The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Mine didn’t last as long and was not meant to be. You are a lucky man !

I truly am sorry to hear that.

Thanks, and I really am a very lucky man.
It definitely hasn’t always been all wine and roses, but we’ve been through a lot together, and I’d do it all over again.
We raised 3 children together, including a special needs son, and we now have 2 young granddaughters.
Life is good…!!! :)


Well-Known Member
I truly am sorry to hear that.

Thanks, and I really am a very lucky man.
It definitely hasn’t always been all wine and roses, but we’ve been through a lot together, and I’d do it all over again.
We raised 3 children together, including a special needs son, and we now have 2 young granddaughters.
Life is good…!!! :)
Ah, marriages! All are different. Mine lasted 29 years. Somewhere in those 29 years she decided that she no longer wanted to be married and exactly 3 months after our last Daughter got married she left. No obvious warning not even a good bye.

We almost never fought, neither had an affair, no words of disenchantment were ever uttered, but she did have some emotional problems that tended to push us apart as the years went by. Do I regret that marriage? No, within those years we had many good times, many emotional times involving the birth of our children, the passing of parents and the pride that we both had in the accomplishment of our kids along with, however, a lingering mental illness that kept her quite paranoid in our last 5 years together probably took its toll. Disagreements? Sure, opposites attract but neither of us hindered each other from pursuing the attempt to accomplish our goals.

It just happens sometimes that different interests push people apart. Anytime I think about what might have been different if we had never married it always circles around to the two things in life that we both loved dearly. I cannot even imagine what life would be like without my girls. (now middle aged women) They have kept me always wanting them to be proud of me and got me though a couple of rough times after the divorce. She passed away 15 years after the divorce and had also been physically ill for a few years previous to her death. I think that I felt as bad when she passed as I would have if we had not been estranged at the time.


Well-Known Member
Man, I’ve never seen anything like that plane crash in Brazil earlier, and I’ve seen plenty of plane crash videos. It looked like it just dropped dead out of the sky.
It was on approach for landing, from what I understand, and I just don’t get it. No glide, no forward motion at all in the video I saw, just a slightly spinning dead drop. I hope they’re able to figure out exactly what happened.
Prayers to all affected.


Well-Known Member
Man, I’ve never seen anything like that plane crash in Brazil earlier, and I’ve seen plenty of plane crash videos. It looked like it just dropped dead out of the sky.
It was on approach for landing, from what I understand, and I just don’t get it. No glide, no forward motion at all in the video I saw, just a slightly spinning dead drop. I hope they’re able to figure out exactly what happened.
Prayers to all affected.
I gotta check it out. I'm was in shock back in the day when our teachers showed us grisly car crash videos before we got our drivers permit.


Well-Known Member
I gotta check it out. I'm was in shock back in the day when our teachers showed us grisly car crash videos before we got our drivers permit.

I’ve just never seen a plane crash like that before. It had to be a complete and total stall, as it just dropped. It was from a distance, and it looked like phone video.
It wasn’t up close, and I’ve never seen any blood and guts plane crash videos, so I’m not sure where the Drivers Ed reference came from.
But, yes, we watched all those “Blood on the Highway” movies in HS Drivers Ed back in the day.


Premium Member
I’ve just never seen a plane crash like that before. It had to be a complete and total stall, as it just dropped. It was from a distance, and it looked like phone video.
Was listening to a pilot (on some news station a few minutes ago), who also said that it sure looked like an aerodynamic stall -- which meant (as you also shared), that it ran out of sufficient airflow to remain in flight. (Wondering what the speed of the plane was, to stall out like that -- must have been going way too slow. Maybe the pilot had a medical emergency? Any number of things could have happened. :( )


Well-Known Member
Was listening to a pilot (on some news station a few minutes ago), who also said that it sure looked like an aerodynamic stall -- which meant (as you also shared), that it ran out of sufficient airflow to remain in flight. (Wondering what the speed of the plane was, to stall out like that -- must have been going way too slow. Maybe the pilot had a medical emergency? Any number of things could have happened. :( )

I heard they already retrieved the black box, so, hopefully, that’ll shed some light.


Well-Known Member
Quick update…
My MIL passed this morning at about 10:10a, in her sleep, and comfortable in her bed, in her room in our home.
Myself and Matthew were here, but, unfortunately, none of her children, or other family members were present.
Carolyn was at work, and her younger brother was on his way driving from Houston to spend one last weekend with her. She passed about 30 minutes before he arrived. We figured she would probably make it until Sunday, as this morning wasn’t particularly rough.
On my way to the bathroom I checked on her and she was still breathing. About 5 minutes later, on my way out, I checked on her again, and she was gone.
Matthew, being special needs, did not take it well, at all, but he’s OK now.
Always not wanting to be a “burden” (although all of us never considered her so), she will be cremated and her ashes buried in a plot near her parents in her Texas hometown. There will be a memorial service, and then a small family graveside service.
I’m told all of that will happen no sooner than at least a month from now.
I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to all of you that reached out with your concern, thoughts and prayers. It’s been greatly appreciated, and means more than I can put into words, at this time.
I am just catching up. I am so sorry for your family's loss. How wonderful that you and Carolyn were able to be there with her, and for her.


