The happiest SMOKEbration on earth !!!

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Well-Known Member
slappy magoo said:
Why on Earth should we thank people for doing the things they're SUPPOSED to do? Does anyone thank me for not hitting them with my car when I drive? For not breaking into their houses and painting pictures on their faces while they sleep? Since when do we as a nation need to have constant reinforcement for doing what's expected of us?

I'm all for pointing out the positives when someone does something REALLY positive, but otherwise, you're following the rules, big whoop. "Hey, cowboy, way to get cancer in a designated area." How's that?

Some people think that good behaviour must always be rewarded. Well, sometimes the "reward" is that the world goes on as it has been. Learn to appreciate that.

Very well said, IMO. I totally agree with what you said.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
They might as well, escort guests out with those stinky arm pits and bodies..
And while there at it... do the same withe guests who break wind in attractions...

BTW... IMO They should half the portions of lunches and dinners, which are killing thousands of people all over the country... They have the obligation to keep people healthy, and fight obesity...


Account Suspended
slappy magoo said:
Why on Earth should we thank people for doing the things they're SUPPOSED to do? Does anyone thank me for not hitting them with my car when I drive? For not breaking into their houses and painting pictures on their faces while they sleep? Since when do we as a nation need to have constant reinforcement for doing what's expected of us?

I'm all for pointing out the positives when someone does something REALLY positive, but otherwise, you're following the rules, big whoop. "Hey, cowboy, way to get cancer in a designated area." How's that?

Some people think that good behaviour must always be rewarded. Well, sometimes the "reward" is that the world goes on as it has been. Learn to appreciate that.

I think that you just solved the entire problem (so to speak) with this thread.


Well-Known Member
slappy magoo said:
No disrespect to the "good smokers" who only light up in appropriate areas, etc. etc. But I would also be happy to see smoking banned from the parks entirely. Just too many kids around for it to be considered a good idea. People complained of getting burned or almost burned. Well, if you're walking around with a cigarette & you don't have the presence of mind to look down and see if kids are around...seems like they're more at a risk of getting burned then someone who can more easily enter your field of peripheral vision.

What I'd love to see is a zero-tolerance policy regarding "Free-range smokers." Have signs up that specify, in as many languages as necessary, that anyone smoking in a non-designated area will be immediately ejected from the park for the day, no re-rentry, no refund. Have it broadcast in every possible language on the trams, monorails & boats. Make sure Guest Services at every resort tells people at check-in. And then...ENFORCE IT!

The whole "I paid good money to be here" doesn't hold water as far as I'm concerned. I could pay good money to go to your hometown on vacation, but if there are rules, I'll have to follow them. So why shouldn't you follow Disney's. Why not have cockfights in the Animal Kingdom? Play a boom box whilst in the Hall of Presidents? Walk around in a thong bikini like you're at the beach (unless, of've got the bod for it, haha)? If it's against policy, DON'T DO IT.

you could have the disney Smoking Squad running around at every par....oh wait, that would make them the disney SS....nevermind

Tim G

Well-Known Member
slappy magoo said:
I'm all for pointing out the positives when someone does something REALLY positive, but otherwise, you're following the rules, big whoop. "Hey, cowboy, way to get cancer in a designated area." How's that?

Dear Customer, We follow the rules, would you like a BIG FAT Rib with greasy fries, and on behave of the Walt Disney Company, We wish you a FAT & and OBESE life with lots of cholestorol, and a heart decease...

Have a Magical Day, and thank you for stuffing yourself with our Fat & greasy food


Well-Known Member
Im all for freedom of expression (I have several facial piercings) and i'm a mommy as well. I agree with the "half naked" people walking around WDW. I visit 2x a month and on my last trip my partner and I brought our son (he prefers IOA over DISNEY:( silly child) Anyhow, we saw this lady walking around with booty shorts...literally her whole butt was hanging could actually see her behind cheeks.:hurl: I couldnt beleive it!!! My son looked at her and said "mommy why is the lady naked" I was sooooo upset! Now i am a very open-minded person on alot of things but in WDW half-naked isnt right...maybe some people feel the same way about my peircings....they have that right as well. I'd just prefer not to see someones butt in that type of setting.

The way that some of the people dressed. :eek: I have tattoos and I have over heard someone making a comment about them once. I'm a mom as well and if I ever caught my daughter dressing that way she would be in a world of hurt. I think mystery in a person is very alluring. You don't have to show everything god gave you. :)


Well-Known Member
Hey, if we're listing those we don't want in the parks (short shorts, tattoos, smokers, etc.) I want to put in my two cents.

