The Enchanted Tiki Room is coming to the Magic Kingdom!

The Mom

Premium Member
I'll explain. The problem is that you make the classic mistake people make in matters of economics, what Bastiat called the difference between what is seen and what is unseen. What is seen here: you have a ticket that allows you to board a ride in two minutes instead of a standby line of forty minutes. What is unseen: the use of fastpass is what makes the line forty minutes long, and without it, it might be half that. And unless you are able to get FP for every ride that uses it, your stand-by times will be affected.

If everyone were able to make equal use of FP, everyone's average wait would be the same as without FP. That's just the way the math works. When you factor in potential extra time spend getting the pass, walking back to use the pass, etc., it could even be a net increase in wait times.

Now, guests do not use FP equally. Some use it more and do actually benefit, some use it less, or not at all, and suffer. To the extent that anyone likes FP, they do so because they are in the first category, or believe that they are.

Which is fine, I guess. But you shouldn't say that FP is a system that improves things for all guests, because it doesn't. You should say that you like it because it's a game you think you can continue to win. Those of us who are against FP are people who would rather not play.

But there are many who visited WDW prior to the FP system, like myself, who believe that it is better. YOU may not agree, but unless you were around before FP , you don't really know what it was like.

I was there, I waited in the lines (or not) and I think FP has improved my experience. Others may disagree - but unless you waited in lines (and can really remember it) both before and after, you don't really know.


Le Meh
Premium Member
But there are many who visited WDW prior to the FP system, like myself, who believe that it is better. YOU may not agree, but unless you were around before FP , you don't really know what it was like.

I was there, I waited in the lines (or not) and I think FP has improved my experience. Others may disagree - but unless you waited in lines (and can really remember it) both before and after, you don't really know.

Have experienced before and after myself. FP makes my experience better. Math or no math.


Must have missed something. However did we get on the topic of FastPass in a thread about the new Tiki Room show? Was that a show that had FP? (I don't know, as there was no such thing as FastPass the last time I was there in 1997.) I don't ever recall any serious wait times beyond 20 minutes at any attraction - with the exception of the one and only time I went on Space Mountain in 1978. That line was hidden deep inside, whereas earlier in the day they were spilling out into the walkway, so it fooled me.


Well-Known Member
Oh, well that much most Tiki Room fans already knew. While it's a technical, behind-the-scenes improvement, it didn't fundamentally change the show itself (beyond the editing).

But this is still important..... and it IS READY TO GO in that if they bring the DLR version over then THEIR Digital Master is simply copied and ready to go when the AA and other items are completed.

I sincerely hope that part of the refurb is to move the entrance of the attraction toward the main artery between JC and PoTC.

I think that, along with some burning tiki torches and a couple interactive elements viewable from that pathway would do wonders to help the attraction's attendance.


Yeppers.... now if only these ideas were to be implemented it would be great!


But this is still important..... and it IS READY TO GO in that if they bring the DLR version over then THEIR Digital Master is simply copied and ready to go when the AA and other items are completed.

Again, rather obvious that all they would need to do is duplicate the show master, just as was done originally in 1971 with the master tape reels. Unfortunately, it will not be the original show, only something "reminiscent" of the original show. In other words, a brand-new show that will remind guests of the original. My guess is the only number that will survive is "In The Tiki, Tiki, Tiki, Tiki, Room", but I seriously doubt that the original soundtrack will be used, but a new recording instead.

To which I reply: BLECH! :hurl: I want the genuine original show!


Active Member
I talked to someone who works Aladdin/Tiki/Treehouse today, and he told me he believes the show will be Disneyland's. Disneyland's is slightly different from the original, making it very reminiscent of it, but not the exact same. He didn't seem too positive, though, because the CMs aren't being told much.


Well-Known Member
Must have missed something. However did we get on the topic of FastPass in a thread about the new Tiki Room show? Was that a show that had FP? (I don't know, as there was no such thing as FastPass the last time I was there in 1997.) I don't ever recall any serious wait times beyond 20 minutes at any attraction - with the exception of the one and only time I went on Space Mountain in 1978. That line was hidden deep inside, whereas earlier in the day they were spilling out into the walkway, so it fooled me.

