The happiest SMOKEbration on earth !!!

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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
It seems non-smokers have that same arrogant nature....

Neither has the right for what they want.

Why would Disney ban an entire segment of guests, especially since many guests are from countries where smoking is much more accepted?

Uh...because there's a link between second-hand smoke and cancer? And Disney wouldn't be banning a group of people were they to enact such a policy...just not allowing them to smoke. They're more than welcome to be there, and then they can leave the park if they want to smoke, and then go back. Just like someone who wants to smoke who goes to a movie theater, or a bar/club in NYC.

Oh, and while I'm in a quoty "making sense" mood...


Well-Known Member
slappy magoo said:
Uh...because there's a link between second-hand smoke and cancer?

and it is your choice to be around the smoke.......nobody is holding you in front of a smoker and making you breath the fumes

you do not have a right to be in a smoke-free environment

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Corrus said:
Dear Customer, We follow the rules, would you like a BIG FAT Rib with greasy fries, and on behave of the Walt Disney Company, We wish you a FAT & and OBESE life with lots of cholestorol, and a heart decease...

Have a Magical Day, and thank you for stuffing yourself with our Fat & greasy food

Last I checked, nobody at WDW is strapping you down and force-feeding any greasy food down your gullet. They have healthier options- wraps, fruits, salads, turkey burgers, etc. And if you don't want any of that food...DON'T EAT! Inhaling the aroma of a hot fudge sundae or turkey leg isn't gonna give a kid cancer. If you can't make an accurate analogy, don't waste your time making ANY analogies.


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
Smoking is legal, unless otherwise defined by the law.....if you want this changed, stop whining about it and write your congressman.

If you want to get technical, smoking is not legal, there is just no specific law forbidding it. It clearly defies my right to life, and the persuit of happiness. As much as I may try not to, I may get lung cancer due to someonne's cigarette smoke, there goes my life. Also, I may try to enjoy my vacation, but by dodging cigarette smoke, I am not happy. So, therfore, smoking is not only unhealthy, it is unconstitutional. And I am planning on writing my congresman with a petiotion attached to my letter.

Also, congrats on quiting!!!:sohappy: I am very happy for you!

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
and it is your choice to be around the smoke.......nobody is holding you in front of a smoker and making you breath the fumes

you do not have a right to be in a smoke-free environment

Of course I have a right to be in a smoke-free enviornment. That's why they pass laws forbidding smoking in offices, schools, libraries, malls, bars, etc. Local governments and the owners of property open to the public acknowledge that there's a health risk to smoking and have taken steps to forbid it or limit it. Might as well throw out Your Bucket of Argument because it doesn't hold water.

If I'm in the middle of a line to get on Space Mountain, and someone lights up, which is against WDW policy, am I supposed to lose my place in line because of their impropriety? Eff that, amigo. But according to your question, that is exactly what I'm supposed to do, because at that point it's my "choice" to be around the smoke.

If WDW chooses, they can ban smoking outright on the property they own. As it stands, they're cool with having designated smoking areas. I'd prefer no smoking, but as long as people adhere to the designated areas, then fine and dandy. The thread was started because some people don't respect those rules.

Quite frankly, I'm not sure why this is even much of an issue. Are some smokers such pathetic weak-willed selfish little me-monkeys that they can't wait 5 extra minutes to go someplace where nobody has a problem if they smoke?


Well-Known Member
DisneyChik17 said:
If you want to get technical, smoking is not legal, there is just no specific law forbidding it. It clearly defies my right to life, and the persuit of happiness. As much as I may try not to, I may get lung cancer due to someonne's cigarette smoke, there goes my life. Also, I may try to enjoy my vacation, but by dodging cigarette smoke, I am not happy. So, therfore, smoking is not only unhealthy, it is unconstitutional. And I am planning on writing my congresman with a petiotion attached to my letter.

Also, congrats on quiting!!!:sohappy: I am very happy for you!

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is part of the Declaration of Independence, not the Bill of Rights/Constitution

By Florida Law:
Smoking IS allowed , but not required to be permitted, in the following places:

1.) Stand-alone bars that meet nine criteria, notably:

a) No more than 10-percent gross revenues are derived from food consumed on the premises

b) Not located within, and not sharing any common entryway or common indoor area with, any other enclosed workplace

2.) Retail tobacco shops

3.) Designated guest sleeping rooms in motels and hotels

4.) Outdoor patios and decks that are less than 50-percent enclosed

5.) Certain nonprofit organizations in leased spaces for non-commercial activities

6.) Smoking-cessation programs approved by the Florida Department of Health

7.) Medical or scientific research facilities


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is part of the Declaration of Independence, not the Bill of Rights/Constitution

I think you are concentrating on the LEAST important part of the post.


