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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I got an email from Hershey Park saying my season pass is good starting January 1st and they're open that day. I mentioned it to Mom...then made the mistake of mentioning it to Dad...I've heard nothing but "Why don't you take your brother?" "You should take your brother" ever since. The only thing that would have been worse is had I mentioned it to my brother. :rolleyes:



Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Today was a great and fun day. Friends had a "Bear Day" Chicago Bears game day and on an apposing TV was the Pooh, Christoper Robin Movie. How great is that? Disney and Chicago Bears doing well??? Some hosts are so creative.



Well-Known Member
OK gang, out for tonight...!
And, I remember somethin’ an ol’ friend on the other site used to sign off with quite often...


So, I wish you all a good day on purpose ;)tomorrow, and the happiest of New Years Eves...!!!!!!!!!!! :joyfull:

I’m thinkin’ I’ll probably be back on tomorrow to wish all you wonderful folks another happy New Years Eve/Day between now and then...!!!!! ;):)
See y’alllllllllll...!!!!!!!!!!! :joyfull: :hilarious: ;) :)


Well-Known Member
My heart sunk when the Bengals lost tonight..

But thanks to Baker Mayfield, the night immediately improved. 😂😂😂

I dislike Cleveland’s quarterback more than I dislike the Steelers, and that’s a tough dislike to beat. :)
The Steelers are dh’s favorite team. He was downright sad after the big loss last week. I don’t think yesterdays win actually even mattered that much.


Well-Known Member
Howdy gang!!!
Just checkin’ in and all is well...just been hangin’ out with family and enjoyin’ the long break...hope all of you and yours are all good, as well...!!!!! :)

Only slight bit of not-so-fun was that Emy had to have an already expected medical procedure on Friday morning. Outpatient laser surgery for both a tongue-tie and a lip-tie (Google is your friend if not familiar ;)).
Tongue was worse than lip, and lip was considered optional, but, could still cause problems later, so both were need to have to pull out the laser twice...!
Anyway, later in the day she was already latching on and feeding so much better, so all is well with our dear little Emy...!!!!! :inlove:

A laughy pic of her from later that afternoon...she’s a tough young lady and a quick healer...!!!!!!! :joyfull::happy::inlove::)

View attachment 337337
Awww, poor thing. Glad she is better and can now feed well and stick out her tongue at you. :);)


Premium Member
Are the processes different from state to state. I don't remember any of the stuff. I just brought in my Passport and one utility bill to verify address. I had a nice chat with the Motor Vehicle Dept. as the rest of the paper work was processed. If there were a lot of questions I don't remember them, however, at my age that doesn't mean anything.

The key word there was Passport. A Passport is a REAL ID already, so if you upgraded your drivers license, the passport was just about all they needed to process the update.


Premium Member
Howdy gang!!!
Just checkin’ in and all is well...just been hangin’ out with family and enjoyin’ the long break...hope all of you and yours are all good, as well...!!!!! :)

Only slight bit of not-so-fun was that Emy had to have an already expected medical procedure on Friday morning. Outpatient laser surgery for both a tongue-tie and a lip-tie (Google is your friend if not familiar ;)).
Tongue was worse than lip, and lip was considered optional, but, could still cause problems later, so both were need to have to pull out the laser twice...!
Anyway, later in the day she was already latching on and feeding so much better, so all is well with our dear little Emy...!!!!! :inlove:

A laughy pic of her from later that afternoon...she’s a tough young lady and a quick healer...!!!!!!! :joyfull::happy::inlove::)

View attachment 337337

So happy to hear that Emy is doing well. :inlove: :inlove:

It's amazing to see the photos of her from month to month--her features are more definitive with each photo. This is really cool. :cool: :happy: She's just adorable!!!


