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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I have lived in quite a few countries of the years, some within Europe some further away. I know I will always miss certain elements from different places, like the wonderful coffee and pizza in Italy or the beautiful camping in Australia, but I do think I would be happy living in Florida. It offers a lot more than just Disney, Orlando and surrounding area is actually quite nice. I've been to a food festival there and a large garden estate with historical houses and I'm sure there are other things I haven't even heard off.

Change can be great! I would love to live close to the beach as well. Have you looked at places yet you would consider moving to?

Yes we have over the past year or so. I'm kinda a methodical person. I think things through, explore. I've lived within 75 miles of where I was born and stayed put, never intended to but family and children do that to ya. But since I was born we always spent a big chunk of time in Florida. I love it as a child and still do. My kids grew up Disney and we share that bond still. I grew up Disney, but in Disneyland as there was not a Disney World when a young child. Florida just seems to be the returning draw for us. Will be interesting to see how it all shakes out this year and subsequently. It is kinda exciting as I love being outdoors and I'm so not the type to park myself in front of a TV, I'd rather be out walking or riding my bike, meeting people.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
This afternoon has been a whirl of day and into the evening for my DD. She has less than a year to go with Grad School all the while keeping her full time career and a part time job.

Mid afternoon she receives an email from the Department Chairman addressed to her. She knew the name because it is the head of her college of education at the University she is attending. Long story a power house corporation is looking for a near graduating Computer Science student in her field of Computer Science Engineering. She was pulled as the candidate they recommended. Then she researched the dude that recommended her and their paths had crossed at her University of Illinois where she earned her Bachelors and now at this University. Oddly where she is currently employed she was also pulled from the stack of applicants because the gentleman also graduated from U of I. Still this time she was not yet looking to change employers until she earned her Masters, more they came looking at her. She is going to take the interview this week, she forwarded her resume to the gentleman that contacted her and he immediately sent it forward and cc'd it to her with his glowing recommendation highlighting her being at the top of class.

While she is beyond flattered she really needs to know so much more given she is still earning her job and school??? But knows she should at least hear and listen what or could happen. And even if now isn't the time for her to balance all that a new door has opened. She also has finals this week for this session. She is in awe of a typical day turning into unexpected adventure. Me proud Mom of a 26 year old. ❤


Well-Known Member
I wasn't allowed to speak English in the house. We lived with my in-laws, and my FIL couldn't speak or understand English at all, so English was banned. They thought I would learn Dutch faster if I wasn't allowed to speak English, and as it was their house, it was their rules. But yes, awkward and lonely. Very very lonely. I was SOOOOOO happy when I was finally placed in school, because I finally met some other people, and it got me out of the house every day and my in-laws weren't at school to tell me I couldn't speak English with my friends. My first 6 months in the Netherlands were not very pleasant. Once I got to go to school, things got a bit better.
Not being allowed to speak English at home was cruel in my opinion. I'm sorry those months were so difficult and lonely for you.


Well-Known Member
This afternoon has been a whirl of day and into the evening for my DD. She has less than a year to go with Grad School all the while keeping her full time career and a part time job.

Mid afternoon she receives an email from the Department Chairman addressed to her. She knew the name because it is the head of her college of education at the University she is attending. Long story a power house corporation is looking for a near graduating Computer Science student in her field of Computer Science Engineering. She was pulled as the candidate they recommended. Then she researched the dude that recommended her and their paths had crossed at her University of Illinois where she earned her Bachelors and now at this University. Oddly where she is currently employed she was also pulled from the stack of applicants because the gentleman also graduated from U of I. Still this time she was not yet looking to change employers until she earned her Masters, more they came looking at her. She is going to take the interview this week, she forwarded her resume to the gentleman that contacted her and he immediately sent it forward and cc'd it to her with his glowing recommendation highlighting her being at the top of class.

While she is beyond flattered she really needs to know so much more given she is still earning her job and school??? But knows she should at least hear and listen what or could happen. And even if now isn't the time for her to balance all that a new door has opened. She also has finals this week for this session. She is in awe of a typical day turning into unexpected adventure. Me proud Mom of a 26 year old. ❤
How exciting for your daughter, it's always nice to be wanted.


Well-Known Member

My kid!!!!!!!

@SteveBrickNJ and @ajrwdwgirl - Please advise!!!