I have no idea how this turned into a fastpass forum. Either way I have a plain and simple theory of fastpass. Fastpass works incredibly well during the off-season, but during the busy season it's an absolute disaster. It's that simple.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea how this turned into a fastpass forum. Either way I have a plain and simple theory of fastpass. Fastpass works incredibly well during the off-season, but during the busy season it's an absolute disaster. It's that simple.

Agreed, pan and pooh standby lines are nightmares double worse with fastpass now as is test back to our regularly scheduled thread here, I kinda think we will be getting the Disneyland show, except for a few tweaks/changes/differences.


Well-Known Member
Again, rather obvious that all they would need to do is duplicate the show master, just as was done originally in 1971 with the master tape reels. Unfortunately, it will not be the original show, only something "reminiscent" of the original show. In other words, a brand-new show that will remind guests of the original. My guess is the only number that will survive is "In The Tiki, Tiki, Tiki, Tiki, Room", but I seriously doubt that the original soundtrack will be used, but a new recording instead.

To which I reply: BLECH! :hurl: I want the genuine original show!

As others have stated, even DL doesn't have the "original" show anymore so Disney has to state it this way. It seems highly likely we will get their "new" show, especially given how well their last try went with an all new show (UNM).

But there are many who visited WDW prior to the FP system, like myself, who believe that it is better. YOU may not agree, but unless you were around before FP , you don't really know what it was like.

I was there, I waited in the lines (or not) and I think FP has improved my experience. Others may disagree - but unless you waited in lines (and can really remember it) both before and after, you don't really know.

Agreed 100%. I started visiting regularly in 1999 right before FP came along, and the lines to most E-tickets were ridiculous. We waited 90 min.+ for Tower in early February that year. How often do you see the standby line like that now? Splash is another example of a brutal wait without FP.

I will agree, however, that certain attractions should not have it, whether they are low capacity (PPF), omnimover (HM), or shows.


Active Member
But there are many who visited WDW prior to the FP system, like myself, who believe that it is better. YOU may not agree, but unless you were around before FP , you don't really know what it was like.

I was there, I waited in the lines (or not) and I think FP has improved my experience. Others may disagree - but unless you waited in lines (and can really remember it) both before and after, you don't really know.

First, I was around before FP and feel my experience has been negatively affected by the FP system. As a shareholder, I feel it's terrible for the long term health of the parks.

Second, the person you quoted specifically said there are instances in which a person may have a better experience due to FP (like yourself apparently), but that you have to acknowledge that it is because the system is a game and you know how to beat it and your improved experience is at the expense of the poor schmuck who either doesn't know how to beat it or is incapable of doing so.

Third, and this is my own personal observation, the system is designed to make you feel like you are saving time ... even though you might not be. It's goal is to make you feel that way. It is designed to make someone go, "Wow, I didn't have to wait 1 hour for Space Mountain; I only had to wait 25 minutes," and not realize that you wouldn't be waiting an hour for Space Mountain if there was no FP in the first place - instead, the wait might only be 40 minutes. And it's also designed so that you don't realize every other line in the park is now longer than it would have been if FP didn't exist. It's designed to make you feel like you are beating the system. And for that reason, when someone says "I like FP because it allows me to beat the system", it's not surprising they would feel that way.

Agreed 100%. I started visiting regularly in 1999 right before FP came along, and the lines to most E-tickets were ridiculous. We waited 90 min.+ for Tower in early February that year. How often do you see the standby line like that now? Splash is another example of a brutal wait without FP.

It was also only 5 years old in 1999 and featured on almost every inch of park advertising. Similarly, just as you have unreal standby waits for Toy Story Mania; I'm willing to be that with 5 years it'll be a walk-on at most points of the day (not unlike Buzz Lightyear). Ditto Soarin'. A better comparison for this particular issue is whether or not decades old attractions (like Space Mountain) had longer standby lines in 1999 or 2009.


Well-Known Member
Must have missed something. However did we get on the topic of FastPass in a thread about the new Tiki Room show? Was that a show that had FP? (I don't know, as there was no such thing as FastPass the last time I was there in 1997.) I don't ever recall any serious wait times beyond 20 minutes at any attraction - with the exception of the one and only time I went on Space Mountain in 1978. That line was hidden deep inside, whereas earlier in the day they were spilling out into the walkway, so it fooled me.