Well-Known Member
slappy magoo said:
Of course I have a right to be in a smoke-free enviornment. That's why they pass laws forbidding smoking in offices, schools, libraries, malls, bars, etc. Local governments and the owners of property open to the public acknowledge that there's a health risk to smoking and have taken steps to forbid it or limit it. Might as well throw out Your Bucket of Argument because it doesn't hold water.

If you are in those areas, and in Florida, you are protected under the Indoor Clean Air Act. If you are not in a designated smoke-free area, you have no right to not be around smokers.

slappy magoo said:
If I'm in the middle of a line to get on Space Mountain, and someone lights up, which is against WDW policy, am I supposed to lose my place in line because of their impropriety? Eff that, amigo. But according to your question, that is exactly what I'm supposed to do, because at that point it's my "choice" to be around the smoke.

If you are indoors, they are breaking the law, but if they are outdoors, they are not....they are only breaking WDW's rules.

You can address the issue, ask WDW to address the issue, suffer through the smoke, or remove yourself from the area.

slappy magoo said:
If WDW chooses, they can ban smoking outright on the property they own. As it stands, they're cool with having designated smoking areas. I'd prefer no smoking, but as long as people adhere to the designated areas, then fine and dandy. The thread was started because some people don't respect those rules.

Yes they can.....maybe they should, but I am not so sure that would be a good business decision.

slappy magoo said:
Quite frankly, I'm not sure why this is even much of an issue. Are some smokers such pathetic weak-willed selfish little me-monkeys that they can't wait 5 extra minutes to go someplace where nobody has a problem if they smoke?

some probably are


Well-Known Member
DisneyChik17 said:
I think you are concentrating on the LEAST important part of the post.

Thanks.....and good luck with your congressman.

The unfortunate thing is that the Tobacco companies have a huge lobbiest group, and the chance of smoking ever being banned are slim to none.

1. It would put a large amount of people out of jobs, along with several companies.

2. The healthcare companies would suffer, as they would lose money from treating ill people

Now, what I just wrote pretty much makes me sick.....the fact that this country protects a dangerous vice for those reasons......but reality is reality.


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
Thanks.....and good luck with your congressman.

The unfortunate thing is that the Tobacco companies have a huge lobbiest group, and the chance of smoking ever being banned are slim to none.

1. It would put a large amount of people out of jobs, along with several companies.

2. The healthcare companies would suffer, as they would lose money from treating ill people

Now, what I just wrote pretty much makes me sick.....the fact that this country protects a dangerous vice for those reasons......but reality is reality.

Isn't that the truth, but that's why America is so darn WONDERFUL. Don't get me wrong, I love and suport my country, but it just baffles me sometimes.


New Member
When I was 8, yes 8, coming off of POTC, I got burned by some idiot smoker smoking at the exit and waving her arm around. I had to go to first aid And everything. I always thank the smokers who do it in the areas, but when you don't, it just makes it a really bad experience for everyone.


New Member
It sounds like this is getting a little of subject by calling people weak willed selfish me-monkies? JMO, Not all smokers are this, just as not all mothers pushing strollers are crazy and rude.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
alexis_fate said:
It sounds like this is getting a little of subject by calling people weak willed selfish me-monkies? JMO, Not all smokers are this, just as not all mothers pushing strollers are crazy and rude.

That's why I said "SOME smokers" and not "ALL smokers." Please, if you're going to quote me, be accurate about it because when you misinterpret my words it makes me look dumber than I already am and I don't need your help in that department.

And it's still on topic, IMO, because if those shallow carcinogen stick-loving hyenas could just put a handle on their addiction for the few hours they're in the park, the whole discussion would be moot. But because they want to smoke wherever they want, non-smokers are forced to deal with their secondhand smoke, the grounds are littered with cigarette butts & nicotine-stained clothing becomes the new black.