I would like to restrict:
1. People that let their kids walk past safety lines and wander around attraction queues.
2. People that yell through a crowd "HEY...HEY VINNIE...HEY...HEY VINNEY!!...HEY!!!...YOU WANT ONE A DEESE!!?
3. Scooter folk (unless you are over 70, have a limp, or are missing a leg.
4. Stroller Folk with 12yr olds riding in them or those just using them as pack mules.
5. Line cutters (I love the ones "I'm just going up to be with my friends" Really, why don't they "Just come back" to be with you?
6. People that yell at their children.
7. Flash/movie light Folks
8. Folks that talk through the quiet parts of attractions (HM, ToT, etc.)
9. Folks that let their kids play outside other people's rooms at ungodly hours.
10. People from the B. country (not that there's anything wrong with them, fine people, other than their social norms.)

If someone could let me know when these go into effect, that would be great...yeah.


Account Suspended
They can get kicked out of the park for smoking outside of the areas, well after there 5 warning. personally its tomany warnings if u ask me.

Only 12H and 37M till I'm at DISNEY


New Member
OK here is the solution. We get rid of all things annoying. Smokeing annoys you people so all smokeing is banned. Cell Phones annoy me so all cell phones are banned. As well as clapping, screaming, silly hats, goofy face paint, fattening foods, anything that beeps, ect, ect, ect.

I am not a smoker but I know alot of them and if you get rid of the smokeing areas the people who walk around the park smokeing will not be affected. The reason they smoke out of the smokeing areas is because they feel like it is there right to do what ever they want and nothing is gonna change that. Let the smokeing areas stay so the good smokers have a place to enjoy a smoke.


Active Member
Forget cigarettes. I saw a group of adults passing a joint to each other as they walked in front of CBJ. That makes me mad. It is illegal and children were all around them as they walked with it. That smell is worse than anything to me.


Well-Known Member
Ringo8n24 said:
Forget cigarettes. I saw a group of adults passing a joint to each other as they walked in front of CBJ. That makes me mad. It is illegal and children were all around them as they walked with it. That smell is worse than anything to me.

OMG!!!!!! That's insane! I would hope that if a CM saw that they report it to higher power. It probably wouldn't phase them to get kicked out anyway. I bet they were in a good mood.


Well-Known Member
SKYWAY 4 ME said:
I have seen a few cigars once in a while !!! :hurl:

Eww, that smell is so revloting! It really makes me want to :hurl: . I hate the smell of all of those type things (cigarettes and cigars). I don't see how that smell could "un-addict" someone very fast. Also, I find it funny how when people say they are better quality, they tend to smell worse then the cheap ones.


New Member
As far as Disney being a family place and smoke does not need to be around children, I would like them not to sell alcohol since we do not drink around our child.


Well-Known Member
alexis_fate said:
As far as Disney being a family place and smoke does not need to be around children, I would like them not to sell alcohol since we do not drink around our child.

That I also agree with. I think all things that could effect anyone else enjoying thier vacation should be banned. I don't know anyone who like to cough or throw-up on vacation. Some things are not appropriate for families and don't belong in a family atmosphere.


Active Member
Original Poster
alexis_fate said:
As far as Disney being a family place and smoke does not need to be around children, I would like them not to sell alcohol since we do not drink around our child.

Wouldnt that be nice !!!!


Well-Known Member
A few notes from a former smoker:

I was never an obnoxious smoker.....I always smoked in the most secluded designated areas.....but anyway.

Smokers do not have the "right" to smoke, but at the same time, non-smokers do not have the "right" to be away from smoke.

Smoking is legal, unless otherwise defined by the law.....if you want this changed, stop whining about it and write your congressman.

As much as some smokers are rude, and smoke in non-designated areas, how good are you to just sit there and take in the smoke, when you do have the chance to either say something to the smoker, or removed yourself from the area? They may be irresponsible, but how responsible are you for doing nothing about the situation, or expecting a CM do handle your problem for you.

Yeah, you can come back with the attitude that "why should I have to move, I am doing nothing wrong".....well, GOOD FOR YOU! Not everyone in this world is as kind as you are, and you have two options, handle them, or remove yourself from them.


Active Member
I noticed this also being there last week. And with the humidity so high, the smoke just hangs in the air--It is so gross!! I know people have the right to smoke, but I really wish they would ban it all together in the parks. I cannot stand walking behind a smoker or just walking along and walking into a stale puff of smoke hanging in the air! :fork: It seems more and more smokers are becoming arrogant and getting the attitude ,"I will smoke wherever I want to".


Well-Known Member
Trishnh said:
It seems more and more smokers are becoming arrogant and getting the attitude ,"I will smoke wherever I want to".

It seems non-smokers have that same arrogant nature....

Neither has the right for what they want.

Why would Disney ban an entire segment of guests, especially since many guests are from countries where smoking is much more accepted?
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