So I really need to vent about getting older! Just had my annual eye exam. I only wear glasses for up close work like reading, puzzles, computer, phone, etc. You get the picture. Well, I had some floaters back in Dec that were in my left eye that occurred after some flashes of light. I ran to see one of the doctors, and she couldn't find anything wrong. Ok I have had floaters before so I can deal with them.
Well, my left eye has been bothering me a bit the last several weeks when I read. So, today he said my left eye was 3x worse than last year. Grrr... a new prescription so I can see better, new glasses. Then, I had to go through a baseline scan of my optic nerves to see if there is damage. I will hear from the nurse to see what showed up. It seems like the older you get, there is something else to have to worry about. Ok vent over.