And this is all coming from the point of view of an adult non-smoker. With few exceptions, nobody's really pointing out the fact that, on any given day in the parks, there might be at least 2 or 3 KIDS in the parks. And they're probably there with parents or guardians, which means they can't up and leave if they choose. And this means if they're around people who are smoking, parents are forced to make the choice between not letting them experience WDW the way they want because some people choose to flaunt Disney's rules...or risk them to the effects of second-hand smoke. Granted, even one solid day of breathing nothing but second hand smoke isn't going to guarantee a trip from the Cancer Fairy, but it doesn't change the fact that Disney has a policy regarding smoking, and some people not only choose to ignore that policy, they get defensive when confonrted with their disregard to others. I don't believe we should cater everything towards kids, but I do believe we should be cognizant of what we do that affects their health. If I'm going to gripe when a local incinerator fails safety standards meaning they're polluting the air...if I'm going to rail against Bush's repealing of enviornmental laws that allow corporations to add more toxins to the air without fear of reprisal, then I'm sure as sugar going to complain about someone who can't find a freaking smoker's lounge to smoke when there are kids present.


New Member
All I am pointing out is that is not needed to call people names just to prove a point about how harmful smoking is. I am sure that we are all adults here and we know what smoking does to your body. I just think it is rude to call people names but what do I know I am just a stick loving animal.


New Member
speck76 said:
It seems non-smokers have that same arrogant nature....

Neither has the right for what they want.

Why would Disney ban an entire segment of guests, especially since many guests are from countries where smoking is much more accepted?

:sohappy: Ahh Speck, you seem to get smarter with each post I read. Well said! :sohappy:

Once again people, Disneyworld is a BUISNESS...lets not forget that very important fact. They tend to want to cater to the largest amount of people they possibly can... alienating smoking takes away a huge part of other country visitors.


Active Member
I would hate to raise another concern about people, but: you cannot just get mad at the smokers, sure their habit can cause cancer, runin the magic and generally just ________ me off, but, we cannot forget or ignore another problem that people cause and that is liter. SURE CM's are always cleaning, but when can't people find a garbage. They are all over the park and quite frankly easy to use.

On my last trip was I riding SM and coming around one of the curves I saw garbage in the water. Coke Can, candy bar wrappers etc. Really through me for a loop, I mean come on. Don't eat while on the ride, but if you have too, use the garbage at the exit of the ride.

Just a thought, and no offence to smokers.
slappy magoo said:
Why on Earth should we thank people for doing the things they're SUPPOSED to do? Does anyone thank me for not hitting them with my car when I drive? For not breaking into their houses and painting pictures on their faces while they sleep? Since when do we as a nation need to have constant reinforcement for doing what's expected of us?

I'm all for pointing out the positives when someone does something REALLY positive, but otherwise, you're following the rules, big whoop. "Hey, cowboy, way to get cancer in a designated area." How's that?

Some people think that good behaviour must always be rewarded. Well, sometimes the "reward" is that the world goes on as it has been. Learn to appreciate that.

By the way, thanks for not hitting me with your car, breaking into my house, and painting on my face.

I'm not saying walk up to the smoking area and say thanks. That's stupid. Just stop attacking every person who smokes. The majority of them are following the rules and going to where they are supposed to.

All I'm saying is everyone here is so negative. This ridiculous topic comes up every once and a while and the super anti smoking vigilantes come out of the woodwork practically threatening to kill anyone they see smoking at Disney. I know when I hit WDW I'm in heaven. I'm not going to let a puff of smoke ruin my vacation like a lot of people.


New Member
DisneyDream2004 said:
. I know when I hit WDW I'm in heaven. I'm not going to let a puff of smoke ruin my vacation like a lot of people.

It seems like when the worst thing at disney is somebody smoking, and you complain about it and make a big deal about it, your kind of being ungrateful for the fact that your alive, have food and shelter, and can afford to go to wdw. come on, people, be grateful, you could be starving to death somewhere, or being shot at by terrorists.


Well-Known Member
I'm so glad you brought this up. It drives me crazy. There are designated smoking areas and no one seems to go in them. It's bad enough they wanna kill themselves but don't kill me during the 3:00 parade. I think CM's should have the right to tell smokers where they can smoke.


New Member
I am a smoker(yes, I know how wrong it is, and am planning to quit, but didn't want Disney to be the place where I was nic fitting the whole time!)and did only smoke in the designated ares...except the one time we thought we were in a designated and were getting our smokes out and a CM walked us to the right spot in AK. Wasn't upset we were in the wrong, but he made sure we went. Good for him!
I did notice that people smoked wherever they wanted.. Kinda like all the poelpe decided they should be in front of the bus line after you've already waited an hour, or people suddenly stopping in the middle of the street making you run into them or all the other plain ignorance thay goes on in Disney.... You just have to suck it up or you can drive yourself crazy!!

I will say that they did put the smoking areas in the weirdest places, like right beside alot of little kid ares, or doorways.... I though that was weird.
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