Well-Known Member
That is just awful. Are doctors in private practice there, or is it all socialized and run by the government?
Doctors are in private practice, but we do have socialized insurance. Insurance is mandatory, and they pay for the doctor visits, so I guess -I- don't pay that 20 euros every time, but I guess what annoys me is that they collect money for not doing anything. If they were actually treating me during that time, I wouldn't have a problem with it. But to have to get to the doctor's office, sit in the waiting room, and then be told nothing can be done, you just have to suffer through it, but it's probably viral and will go away on its own, so come back if it doesn't....and then it doesn't and you repeat the process three times, I don't think anyone should have to pay for that. It's like going into a store, asking the employee where an item is, and they say "sorry, it's sold out. Come back in 2 weeks when we get a shipment" and then charging you to tell you they don't have it. I only went to the doctor in the first place because I couldn't sleep at night with the coughing and stuffy nose, headache, fever....and I had had it for more than a month and couldn't take any over-the-counter meds while pregnant. I needed something that was safe for pregnancy, and the doctor wouldn't give me anything. My chest was so sore from the coughing, it hurt to breathe. All he did was ask me my symptoms and tell me it was a virus and antibiotics wouldn't help. How do you know it's a virus without looking?
Same with DS....he was 3 weeks old and couldn't nurse. And you don't even want to LOOK at him to see if it IS whooping cough? I don't understand that lack of compassion for an infant. At least LOOK. And I guess part of the problem at the time was that there was a shortage of doctors. We had a hard time finding one that was still taking patients. You can't just go to any doctor. You have to go to YOUR doctor, and if your doctor is on vacation, they have a fill-in doctor for emergencies. But then they only take emergencies...not things like colds and flu bugs. I miss the health care in the US, where I could go to the doctor and the doctor would actually TREAT me, but I like the insurance system here better where I can afford to go to the doctor whenever I'm sick. I wish there was a happy medium.


Well-Known Member
Sadly, that sentiment can prevent you from enjoying many things. Thoughts like Sean Connery is James Bond was a battle cry for a while, but, the franchise survived without him. It was nice when he did his one return, but, by then everyone just accepted that it was a movie and they were actors so if they did a good job that was all that was important. There are two things about Mary Poppins Returns that perhaps could explain the lack of Julie Andrews. First and foremost, it has been 54 years since the original was released. Julie has aged pretty well, now 84 years old, but, even if she did the part, we would still be envisioning her the way she was in 1964. She's would be compared with her old image and it would be hard for us to look at it that way. She had surgery on her vocal cords and even though she can still sing pretty well, she had nowhere near the range or voice clarity she had back then. Second, it isn't the same story (many people including myself, thought of it as a "remake" when it was in reality a sequel). A few of the same characters (in name) are there, but, not at all really that easily compared. The only one that was able to get away with it (and for the most part the only other one still alive other then Julie Andrews (now 83 years old) was D ick Van D yke and that was because he played basically the same character he did for a small part of the first movie as the son of the bank Father. The one that died laughing when he finally figured out the joke about The man with the wooden leg named Sam. He played a 90 year old man and he is 90 and it added that touch of nostalgia that we figured would be lacking.

This is a continuation of the original and due to the lapse in time since the first one the same actors would not have worked and we all would have hated seeing the now aged Julie in that roll, it just wouldn't fit or be believable.
Oh I still enjoyed the movie. I just didn't particularly like the way Emily Blunt played Mary, because it was completely different from how Julie played it and I loved the original so much. But I understand why they didn't give the role to Julie, though I disagree with it not being believable if Julie had played it. I thought it was pretty unbelievable that Mary Poppins hadn't aged at all in a couple of decades, but maybe that's just me. But I understand with Julie's nodes, she may not have felt comfortable doing the role now. But I wouldn't have minded at all that she looks me that's MORE plausible, because she IS older. But, maybe that's just me. And I think there's a difference with things like James Bond, because there are a LOT of those movies and they've been made periodically across several years. This was the first sequel in the Mary Poppins series.

But I'm not even saying they shouldn't have cast a new actress in the role of Mary. I said I thought Julie COULD have played the role, but even if she didn't, I wished she had agreed to do a cameo...for example, the balloon lady, or the bank receptionist, or something. Because her not being involved in the film in any capacity made it appear to me that she did not approve of the film, or of the casting, or of something. If you didn't read that interview, which I did not, you got the impression that she was kind of protesting, when that wasn't the case at all. And if it wasn't for other members on the forum, I wouldn't have known the real reason why she wasn't involved, and while I think it was a really sweet reason, I think she would have done better to take the cameo to show her support. I don't think her having a cameo would have distracted at all from Emily's portrayal of Mary, any more than D. van D's cameo detracted from Lin's character as a sort of "new" Bert (And yes, I know, he wasn't playing Bert, it was a new character, but still applies) or the original Jane actress' cameo distracted from the new Jane's. It was just nice that they were involved in the project.

But, that's just my opinion and I know other people might feel differently. And it didn't take away any enjoyment I had in the film at all...I still liked it. But I would have really enjoyed seeing Julie do something in it, even if it was only for a minute. I think it would have just added to the nostalgia.


