The happiest SMOKEbration on earth !!!

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Well-Known Member
We only smoke in the designated areas and still get looks and attitude. We are always considerate and do not even smoke in the designated areas when there are children around. ...we were at the bus stop- no one else was there. It was clearly a smoking area as there was an ashtray (already used too!) we were smoking when a family came to the stop and made all sorts of commotion- well I mean it was a smoking area- of course, we stopped smoking to appease the family, but we have rights too and should be allowed to enjoy ourselves on vacation without harrassment!!
That was very considerate of you, especially for the kids. Wow. Even though I wasn't there, thank you.
I agree with you on all points except for one thing....Stitch doesn't rule.:kiss::lol:


New Member
krueg66 said:
So maybe those of us Disney fans that respect the property and those in it are the ones that would take time out of our day to read/post here? Did you ever consider that? Perhaps the people that most of you are talking about are the kinds of people that don't care about anyone else in general? They are not bad people because they are smokers, they are idiots that smoke.

You are obviously a Bruins fan. Let's assume you are a Red Sox fan too. I live in Tampa and have some run ins with Sox fans. They were complete a__holes. Should I then by default say that ALL Boston fans are? That's not the truth, and most of us "evil, dumb, mean, rude etc. smokers" aren't either. We have our vice, we know it's bad for us and we don't try and push it on anyone else. Just leave us alone in our little smoking section, feel sorry for us if you want, but don't judge and certainly don't shoot looks in our direction or say something ignorant. If you do, you may be surprised by the response. On the other hand, if some jerk is smoking in the queue and blowing it in your face, by all means call a spade a spade and tell him what's up! I smoke and I would...

Can't we all just get along!!! I'm tiring of this plus I'm leaving for WDW in 8 days for a week. I PROMISE I will only smoke in the smoking sections and on my balcony as always.
Love the rant... Sorry if my post hit hard. My sarcasm is only in smoking being a nasty habit. I don't think any less of smokers, aside from the inconsiderate ones but then again, your right. They are inconsiderate people who happen to smoke. I never grouped all smokers as a whole. As a matter of fact, I love the Red Sox and the Patriots and I love the Lightning and up until the Pats won their first championship, I loved the Bucs as much as the Pats. Still wear my old tattered Bucs hat. I'm not sure I would compare being a Red Sox fan to having a bad habit. Maybe Yankees fans... :animwink:

Let me set the record straight concerning my feelings. I don't smoke. I personally find it nausiating. I am talking about smoking, NOT smokers. I only lose respect for smokers when the have no regard for the current state of the environment and feel they have just as much right to pollute it as we all have to breathe the cleanest air we can. The majority of topics on this site exists by extremes. We have extreme side A and we have extreme side B. Very rarely do we have discussions that fall in the middle. Frankly that kind of discussion would be boring. :lookaroun

And as for my statement about only the "nice" and "respectful" smokers posting. That only meant that I only see people who smoke with respect to others stating their views. I don't see any post by people claiming to be blatantly disrespectful, like some describe. :eek:

I appreciate your response to my post but know that your barking at the wrong dog. I regret posting in such a thread because these smoking threads carry far to many personal attacks. I'll gracefully bow out and continue watching this train wreck... :eek:

Hey Krueg66... Have a great time and ah, the Devil Rays s**k... :lookaroun
Kidding bud, just kidding.... :sohappy:


it's all good...

Hey Krueg66... Have a great time and ah, the Devil Rays s**k... :lookaroun
Kidding bud, just kidding.... :sohappy:[/QUOTE]

I understand. I think smoking is a disgusting habit as well. I don't even smoke in my own house! I just hate when people stereotype. Not to say you are or do..

The Devil Rays do suck and not only am I a filthy smoker....i'm also a YANKEES FAN!!!! haha

have a good one and we will debate a nicer topic about WDW some other time!


astewart said:
actually, no I don't have an ashtray in my car. It never came with one

You can have mine! LOL

Oh well, yours didn't come with an ashtray, and mine didn't come with a garbage can- stuff we get to buy on our own, I guess.


Well-Known Member
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by astewart
actually, no I don't have an ashtray in my car. It never came with one

erika said:
You can have mine! LOL

Oh well, yours didn't come with an ashtray, and mine didn't come with a garbage can- stuff we get to buy on our own, I guess.

And I bet neither of you throws your crap out the window right? Your car not having an ashtray is no excuse, as I was not so nicely told by a State Trooper when I was in high school :lookaroun


PigletIsMyCat said:
And I bet neither of you throws your crap out the window right? Your car not having an ashtray is no excuse, as I was not so nicely told by a State Trooper when I was in high school :lookaroun

Of course not- as you read earlier, that is a HUGE pet peeve of mine! :hurl:

Erika said:
Eh... if it's not cigarette butts, it's Big Gulp cups... it's not just smokers who throw trash on the ground. Non-smokers do it too. Some people don't know how to keep anything looking nice.


Active Member
astewart said:
actually, no I don't have an ashtray in my car. It never came with one

Well let me just say that throwing a lit object out the car window is down right dangerous. It could fly back in your own window or another car's window. And, before you say this couldn't happen, I personally know people this has happened to both ways. So breakdown and go out and buy an ashtray for your car.

