The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Tip of the day: don't ever drop a full bag of jelly beans on the floor. Those suckers roll ... everywhere ... Last night, I tipped over the bag from the kitchen table, and just when I thought I had them all, I'd spy others under a cabinet, table, etc.

Surprisingly, my dog didn't come flying into the room (he loves dropped food :rolleyes: ), but was sound asleep. But this morning, I heard him pawing at something in the corner-- yup, another jelly bean!! 🐶
All those wasted jelly beans!:eek:
My sister and I went to the movies a few years ago.
We are too frugal to buy snacks at the theatre so we brought a bag of peanut M&M's.
Just as the movie is starting my sister somehow managed to tip out at least half the bag. Those little suckers are loud in a quiet movie theatre rolling down the rows! For the rest of the movie you could hear the M&M's rolling when someone moved their feet.
It still makes us laugh thinking about it.


Well-Known Member
Yep. Why do companies not look for a second set of eyes?

This site has a Filter from England. It might not kick your company name out with USA filters but I’ve yet to after all these years grasp this filter. If your brain doesn’t go there I understand why they picked that name and logo.

Like the filter of chicken b reast
Ha! Well, it's not the company name that's the problem, it's the brand of clothing . The company itself sells childrens clothing and we sell I don't know how many brands....I want to say 70. But we have Tommy Hilfiger, Levis, Addidas....but then the company wanted to bring out their own line, and THAT'S the name that is the issue. And when you look at it, there's nothing wrong with the wouldn't get picked up by the filter here. (And in your example, I'm pretty sure you can say breast, but you can't make it plural) It's the way it's phrased that makes it....iffy. They could have gone with any other reference to the logo and it probably would have been fine. They picked the one phrase that makes it dirty.


Well-Known Member
Both of my girls are listed as executors and I probably have the shortest will ever written. Everything I have is to be split down the middle. It couldn't be simpler and I am confident that no matter what they feel about each other, they still care about me and will follow my wishes. I do have a few material things, like furniture, TV's, etc. that can't be "split down the middle", but, not all that much. The small things, I don't remember them ever saying that they want. I have a Ruby ring that I bought for $50.00 when I was 12. That was valued about 10 years ago for almost $3000., They both wanted that, but, they obviously can't split the ring. Then one of my daughters came to me and asked if I still had my wedding ring, which I did, and asked if instead of the Ruby could she have that. Seemed kind of odd, but, since I was no longer married and the reason for my having it had passed, I gave it to her right then. I think they will still fight over the Ruby though. :D However, I won't be around to hear it anyway. 👍
You might want to add a codicil to your will stating that should either of them try to contest the will, they get nothing. It forces them to play nice. They can disagree, but neither of them can sue the other with the excuse that a particular item was meant to be theirs. My mom had very few assets. She had her wedding ring and her mother's and she specified in the will that she wanted her mother's to go to me, and hers to go to my brother and a few pieces of jewelry that she had been holding for me from aunts and uncles, etc. And everything else was to be split down the middle, and if either of us got the courts involved to get more, that one got nothing and it all went to the other.

It made it easier for brother tried to say that her car was supposed to be his, she had wanted him to have it because he didn't have a (working) car. And that was true, she HAD said he should get first chance at the car if he wanted it....but she NEVER said he was supposed to get the car AND half the rest of the estate. That was pretty much the one thing we disagreed on, because he was saying it shouldn't come out of his half because she had wanted him to have it and because my mom had given me her old car when she got the new one. But, she had given me that car because it was worth nothing on kelly bluebook because it was too old, and she had given my brother the money to buy his convertible and he was supposed to pay her back but never did, so she considered it his graduation present and gave me her car when I got married. She had inherited money from an aunt and used that money to make payments on a car so she could build a credit line to co-sign on a loan for my brother to get a car, since he had let his convertible rot and had no car. So it was bought with the intention of helping him to get a car, which was why she said he should get dibs. But the will was clear....half to each, minus the specific things she detailed in the will...and she had updated her will 4 days before she died and had not put the car in. She had only said that if we both wanted it, he should be the one to get it. And because of her codicil, he couldn't sue me for the car, because if he did, he'd get nothing. He still tried to manipulate me out of my share, and he was very angry when I didn't fall for it, saying he already had plans for that money, and I told him that was wasn't his money to spend. But his hands were tied.

If you think your girls might argue over certain things, you can prevent them from taking advantage of each other. I know, no one likes to think of that, and you won't be there to play peace maker, but these things can really rip families apart, and I know you don't want that to be your legacy.


