That is awful! They need to see where their money goes. I know private school teachers do not get paid as much as public school teachers do. Is there a minimum amount they want for the envelopes?
No, just a contributing member. I think every church expects that, I’m ok with it.. but we go less and less often to our parish weekend mass, their times don’t mesh with T’s sports... Sunday evening work best for us...but really it depends on the weekend. Other times we do Sunday morning at our parish.
Our pastor has been talking about the budget for close to a year now. I know the church has made some changes, but it’s a relatively affluent parish, so I never really took it to heart beyond a guilt factor for people to give more.
Apparently the school changes are due to the way tuition has been set up, not raising enough year after year, but mostly with multiple children. There was a huge discount for 2 children, same with 3+.... .they have adjusted those as well now.. and 4th or 5th child will not be charged base tuition. I’d say most families have between 3-5 kids, 3-4 being the most common.
Here’s a few excerpts from the email to the entire parish last month. This might help explain.

The school email came separately on Friday, only to families with students enrolled in the school.
Here’s an excerpt explaining the multi student discount, and “new” payment plan available for the 19/20 school year (it has always been one payment in June, or 2 payments 1 in June and 1 in December, now they are offering a monthly plan for 11 months)
This one came the day before..
I will give our school a lot of credit, especially compared to public.. we have a much smaller staff than public schools.. and we have a lot more volunteers. I do not think any of the positions are wasteful. I’m shocked though because we also do a TON of fundraising for the school.. I just didn’t see this coming. High School sounds far off, but 5 years isn’t that far away, and high school tuition gets more obnoxious by the year.. I have a special savings dedicated to high school.. the grade school tuition hike was a curveball though., I look at what I’m now spending on school and sports these days and it makes my head spin, especially since I know it’s going to continue to get worse.
I guess I’m just whining, so much has changed in such a short time.
Thank you! A parent recorded the result ceremony for their division after 4th place was announced and they hadn't been called. When 3rd was called and it wasn't them, the area where us parents were sitting started getting a little loud. We knew at that point they were going to US Finals with a 2nd place bid. ( You need to be invited to go to compete.) Then when second was called and it wasn't them, we were even louder out of shear shock. I am thinking maybe a bit too loud???

Then when they called first we were out of our seats in a jiffy. Tears on everyone's faces. A day to remember. They were the second or smallest team. Only 9 girls. The other teams had way more kids. I thought we had no chance, but apparently the coaches know how to put a routine together. They just about maxed out the difficulty points.
This is so amazing!!!! I’m excited for you!!!