Incidentally, I never throw things out the car window or litter, my parents taught me that this wrong.


PigletIsMyCat said:
And I bet neither of you throws your crap out the window right? Your car not having an ashtray is no excuse, as I was not so nicely told by a State Trooper when I was in high school :lookaroun

Actually, I jsut don't smoke in my car, I wait till i get wherever i'm going.... and my back seat looks like a garbage can. So no, I do not throw my crap out the window


Account Suspended
This is a pointless discussion. Especially on a site devoted to the "Happiest Place on Earth". All smokers are are considerate, just ask them. All non-smokers see inconsiderate smokers everywhere, just ask them. It's all just blah, blah, blah. Nothing is going to be settled through this discussion and people are just going to get mad at each other. We are not even talking about the original post anymore. Instead we are talking about throwing stuff out the window and cars without ashtrays and smoking at bus stops??? What to heck does that have to do with smoking at Disney???

WDW has designated smoking areas in all their parks. That's it, bottom line. What part of that don't people get? If Disney wanted smoke-free parks it could happen tomorrow. If you don't like smoking in the parks tell Disney about it. What part of that don't people understand?


Now what does that have to do with throwing things out of the windows, or cars without ashtrays or bus stops??????

Get a grip,



New Member
DoomBuggy05 said:
This is a pointless discussion. Especially on a site devoted to the "Happiest Place on Earth". All smokers are are considerate, just ask them. All non-smokers see inconsiderate smokers everywhere, just ask them. It's all just blah, blah, blah. Nothing is going to be settled through this discussion and people are just going to get mad at each other. We are not even talking about the original post anymore. Instead we are talking about throwing stuff out the window and cars without ashtrays and smoking at bus stops??? What to heck does that have to do with smoking at Disney???

WDW has designated smoking areas in all their parks. That's it, bottom line. What part of that don't people get? If Disney wanted smoke-free parks it could happen tomorrow. If you don't like smoking in the parks tell Disney about it. What part of that don't people understand?


Now what does that have to do with throwing things out of the windows, or cars without ashtrays or bus stops??????

Get a grip,

We enjoy beating dead horses...:p


Well-Known Member
On my motorcycle, the driver in front of me does get an unpleasant surprise if there's a piece of BURNING TRASH thrown out the window into my path behind them.

There is no excuse to throw cigarette butts out the car window.


New Member
Originally Posted by Woody13
In reality, there is no such thing as a "considerate" smoker. A person that smokes tobacco stinks!
Smoke gets in their hair, clothes, lungs and anything in which they come in contact. They are just like the cartoon character "Pigpen". They are happy to be smoky, slovenly misfits and spread their nasty odor without any shame. They often do this out of ignorance. Their own olfactory ability is so severely impaired that they can't smell their own stink! They think they are normal when, in fact, they are rude interlopers on the rest of society

WOW... I mean WOW, that is a bit Mean. I think you should have thought twice before posting this. Your sterio typing smokers. I don't smoke any more but I respect smokers for there choices. I have friends that are smokers and they do not smell! :mad:

Originally Posted by Erika
I have read that kids raised in the country tend to have less seasonal & animal allergies compared to kids raised in the city.

I'm from New York and I'm allergy free. I have never had any breathing problems in my life, Non of my family or my husband's family. :)


DisneyFreak529 said:
I'm from New York and I'm allergy free. I have never had any breathing problems in my life, Non of my family or my husband's family. :)

I don't have seasonal or animal allergies either... statistics, in general, do not apply to everybody :wave:

It was a bit of a tangent in response to this post:

dflye said:
Yikes, this sounds like the whole peanut allergy issue that has made it impossible for me to even make a PBJ sandwich for my kid in preschool without getting slapped down by the teachers!

So how did we end up with all these horrible near-fatal allergies in the last few decades? Are we sheltering our kids too much from real world experiences when they are young, so that they cannot build up immunities to what is out there in the big scary real world?


Account Suspended

Is there an administrator in the house?

This is an ugly, nasty post and it needs to stop. There is nothing productive here or even remotely Disney. Lock it now please!!!!!! If you don't, I will be calling WDWMAGIC tomorrow! THANK YOU VERY LITTLE. I DIDN"T PAY $50 A YEAR TO READ THIS CRAP!!!!!!!!!!



New Member
DoomBuggy05 said:

Is there an administrator in the house?

This is an ugly, nasty post and it needs to stop. There is nothing productive here or even remotely Disney. Lock it now please!!!!!! If you don't, I will be calling WDWMAGIC tomorrow! THANK YOU VERY LITTLE. I DIDN"T PAY $50 A YEAR TO READ THIS CRAP!!!!!!!!!!


Next time maybe you could send this message throw private messages! I'm not mad, I'm just saying two wrongs don't make a right!


Well-Known Member
DoomBuggy05 said:

Is there an administrator in the house?

This is an ugly, nasty post and it needs to stop. There is nothing productive here or even remotely Disney. Lock it now please!!!!!! If you don't, I will be calling WDWMAGIC tomorrow! THANK YOU VERY LITTLE. I DIDN"T PAY $50 A YEAR TO READ THIS CRAP!!!!!!!!!!


no one is forcing you to read this thread. just quit. or are you addicted to it?
maybe there is a patch available?

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