Well-Known Member
I was experiencing tremendous joint pain. It got to the point that sleeping was impossible - the pain in my right hip was incredible. Most nights was spent sitting up in a chair or the side of the bed. Living in a house that is mostly stairs...the knee pain was not helpful. The docs couldn't find anything wrong, and the strongest thing that I would willingly take was Advil. So, I begun my search for a ranch house- and downsize. 3 floors of living space down to one. Anyway, around the same time I decided - for health reasons - to put myself on a low sugar, gluten-free diet. I began to drop some weight but 3 weeks into the diet I noticed that I was not in so much pain and beginning to sleep the whole night in my bed. I then noticed that I could go up and down the stairs without a problem. Some reading on gluten revealed that some of the components of gluten can cause joint inflammation which MIGHT HAVE BEEN the case with me. So, it's been really good since October. Maintaining gluten-free is not that difficult with all the products on the market now. But this has been my experience and may not work for all.
That's awesome that you found some relief! I definitely feel better when I eat better and take out processed foods. I've switched over completely to all organic foods, too. It's something about the hormones/sulfates/sugars/gluten that triggers an increase in pain. The trouble is, the pain still doesn't go away, it just is worse when I encounter my triggers.
Thank you so much for sharing! Hopefully, someone will really benefit from your experience!!