Long, but bear with me please...
I picked up T and we got home a little bit ago... he has a huge school project coming up at end of month. “Wax Museum.” We have to read a biography, build a booth with props, he has to be in costume and character.. he also has to make a button for people to press, and at that point he tells about “himself” (memorized oral presentation in character)

Originallly he wanted to be Walt Disney, apparently a kid was also prepared and had a book ready. Then T said LeBron James then Nelson Mandela. I urged him (due to current social climate) to pick someone who has an easier costume.

He chose Henry Flagler. Ok, fine.
Then last night he says “No, I want to be Beethoven” Ok, fine too.

I emailed his Language Arts teacher and told her that I ordered a book online from B&N and would pick up in the store today, I was worried that the school library would not have a book on either subject. I also printed out both orders of each subject - marked “1st choice” and “2nd choice”.

All good, right?


He came home with this!!

View attachment 354338

He already turned in the title as his project. (The subject/book was due today)

What should I do????

I don’t want T to end up on the internet as “white kid doing cultural appropriation”, especially not on the heels of CovCath.

This event is put on in the Auditorium during an evening for people to attend. Not just something in class.

I was Sacajawea for a similar project when I was kid..(not wax Museum, but in character).. that was fine back then.. but I don’t think it’s fine in today’s world. I’m so upset!!!! Should I email the teacher again??


The world is to PC now.
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Well-Known Member
You could try with T asking him to save it from a project in the future. Believe me, there will be plenty of them. I did about three on Walt Disney.

This is a very long story, but a few years ago in college, I had a project where we had to read a fictional book which connected somehow to our families. Most of my classmates did one about their families set in their native countries, connected to a war in which a family member fought, or set in a time period when their families came to the US. I'm a mixed bag racially, my family first came over in the 1600s and were all here by the 1800s, and aside from my step grandfather, no one served in any wars in the 20th or 21st centuries. So since I knew what Native American tribe I came from, I researched and read a book about them.

From my research, I don't think any natives would be offended by a kid dressing up in a costume for a school project as long as it's done sensitively (no darkening of the skin, slang terms, etc.). If it were a movie about a Native historical figure, different story, but honestly, I think they'd be happy to have representation. Totally up to you, though, of course. Just my two cents. I get where you're coming from.
I'm torn, because on the one hand, I feel like we shouldn't shy away from honoring the history of other cultures just because it isn't OUR history. I think there are noteworthy historical figures of every race and culture that people SHOULD learn about, and I think it's great that T sees something that he wants to represent. We wouldn't tell a child from a Native American family that he can't be Abraham Lincoln because he isn't white. So why should we do it the other way around if a child sees that figure as a role model.

On the other hand, I am not Native American, so I can't say how someone SHOULD feel about this situation. It would have to be done with respect, telling the real story and not using stereotypes or offensive language, and focus on the positives of the figure. What characteristics did he have that made T choose him? Bravery, leadership, was he known for being honest and fair? Do you know any Native Americans who you could talk to about it and see what they think? Would they see it as T honoring their culture, or would they see it as cultural appropriation? And how do you approach it authentically, with costuming that is representative of the traditions of the people he is portraying?

In any case, if you don't feel like you can do it authentically and respectfully, THAT'S what you need to explain to T. Explain how important it is to handle with respect and why it is so important, and that you don't know how to do it with the props and costumes available to you. It's a hard conversation, but one you need to have. Maybe you could try to relate it to something in his own, how do you feel when you did something that makes you feel special, and someone either copies you or makes fun of you for it? Like they don't want you to feel special/important. That we don't want to make someone feel like we are stealing their thunder. Or that sometimes it's not your story to tell. How would you feel if you experienced something and you couldn't wait to tell your friends about it, but when you tried, someone had already told them, but told it all wrong? It's one thing to tell the story of something you feel connected to/involved've always been a fan of Flagler, etc, or you listen to Beethoven's music. But to tell the story of someone who you have no connection to, nothing in common with, can be seen as disrespectful or come across as though you feel superior, or you might just not get it right because you weren't there. I'd ask him what made him choose this person? What qualities did he have that T admires and finds worth sharing? And then try to find a figure that has those characteristics, but that it wouldn't be considered offensive for him to portray.

Good luck!

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