Tiki Room has no FP, it definitely didn't need it under the "new management".


Well-Known Member
I hope the new show blows everyone away so much that TDO has to implement FP for it.

I don't think that it is a "blower", it will be more a beautiful and charming comeback. And there are a lot of fans of the original show that are dying to see it reopening. I visited it once in 2007 and was nothing less than shocked and shattered by the terrible abomination the new management was.
I haven't visited it once during my last stay in September. And we stayed 11 days! Our next stay will be at least 10 days and I am sure I will do it at least half a dozen times or more. to make a perfect video of the show.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
How does Fastpass affect the capacity of the ride?

It doesnt so by default the usual arguments by the anti mob are nothing but self indulgent pontification.

Roon ye, as they say in certain areas.


Well-Known Member
How does Fastpass affect the capacity of the ride?

It doesnt so by default the usual arguments by the anti mob are nothing but self indulgent pontification.

Roon ye, as they say in certain areas.

I wouldn't start this discussion again, those people are convinced that FP is a bad thing despite the fact that waiting times of more than 45 minutes and up to 2 hours were far more standard BEFORE FP came. And in the days before FP you HAD to wait, no chance to avoid.
Since FP came my park experience was improved by what? 1000%? I do 3times as much rides as I did before FP came and the longest wait was 20 minutes at TSM and WITH FP!
If people do not know how to use it, their own fault. If they do but don't use it, their problem.


As others have stated, even DL doesn't have the "original" show anymore so Disney has to state it this way. It seems highly likely we will get their "new" show, especially given how well their last try went with an all new show (UNM).

That's a mere technicality. Why people are insisting the current Disneyland version is not the original show? It is the original show, only edited down to 12 minutes. All of the content of the current version came from the original 17 minute 1963 version. All of the current version was in the Tropical Serenade. Not significant enough of a difference to need to have to state it as "reminiscent" of the original.

I don't know why people keep acting like DL and WDW had two different shows, either. For all intents and purposes, they were identical with only minor differences, primarily in the decor and styling. The content was the same.

So - now it would seem that they'll be getting back a shortened version of the original show. The same show as was there originally, just shorter!

If that is in fact the case, then why not just say so, and stop all this mysterious nonsense and vague wording like "reminiscent"?


Well-Known Member
Actually I am not sad if they keep the Offenbach part out of the show as several commentators already speculated. It never really fit into the Tiki theming of the entire show. To me its important that aditionally to the Theme Song they bring back the "Hawaiian War Chant" and the "Tiki Room Luau".

I am still so excited that it comes back, thank you Pele, goddess of fire, for roasting that sickening, obnoxious, repugnant, annoying, abominable, disgusting, nauseating, horrible and terrible Iago.


Actually I am not sad if they keep the Offenbach part out of the show as several commentators already speculated. It never really fit into the Tiki theming of the entire show. To me its important that aditionally to the Theme Song they bring back the "Hawaiian War Chant" and the "Tiki Room Luau".

"Tiki Room Luau"? There was never a 'Luau' in the show, nor a song about a Luau.

The musical numbers were/are:
  1. "In The Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Room"
  2. "Barcarolle" (Deleted Offenbach number)
  3. "Let's All Sing Like The Birdies Sing"
  4. "Hawaiian War Chant"
  5. "Farewell and Aloha"
  6. "Heigh Ho"

So where does a Luau come in?


Well-Known Member
"Tiki Room Luau"? There was never a 'Luau' in the show, nor a song about a Luau.

The musical numbers were/are:
  1. "In The Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Room"
  2. "Barcarolle" (Deleted Offenbach number)
  3. "Let's All Sing Like The Birdies Sing"
  4. "Hawaiian War Chant"
  5. "Farewell and Aloha"
  6. "Heigh Ho"

So where does a Luau come in?

Tki Room Luau is the name that is used for the first part of the "Hawaiian War Chant" on many CDs and older LPs.

Tâua i la huahua`i
E `uhene lâ i pili ko`olua
Pukuku`i lua i ke ko`eko`e
Hanu lipo o ka palai

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