Well-Known Member
Your post reminds me of a favorite quote of mine...

“I cannot give you the formula for success, but, I can give you the formula for failure - which is: try to please everybody.” ~ Herbert Bayard Swope
Amen to that. So true! I wish I had learned that a littler earlier in life. I wasted a lot of time and energy trying to do that before I realized that I had a right to make myself happy, too, and some decisions were mine to where I lived, and how I spent my time and with whom. Isn't there a song about that? "You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself"?


Well-Known Member
Tip of the day: don't ever drop a full bag of jelly beans on the floor. Those suckers roll ... everywhere ... Last night, I tipped over the bag from the kitchen table, and just when I thought I had them all, I'd spy others under a cabinet, table, etc.

Surprisingly, my dog didn't come flying into the room (he loves dropped food :rolleyes: ), but was sound asleep. But this morning, I heard him pawing at something in the corner-- yup, another jelly bean!! 🐶
I read "tripped over" and I was like....on the kitchen table? What were you doing walking on the kitchen table??


Well-Known Member
You might want to add a codicil to your will stating that should either of them try to contest the will, they get nothing. It forces them to play nice. They can disagree, but neither of them can sue the other with the excuse that a particular item was meant to be theirs. My mom had very few assets. She had her wedding ring and her mother's and she specified in the will that she wanted her mother's to go to me, and hers to go to my brother and a few pieces of jewelry that she had been holding for me from aunts and uncles, etc. And everything else was to be split down the middle, and if either of us got the courts involved to get more, that one got nothing and it all went to the other.

It made it easier for brother tried to say that her car was supposed to be his, she had wanted him to have it because he didn't have a (working) car. And that was true, she HAD said he should get first chance at the car if he wanted it....but she NEVER said he was supposed to get the car AND half the rest of the estate. That was pretty much the one thing we disagreed on, because he was saying it shouldn't come out of his half because she had wanted him to have it and because my mom had given me her old car when she got the new one. But, she had given me that car because it was worth nothing on kelly bluebook because it was too old, and she had given my brother the money to buy his convertible and he was supposed to pay her back but never did, so she considered it his graduation present and gave me her car when I got married. She had inherited money from an aunt and used that money to make payments on a car so she could build a credit line to co-sign on a loan for my brother to get a car, since he had let his convertible rot and had no car. So it was bought with the intention of helping him to get a car, which was why she said he should get dibs. But the will was clear....half to each, minus the specific things she detailed in the will...and she had updated her will 4 days before she died and had not put the car in. She had only said that if we both wanted it, he should be the one to get it. And because of her codicil, he couldn't sue me for the car, because if he did, he'd get nothing. He still tried to manipulate me out of my share, and he was very angry when I didn't fall for it, saying he already had plans for that money, and I told him that was wasn't his money to spend. But his hands were tied.

If you think your girls might argue over certain things, you can prevent them from taking advantage of each other. I know, no one likes to think of that, and you won't be there to play peace maker, but these things can really rip families apart, and I know you don't want that to be your legacy.
You're probably right, but, I think I know them well enough that they won't do that. However, if they do, I'll be dead and won't know about it and believe me whatever assets other then cash that I have are of little value. I have intentionally done that by cutting way back on ownership, I rent now and even my car is leased. The cash and retirement plan is set up so that the bank distributes the cash values equally between the two. In other words they are listed as 50% beneficiaries. Everything else is going to be pretty worthless by the time I go, even if that is tomorrow. If they commence to tear each others hair out after I've gone, well then that will be their problem. I can't be the peacemaker from the grave unless the morals that I tried to teach them affect them after I am gone. I think it will.


Premium Member
You're probably right, but, I think I know them well enough that they won't do that. However, if they do, I'll be dead and won't know about it and believe me whatever assets other then cash that I have are of little value. I have intentionally done that by cutting way back on ownership, I rent now and even my car is leased. The cash and retirement plan is set up so that the bank distributes the cash values equally between the two. In other words they are listed as 50% beneficiaries. Everything else is going to be pretty worthless by the time I go, even if that is tomorrow. If they commence to tear each others hair out after I've gone, well then that will be their problem. I can't be the peacemaker from the grave unless the morals that I tried to teach them affect them after I am gone. I think it will.

Never underestimate the value of sentimental items. My mom and her sister didn't talk at all with each other because they were fighting over who got a fake ruby ring. A piece of costume jewelry worth literally nothing.

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