All right friends and Disney fans...
Trip Report:
Background: My mother has been eyeing a full family cruise since she fears she might be unable to do so in the future. As my grandmah's health deteriorates.. and so does hers.. She wanted to splurge so we could be most of us together (my brother backed down for X reasons..)
So we had to balance between certain dates, price point of the planes, hotels, etc..
Originally we had planned in March or February. But most of my sister's family were unable to make it because of exams and school. So we ended selecting (after 6+ months of paranoiac investigation and research from yours truly) The Royal Caribbean from Miami to the upper Caribbean (San Juan, Sint Maarten, Labadee, 7 nights). At first it seemed like we were going to be in our favourite ship.. the OASIS. But we ended in the ALLURE for those dates. (both Oasis class but with very different shows).
So, We were a total of 5 persons ( Me, My mom, My Sister, My niece and nephew ).
I'm 35, my sis is 7 years older than me, my mom is in her 70's and my niece and nephew are between 18 and 22.
Now the wierd part.
During the planning phase, We found some dirty tactics of pricing by our local airlines.
Lying in every single site that you could have X price for this trip. But as soon we put more than 2 people in our group, the prices miraculously went to the roof.. (from let's say.. 350 USD per person, to 900 USD per person). Multiple reviews and sites showed that the plane was almost empty (80% free) so there was some dirty tactic where only a tiny amount of seats lower than normal prices and the rest were MORE than the average price.
So we ended doing a huge mess up with airlines to get the cheapest and most reliable possible flying.
So my nephew and I, we flew from my home ( Puerto Vallarta) to Mexico City, then to Miami from there.
My mom, sister and niece, went from Guadalajara (Jalisco's state capital city) directly to Miami.
We would land pretty late in the afternoon (almost at night) while my mom, sis and niece would arrive late morning.
The other mess up was the ports.. I swear to god that during purchase.. the port said FORT LAUDERDALE.
Later I received a few warnings of change of itinerary and events. But nothing mentioned that the ship was moved from FORT LAUDERDALE to PORT MIAMI.
I found this until the last day (my original prints still say FORT LAUDERDALE, weird..)
Anyway, we had one free full day after arriving, then we would board the next day (so we were 2 nights, 3 days on miami).
So we planned a few things... on arrival. Including visiting CASA VIZCAYA (Biscayne House), which was gorgeous as ever but with a few issues as usual lol.
(tonight , continued on part 2)
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(we managed to see the Symphony of the Seas before it left port miami one day BEFORE the Allure)