Well-Known Member
Quick update…
My MIL passed this morning at about 10:10a, in her sleep, and comfortable in her bed, in her room in our home.
Myself and Matthew were here, but, unfortunately, none of her children, or other family members were present.
Carolyn was at work, and her younger brother was on his way driving from Houston to spend one last weekend with her. She passed about 30 minutes before he arrived. We figured she would probably make it until Sunday, as this morning wasn’t particularly rough.
On my way to the bathroom I checked on her and she was still breathing. About 5 minutes later, on my way out, I checked on her again, and she was gone.
Matthew, being special needs, did not take it well, at all, but he’s OK now.
Always not wanting to be a “burden” (although all of us never considered her so), she will be cremated and her ashes buried in a plot near her parents in her Texas hometown. There will be a memorial service, and then a small family graveside service.
I’m told all of that will happen no sooner than at least a month from now.
I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to all of you that reached out with your concern, thoughts and prayers. It’s been greatly appreciated, and means more than I can put into words, at this time.
I'm so so sorry for your loss, and especially for Carolyn, and Matthew. My son had real issues when my dad died, too. It's really hard. I'm sorry I'm late to respond, but it doesn't take away from the sentiment. Losing a parent is one of the hardest things. I'm lucky enough to still have both of my in-laws, but they are deteriorating and I can only imagine how I'll feel when I lose them, too. My heart goes out to all of you.

When my mom was nearing the end and we called in hospice, they told us that some people will wait until no one is there because they don't want to burden the people they leave behind. And some others will hang on unnecessarily because they don't want those people to be hurt. My mom waited until all of us (my brother, my husband, and me) were in the room, and I told her it was ok to go, and she went. It sounds like your MIL didn't want to burden you. I'm glad she was able to go peacefully at your home the way she wanted to. I hope that brings you all some peace, too, knowing you provided a place she felt safe and loved and that she felt free enough to go. Sending you hugs and prayers.


Well-Known Member
I'm so so sorry for your loss, and especially for Carolyn, and Matthew. My son had real issues when my dad died, too. It's really hard. I'm sorry I'm late to respond, but it doesn't take away from the sentiment. Losing a parent is one of the hardest things. I'm lucky enough to still have both of my in-laws, but they are deteriorating and I can only imagine how I'll feel when I lose them, too. My heart goes out to all of you.

When my mom was nearing the end and we called in hospice, they told us that some people will wait until no one is there because they don't want to burden the people they leave behind. And some others will hang on unnecessarily because they don't want those people to be hurt. My mom waited until all of us (my brother, my husband, and me) were in the room, and I told her it was ok to go, and she went. It sounds like your MIL didn't want to burden you. I'm glad she was able to go peacefully at your home the way she wanted to. I hope that brings you all some peace, too, knowing you provided a place she felt safe and loved and that she felt free enough to go. Sending you hugs and prayers.

Thank you very much for your kind words, thoughts and prayers.
And, no worries in regards to being late, as all of us aren’t always here all the time, and, as you posted, it does not take away from the sentiment one bit. It’s much appreciated.

We’re all doing better, with some days being more difficult than others, of course.
I was with her, pretty much, all day every day, with the exception of making a quick run up to the store, taking Matthew to work, etc.
My parents were actually taking Matthew to work towards the end, so I didn’t have to leave her alone, as that was about a 40-45 min. round trip.
Shortly after she passed, I would still catch myself doing things I used to in regards to her comfort, that I didn’t need to do anymore. Such as making sure the living room TV wasn’t too loud, the door to the garage from the house didn’t close too loudly (the door has an automatic closer, and it’s right next to her room door) when I went to get something from the garage refrigerator, making sure the A/C wasn’t set too low, as she used to get chilled easily, etc.
Now the TV is a bit louder, the door to the garage closes on its own, the A/C is set a few degrees lower, etc.
None of it was a burden to us, as we loved her and she deserved the best care we could give her.

Anyway, before I ramble on more than I already have, thank you again for your kind words, thoughts and prayers.


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much for your kind words, thoughts and prayers.
And, no worries in regards to being late, as all of us aren’t always here all the time, and, as you posted, it does not take away from the sentiment one bit. It’s much appreciated.

We’re all doing better, with some days being more difficult than others, of course.
I was with her, pretty much, all day every day, with the exception of making a quick run up to the store, taking Matthew to work, etc.
My parents were actually taking Matthew to work towards the end, so I didn’t have to leave her alone, as that was about a 40-45 min. round trip.
Shortly after she passed, I would still catch myself doing things I used to in regards to her comfort, that I didn’t need to do anymore. Such as making sure the living room TV wasn’t too loud, the door to the garage from the house didn’t close too loudly (the door has an automatic closer, and it’s right next to her room door) when I went to get something from the garage refrigerator, making sure the A/C wasn’t set too low, as she used to get chilled easily, etc.
Now the TV is a bit louder, the door to the garage closes on its own, the A/C is set a few degrees lower, etc.
None of it was a burden to us, as we loved her and she deserved the best care we could give her.

Anyway, before I ramble on more than I already have, thank you again for your kind words, thoughts and prayers.
If your experience is anything like mine, you'll have those issues for a while. Even a couple of years after my mom passed, I would think "Oh, I should call mom and ask her for her recipe for ....." or "Mom would know who this is in this picture...I'll call her." You just get so used to doing certain things that it becomes almost routine. We don't even notice a lot of times that we've changed a habit until we don't have to do it anymore. But after a while, those things become kind of comforting....almost like a little hello from them, because it made you think of them for that moment. I'd think of something mom would have loved...or hated, etc and I'd catch myself and I'd just look up and say "Hi, mom." because it felt like it was her way of reminding me she was there.

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