Well-Known Member
Just your annual PSA
1 Have lots and lots of fun tonight
3 Most major cities are providing FREE public transportation
4 Cab, Uber and Lyft are your friends
5 If in doubt stay in everybody and their third cousin will be streaming Disney fireworks live
6 Some states are changing or have changed their DUI laws recently
7 we want you all happy healthy and uncaged(except for ferrets) in the new year

King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
Just your annual PSA
1 Have lots and lots of fun tonight
3 Most major cities are providing FREE public transportation
4 Cab, Uber and Lyft are your friends
5 If in doubt stay in everybody and their third cousin will be streaming Disney fireworks live
6 Some states are changing or have changed their DUI laws recently
7 we want you all happy healthy and uncaged(except for ferrets) in the new year


Well-Known Member
Just your annual PSA
1 Have lots and lots of fun tonight
3 Most major cities are providing FREE public transportation
4 Cab, Uber and Lyft are your friends
5 If in doubt stay in everybody and their third cousin will be streaming Disney fireworks live
6 Some states are changing or have changed their DUI laws recently
7 we want you all happy healthy and uncaged(except for ferrets) in the new year

I only intend to go out long enough to pick up my MIL from the airport at 5pm... that's about it!


Well-Known Member
Oh I still enjoyed the movie. I just didn't particularly like the way Emily Blunt played Mary, because it was completely different from how Julie played it and I loved the original so much. But I understand why they didn't give the role to Julie, though I disagree with it not being believable if Julie had played it. I thought it was pretty unbelievable that Mary Poppins hadn't aged at all in a couple of decades, but maybe that's just me. But I understand with Julie's nodes, she may not have felt comfortable doing the role now. But I wouldn't have minded at all that she looks me that's MORE plausible, because she IS older. But, maybe that's just me. And I think there's a difference with things like James Bond, because there are a LOT of those movies and they've been made periodically across several years. This was the first sequel in the Mary Poppins series.

But I'm not even saying they shouldn't have cast a new actress in the role of Mary. I said I thought Julie COULD have played the role, but even if she didn't, I wished she had agreed to do a cameo...for example, the balloon lady, or the bank receptionist, or something. Because her not being involved in the film in any capacity made it appear to me that she did not approve of the film, or of the casting, or of something. If you didn't read that interview, which I did not, you got the impression that she was kind of protesting, when that wasn't the case at all. And if it wasn't for other members on the forum, I wouldn't have known the real reason why she wasn't involved, and while I think it was a really sweet reason, I think she would have done better to take the cameo to show her support. I don't think her having a cameo would have distracted at all from Emily's portrayal of Mary, any more than D. van D's cameo detracted from Lin's character as a sort of "new" Bert (And yes, I know, he wasn't playing Bert, it was a new character, but still applies) or the original Jane actress' cameo distracted from the new Jane's. It was just nice that they were involved in the project.

But, that's just my opinion and I know other people might feel differently. And it didn't take away any enjoyment I had in the film at all...I still liked it. But I would have really enjoyed seeing Julie do something in it, even if it was only for a minute. I think it would have just added to the nostalgia.
All very good points, and I suppose she could have been in a small roll. I guess we just have to allow her to want to remember her first and very successful start. I was looking at it, I think, as the most common remark I have heard and that was that they could never remake Mary Poppins. And since that wasn't the case, they couldn't have used her as a lead. And why settle to be the balloon lady after being Mary Poppins. Just leave the original memory unblemished. Van D yke worked because he was playing basically the same part he did in the original when made up as an old man and it was played more for comedy.

The excuse that she didn't want to cause Blunt problems was bogus. Julie was Mary, she created that character physically and used Disney's spin on it. She had nothing to gain by having audiences feeling sorry about the aging process and believe me we all come to the age when we no longer want to have any real limelight or be reminded of the passage of time. I think she made the right choice. After all, the original movie wasn't titled "Bert" or "Jane". The movie went out of its way to remember Julie in some of the mannerisms and even the semi-duplication's of some scenes that Julie had made famous. Psychologically, even for audiences, to see those tributes and then see an aged Julie as another character would have been more depressing then then joyous. I know it would have been for me. Some memories just shouldn't be altered.

I can relate in that way to Julie's inner self awareness and concern. I don't think she disapproved in anyway because Emily played the character closer to the books, personality wise and it made it's creation nothing less then the fact that we now had two Mary Poppins movies worthy of seeing. Now if we had been talking about a remake of the original, I would agree that it never should have even been thought about much less made.

I just heard that the movie picked up by almost 20% in it's second week. Hopefully word will get out and like the first one, will become a must see for everyone.

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