The end for refillable mugs?


Well-Known Member
even if there truly is a "problem" with abuse.. is Disney going to hurt its self by strictly enforcing the 'cup situation'? do you want to lose customers, over 3 cents worth of drinks..

if it cost ONE FAMILY FROM MAKING ONE TRIP.. its not worth it.. really its not..

because the cost of one family's trip probably exceeds all the abuse.. because the cost of a drink is just that small..

its like Disney could 'enforce" no carry in's as well. .but it doesn't ..

don't make a mountain out of a mole hill..

its may be being "abused".. I didn't .. and I didn't buy a mug.. but its not being abused enough to make it worth while.. and if they make a big thing about it, its going to come back and bite them in the backside..


Well-Known Member
He was being sarcastic. :cool:

Originally Posted by zweltar View Post
Now THAT'S something to buy from Disney!
Heck, we could probably reuse those, too, forever. I mean, how much can a margarita or beer really cost a mega-company like Disney? We paid good money for our vacations and should be able to steal whatever we want!


Well-Known Member
grow up people, Disney is trying to enforce the rules without enforcing them, instead of just putting a CM at the beverage station and policing it they are doing it subtly without someone telling you no, but with a machine which most people won't even think twice about.

I seriously doubt that anyone would skip a trip to Disney because no free soda, that is just the most insane thing I have ever heard anyone say.


Well-Known Member
grow up people, Disney is trying to enforce the rules without enforcing them, instead of just putting a CM at the beverage station and policing it they are doing it subtly without someone telling you no, but with a machine which most people won't even think twice about.

I seriously doubt that anyone would skip a trip to Disney because no free soda, that is just the most insane thing I have ever heard anyone say.

Hmmm...when we stayed at the Boardwalk the cups were sort of a pain to use. Had to get in line, show your cup, order your drink and then take drink served in paper cup. Now this was inside the resort not outside. But all of the values and mods we've stayed at you just helped yourself..well, except at CSR if you were sitting down they had CM who would offer to get your drinks..we always got our own. So, is the abuse more common at the values & mods where the drink stations are just out in the open, self service style? Do they have more people reusing old mugs, or other mugs there? We don't plan on buying the mugs in July when we are at Yacht Club, just because we didn't get $60 worth out of them at Boardwalk last summer. We did buy them at Pop this past spring and got our money's worth.


Well-Known Member
I know the last time I was CBR people were filling every kind of container you could think of, it was the worst that I've ever seen, I've been going to WDW for close to 20 yrs now and in the past I've seen the occasional refilling of a bottle of coke but the last time I was there it was a free for all in filling all sorts of containers, everything from the refillable mugs you get at a gas station, water bottles, and like I said previously one guy filling the ice bucket from his room with coke.

I think it has gotten completely out of hand and instead of taking away the self service at the moderates and values I think they are just looking for tech to solve the problem.

I personally think the cups are worth it, we usually head back to the resort for lunch and most dinners so you figure 4 or 5 refills a day times 7 days and the usual stop on the way back to the room after a day in the parks it isn't a bad deal for us. I figure if I got a one time use cup that like $2 times 2 times 7 so $4 a day 7 days is $28 so $12-14 for a mug thats also a souvenir isn't a bad deal, now I do miss when there was resort specific mugs but oh well and its not worth it for me to haul an old mug down just to save $12 on a $2000 trip.


Think for yourselfer
I'm glad Disney is trying to eliminate this blatant thievery. I have no respect for anyone who goes down to WDW with an old mug or a quick check mug, or whatever and steals soda. It is just a reflection on who you are as a person. I hope all the soda thieves do stay home now. There is no telling what other nonsense they are up to when in the parks.

NOTE: I am not being sarcastic. I am being serious.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad Disney is trying to eliminate this blatant thievery. I have no respect for anyone who goes down to WDW with an old mug or a quick check mug, or whatever and steals soda. It is just a reflection on who you are as a person. I hope all the soda thieves do stay home now. There is no telling what other nonsense they are up to when in the parks.

NOTE: I am not being sarcastic. I am being serious.
After I steal soda I like to go into the parks and punch grandmas in the face.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad Disney is trying to eliminate this blatant thievery. I have no respect for anyone who goes down to WDW with an old mug or a quick check mug, or whatever and steals soda. It is just a reflection on who you are as a person. I hope all the soda thieves do stay home now. There is no telling what other nonsense they are up to when in the parks.

NOTE: I am not being sarcastic. I am being serious.

Come on now, its not like they are stealing large expensive items, its soda!! Everyone has done it once or twice in their life, I'm sure you have filled a cup at the gas station, drank half of it and then refilled it before paying or something along those lines.

Now don't get me wrong I'm not condoning the practice, nor have I ever done it myself while in WDW. But to say in so many words that people who steal soda are scum is a bit harsh. :rolleyes:

Evil Genius

Well-Known Member
It's a bummer if the mugs do go away.

I've seen rampant use of old mugs, or even non-Disney mugs on the past few trips we've made and while it doesn't seem like a huge's something my family and I would NEVER think of doing! It's not a huge expense and really...if you're thirsty and really low on cash to the point of thinking of stealing a beverage...just drink water. It's free and it's better for you anyway!

We used to buy new mugs every trip but stopped when they went away from the resort specific ones. But that's another topic altogether...


Think for yourselfer
After I steal soda I like to go into the parks and punch grandmas in the face.

ha. Maybe the first time I have seriously laughed out loud reading the forums. Excellent mental image of grandma on a rascal getting drilled in the face by an over caffeinated lunatic.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
I know the last time I was CBR people were filling every kind of container you could think of, it was the worst that I've ever seen, I've been going to WDW for close to 20 yrs now and in the past I've seen the occasional refilling of a bottle of coke but the last time I was there it was a free for all in filling all sorts of containers, everything from the refillable mugs you get at a gas station, water bottles, and like I said previously one guy filling the ice bucket from his room with coke.

Sounds classy!! :king:

"Lookie here maw... I got me a bucket of sody-pop..a-hee-hee"



Well-Known Member
I know the last time I was CBR people were filling every kind of container you could think of, it was the worst that I've ever seen, I've been going to WDW for close to 20 yrs now and in the past I've seen the occasional refilling of a bottle of coke but the last time I was there it was a free for all in filling all sorts of containers, everything from the refillable mugs you get at a gas station, water bottles, and like I said previously one guy filling the ice bucket from his room with coke.

However, if I buy a mug, I'm entitled to, on that trip, free refills. So if I take that mug and immediately dump it into another container, I'm doing nothing wrong.


Active Member
However, if I buy a mug, I'm entitled to, on that trip, free refills. So if I take that mug and immediately dump it into another container, I'm doing nothing wrong.

Maybe its technically not wrong, but if you are using your cup to fill an ice chest, it doesn't not make you a jerk. :cool:

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