused in part by smoking.

The group of 29 experts from 12 countries found second-hand tobacco smoke was carcinogenic to humans and that typical levels of passive exposure have been shown to cause lung cancer among people who have never smoked.

This means hundreds of thousands of deaths worldwide from these cancers could now be linked to smoking.

Definite link

Dr Kurt Straif, who organised the IARC meeting, said the group examined 50 studies examining the link between passive smoking and cancer.

Speaking to BBC News Online, he added: "This is the first time that a global organisation has concluded that exposure to second hand smoke is linked to cancer."

One of the experts, Sir Richard Doll, said: "Environmental tobacco smoke that people experience at work or at home is definitely a cause of lung cancer.

"That has been discussed for a long time but this is the first time a group of independent scientists have reviewed all the evidence and said there is no question it is a cause of lung cancer."

Sir Richard said the findings should have a significant influence on health policies around the world and could strengthen arguments for a ban in this country on smoking in workplaces.

The experts also stated that one half of all persistent cigarette smokers are eventually killed by a tobacco-related disease.

Half of these deaths occur in middle age, which means they lose an average of 20-25 years of non-smoker life expectancy.

Annually tobacco accounts for millions of cancer deaths around the world, and it is the largest cause of preventable cancers.

However it causes a greater number of premature deaths from cardiovascular and lung diseases and strokes than from cancer.

Apart from cigarettes, other forms of tobacco smoking such as cigars and pipes increase the risks for cancer of the lung, head and neck.

Mounting evidence

Marsha Williams, of the anti-tobacco campaigning group ASH, said the findings added to the mounting body of evidence of the health risks from second-hand smoke.

She said: "Passive smoking is quite clearly more than just the nuisance many of the world's tobacco companies would have us believe.

"People are harmed and killed by it and it is time industry, government and smokers themselves woke up to this fact." , 2002

'Devastating effect'

"This is about having no choice about breathing in the smoke of others and the devastating effects of passive smoking on health."

She was joined by nurses working on the frontline, who said they wanted a full ban after seeing the devastating impacts of second-hand smoke.

Yana Richens, a consultant midwife from London, said passive smoking in pregnancy is linked to "low birth weight, premature birth and increased perinatal mortality".

"We have a duty to protect these babies and a public ban on smoking would go a long way to achieving this." , 2005

Second-hand smoke is dangerous

Second-hand smoke is more dangerous than directly inhaled smoke. Second-hand smoke releases the same 4,000 chemicals as smoke that is directly inhaled, but in even greater quantity. Approximately 50 of these chemicals (carcinogens) cause cancer.

Cigarettes burn for approximately 12 minutes, but smokers usually only inhale for 30 seconds. As a result, cigarettes are spewing second-hand smoke into the air for non-smokers to breathe.

The smoke inhaled by the smoker first, and then exhaled, is called mainstream smoke.

The smoke that goes directly into the air from the end of a burning cigarette is called sidestream smoke.

Because second-hand smoke burns at a lower temperature than inhaled smoke (mainstream) it contains:

* 2 times more tar
* 5 times more carbon monoxide, which reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood.

Health risks of second-hand smoke

Second-hand smoke is linked to the deaths of at least 1,100 Canadians every year.

The short-term effects include:

* eye irritation
* headache
* nasal discomfort and sneezing
* cough and sore throat
* nausea and dizziness
* increased heart rate and blood pressure
* increased risk for people with heart disease (angina), asthma, allergies

Long-term effects include:

* Reduced ability to take in and use oxygen.
* Cancer of the lung. Research on second-hand smoke and the relationship with other cancers is in progress.
* Heart disease and stroke.
* Childhood asthma and other breathing difficulties.,3182,3172_13127__langId-en,00.html , 2005

No short-term effects? :lol: :rolleyes: I'm totally with the bolded ones there :(

# What are the health effects of exposure to secondhand smoke?

Secondhand smoke exposure is a known risk factor for lung cancer (1, 3, 4, 6, 7). Approximately 3,000 lung cancer deaths occur each year among adult nonsmokers in the United States as a result of exposure to secondhand smoke (2). Secondhand smoke is also linked to nasal sinus cancer (1, 4). Some research suggests an association between secondhand smoke and cancers of the cervix, breast, and bladder. However, more research is needed in order to confirm a link to these cancers (3, 4, 8).

Secondhand smoke is also associated with the following noncancerous conditions:

* chronic coughing, phlegm, and wheezing (4, 6, 7)
* chest discomfort (4)
* lowered lung function (4, 6, 7)
* severe lower respiratory tract infections, such as bronchitis or pneumonia, in children (4, 6, 7)
* more severe asthma and increased chance of developing asthma in children (6)
* eye and nose irritation (4)
* severe and chronic heart disease (4)
* middle ear infections in children (4, 6)
* sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) (4)
* low birth weight or small size at birth for babies of women exposed to secondhand smoke during pregnancy (4)

Certain other noncancerous health conditions may also be associated with secondhand smoke. However, more research is needed in order to confirm a link between these conditions and secondhand smoke. These conditions include:

* spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) (4)
* adverse effect on cognition and behavior in children (4)
* worsening of cystic fibrosis (a disease that causes excessive mucus in the lungs) (4)

Over here in the UK, a TV presenter/Comedian/Excellent Musician called Roy Castle died of lung cancer which was attributed to playing smokey clubs throughout his life. He never smoked himself.


Well-Known Member
ogryn said:
No short-term effects? :lol: :rolleyes: I'm totally with the bolded ones there :(

Over here in the UK, a TV presenter/Comedian/Excellent Musician called Roy Castle died of lung cancer which was attributed to playing smokey clubs throughout his life. He never smoked himself.

Get outta here with all your crazy facts and whatnot! :lol: :lookaroun


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
ugh... I HATE these threads...

I have said it a million times and I will say it again....

Smokers... please stay in the smoking areas while you have one lit.....

And non-smokers.... please dont come into the smoking area and then proceed to about it / us. Yes...this does happen... quite frequently... and I just point at the smoking sign.... and the person usually shuts up and goes away.... Other times they just contiune and go on and on... and then I just want to put my cig out in their eye. :lol: ;)

Yes I am a smoker.... and I have the common courtesy not to do it around anyone, other than my fellow smokers. :wave:



New Member
cowboibabyy said:
If they ban smoking then they should also ban obnoxious mothers with strollers that run over my feet and never even say excuse me.

It's great to see more people who want smoking areas GONE. After going to shows/concerts for a while in New York City, it's VERY NICE to not suffocate from the nasty smoke anymore. Kid's don't kill (well .....), cancer does!


DMC-12 said:
Yes I am a smoker.... and I have the common courtesy not to do it around anyone, other than my fellow smokers. :wave:

And we appreciate that, Jer. There are a lot of inconsiderate smokers... but there are a lot of considerate ones, too.

Of course if I had my way you wouldn't be smoking, period



New Member
MiRi said:
Let's not forget that some people on this board are probably smokers so let's not be rude, please. I am not a smoker, but if I was, I'd be quite offended at some of the comments posted here.

Thank you very much for considering the feelings of people on the opposite side of the argument. I am a smoker. I only smoke outdoors, away from others. When in Disney, I don't smoke at all. I understand why many people don't like it, and that's why I take great pains to not bother anyone with it. If anyone asked me to put out a cigarette because it was bothering them, I would do so in an instant, as I suspect many smokers would.

So it really does offend me when I see rude comments along the lines of "It should be banned everywhere!" and "Smokers are disgusting!" The lack of respect displayed on these boards is appalling. So I do appreciate seeing it from you. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
bhg469 said:
Again you guys have the wong coast, NY doesnt have smog thats a west coast thing.

Every major city has smog.

I live in Providence, Rhode Island and we have days where you can see the smog. So long as there are an abundance of automobiles in use in any given area, combined with other forms of air polution, there will be smog.

So being that I live in a super small city and can see it with my own eyes on some days, I have a hard time believing that NY City doesn't have an issue with smog. Espescially with all the tall buildings that act like channels. I imagine the air becomes clogged up very quickly.

New York actually tops LA in the ammounts of both Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Dioxide in the air. :dazzle:


Le Meh
Premium Member
ECurto said:
I’m a non smoker, and my father is a respitory doctor/surgeon. I hate to tell you but second hand some DOES NOT cause caner, nor have any short or long term effects. Try researching this information for yourself, rather then believing what you see on the news. Its a scare tactic used to have citizens form a mob mentality, which furthers the governments agenda. Ya know kinda like how we get terror alerts every 5 minutes, to make us feel the war in Iraq is justified.

You really think the government wants people to quit know how much tax is on a pack of cigs? You honestly think our tax and spend government wants to lose income........get real.


New Member
ECurto said:
I’m a non smoker, and my father is a respitory doctor/surgeon. I hate to tell you but second hand some DOES NOT cause caner, nor have any short or long term effects. Try researching this information for yourself, rather then believing what you see on the news. Its a scare tactic used to have citizens form a mob mentality, which furthers the governments agenda. Ya know kinda like how we get terror alerts every 5 minutes, to make us feel the war in Iraq is justified.
Then how do you account for the fact that everytime my neice comes in contact with a smoker she has to rushed to hospital from having an asthmatic attack?


ECurto said:
I’m a non smoker, and my father is a respitory doctor/surgeon. I hate to tell you but second hand some DOES NOT cause caner, nor have any short or long term effects. Try researching this information for yourself, rather then believing what you see on the news. Its a scare tactic used to have citizens form a mob mentality, which furthers the governments agenda. Ya know kinda like how we get terror alerts every 5 minutes, to make us feel the war in Iraq is justified.

:veryconfu I know doctors too... and they all say the opposite. And they are currently teaching it in med schools so it must be current information. In fact I have heard that it is the smoke coming out the butt-end of the cigarette that does the most damage to the smokers themselves.

I don't mind smokers who follow the rules. And granted, simply walking past a smoker is not enough to cause any harm to the average non-smoker. But I do think it is dangerous to say there is no danger in secondhand smoke. I have stories up the wazoo but there is no point in boring anybody with those, plus, I suspect you would think of those as scare tactics anyway.

So- is the Mayo Clinic legitimate enough for you?


New Member
wdwgal1969 said:
As a smoker myself, I agree it is a nasty habit, but I always smoke in the designated areas only. In fact in the hotels, my fiance and I request a non-smoking room because we don't like smoke in enclosed areas. Even before Disney created designated smoking areas, I would always go into a private corner to smoke and always disposed of my butts properly, never on the floor, I have too much respect for the parks to do that and I don't wish to impose my bad habit onto others.

However, I will tell you that I see plenty of people who have no problem leaving their empty water bottles, ice cream wrappers or soda cups lying around on the floor in the cue lines for the rides. On my last trip while waiting in line for Peter Pan I saw a 10 year old simply dump the remainder of her soda and ice on the floor, along with her cup and just left it there for the rest of us to trip over... I picked up the cup and politely tapped her on the shoulder to tell her she had dropped something, alerted her to a garbage can and aided her in throwing away her trash... I thought her mother was going to smash my face in for causing her embarassment... Needless to say, you can't change people... they are going to be considerate and mindful of others or not...

Here here! I'm a fellow smoker, and I too smoke only in designated smoking areas. I ALWAYS put my cigarette out in the provided bins and in fact I usually pick up after the people that don't do so because it really annoys me. I also request non smoking rooms because I don't like smoking in confined spaces - also out of respect for my fiance who is a non smoker. I tend to smoke outside on the balconies of whatever room I am in, but I always put my butt in a plastic cup or flush it down the toilet when I'm done.

It's a shame that a few bad apples spoil the bunch. In this case, it's smokers that don't smoke in the designated areas. Oh well, they'll get what they deserve some day.


New Member
cowboibabyy said:
If they ban smoking then they should also ban obnoxious mothers with strollers that run over my feet and never even say excuse me.

I AGREE!!!! Maybe they could just ban rude people in general!!!

And the people at Epcot who say, "Tomorrow, let's go to Disney World!":hammer:

Or, maybe to get even with the smokers who won't stay in their designated areas, I will go there to the smoking area and NOT SMOKE!! HA! That'll teach 'em!
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