The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
We went and saw Bohemian Rhapsody today. Very cool movie! And then I told DD about @StarWarsGirl 's favorite parody of the song, and she LOVES it. She enjoyed the movie, of course, but that just put the video into context for her and she was cracking up.
DH and I went oven shopping. Yikes, it's slim pickin's here.

And then we went to dinner at La Cubanita. Not a place you should go if you are in a hurry, but we've been there before and knew that, so we weren't in a hurry. It took us almost 3 hours. But it was worth it. The kitchen wasn't on the ball tonight, but the food was mostly good. It's kind of a tappas place and you choose 2 dishes per round and they bring them to your table as they are done. But first, we ordered mocktail sangrias for DD and I....and waited and waited and waited. And then our server let us know there was a mix up at the bar and it would take a while for our drinks. Then they brought DH's beer....but forgot he ordered a non-alcoholic one. DD and I ordered corn on the cob in round 2....we were already getting our round 4 food and still hadn't gotten the corn, though we had seen several servers go by with corn. So we asked, and they were so sorry....they hadn't realized we never got it. So they put the order in again....only they missed the part that BOTH DD and I had ordered it, so they only brought one. I let DD have that and I ordered another round for myself. DH never did get his chicken wings, but he was ok with that as he had soooo much other stuff to try. Then I had this "flambini"....basically a mini flatbread pizza with pork and some sort of white sauce drizzled on it (sooooo favorite dish there!) and the server went to clear away empty dishes and dumped the dishes on top of the flambini.

I told DH I was glad it was our table...we're very mellow and not prone to complain unless a server is a jerk, and he wasn't a jerk, so we just went with it. It was packed anyway, and he was doing his best. They actually have lots of people serving the food, so they don't know who ordered write it on a card and the tables are numbered, and whatever server picks up the food just has the table number to deliver it. But the server who took our drink orders and such was the one who also had to deliver the bad news about mix ups. But I can only imagine the kind of abuse those servers take when things go wrong. And the fact that so much went wrong tonight just for our table...I don't know about other tables, but it just seemed like one thing after another and I'm sure that poor waiter was not wanting to have to disappoint us yet again. He apologized profusely when he dumped the dishes...poor kid couldn't be much more than 18, if he's that! And he couldn't do anything about the kitchen not sending out the food, or the drinks getting mixed up. He's just the messenger.

Anyway, good day...but can I win the lottery already so I can get a bigger house to accomodate a larger kitchen, including TWO ovens? And like...American-size ovens...not these tiny little microwave oven-sized ones. Ones where I can actually put an American cookie sheet in! Or a turkey!!


Well-Known Member
@MySmallWorldof4 and @Songbird76

I read a recent interview with Julie Andrews and she said she declined appearing in the sequel because she wanted Emily Blunt to “make the character her own” and did not want to be a “distraction”.

She’s still a classy lady.
Her actions were very kind. For sentimental purposes though, fans would have liked to have seen her.


Well-Known Member
Yep, know that feeling of catching up. And poor Pup. Yeah Pup's that have cysts that explode are messy. My Boy Golden had one on top of his head. We came home from my Mom's one Christmas Eve and he somehow scratched into it. Bluck bluck bluck. When it healed you would have never known it was there-ever. He left behind a small bald patch about the size of a penny. A surgeon couldn't have done it better. Hope Pup feels better soon.
Thanks. She had the drain move today and the vet was happy with the healing. I was not happy about being charged again for a follow-up. Seemed a bit wrong to me.


Well-Known Member
Someone might have already answered by I read that Julie Andrews didn't want any attention put on her being in the movie and wanted the focus to be on Emily Blunt playing Mary Poppins. There is a cameo by the original Jane in the movie, she is the lady that asks for directions on Cherry Tree Lane.
Missed paying attention to her. Guess I will have to wait for the blu ray to come out.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I don't exactly know how to word it, but I do wonder how much of the level of education is based on history repeating and how much of it is more...expectation I guess? For example....neither of my parents had a college education. My dad wanted to go to college, but his dad wouldn't pay for it because he wanted my dad to take over the ranch. Both my brother and I got college educations/degrees, a lot because it was expected of us by my mother. She didn't want either of us to continue the unskilled labor life of minimum wage, living paycheck to paycheck. My husband did the highest level of high school and has the equivalent of a masters degree, I have a bachelors degree, and both of our kids are on the same path. But then there are other kids who could probably do really well in school, but it's never been emphasized by their parents.

In my experience, it's generally parents who have a degree who emphasize the importance of education with their children, and of course there are exceptions to that, like my mom. But I saw kids in DD's class who really just didn't worry about trying hard, because no one was telling them they needed to. THen by the time they get to high school and realize how limited their options are, it takes them so much longer to get through the system because they didn't take it seriously when they were younger.

And my grandfather....his father was a lawyer, his grandfather was secretary of State in Kansas, he was a minister, and a stone mason...he had a lot of education, but according to family records, my grandfather's dad did not know he existed as a child. We don't know if his parents were ever married or what happened, but apparently they were no longer together when she discovered she was pregnant, and she dumped the baby with her parents and came back when he was 5 to pick him up. But none of them had any schooling, so my grandfather was never exposed to that life. I wonder how his life would have been different if he had known his father. And do kids tend to follow in their parents' footsteps because that's emphasized so heavily or just because it's all they know?

No statistics is 100% absolute. Nothing makes me happier than when a child growing up in poverty and housing that makes the break and excelled. Michelle Obama is a champion of excelling beyond what was dealt through her long family history. The lady had personal goals. I love the stories of the underprivileged that excel and the strong families that make sure it happens no matter what they sacrifice to make it happen. Still you see families where none of their children go outside the box just like their parents. It is statistically there for some.

Me, I made sure my kids were educated I wanted that for them from birth. We gave up so much for them, it was important to me. No regrets. I'm not certain that it was right or wrong but something nobody can take away from my children, a back up plan and will never harm their future.

I have a DD in grad school that will likely quadruple her salary in 1.5 years given her Bachelor University and her Master Degree value and she is a totally independant woman that doesn't depend on a man or a husband for survival. She is beyond awesome. I know both of my kids value education and both associate on a personal level with others that value education. You were an educated person that also married a person of higher education. There is a pattern for long term success. If the whole world imploded where you live or your life, you too have a degree you could fall back on. I find that an asset vs a minus. Should an illness or a tragedy happen (Lord Forbid) you could move back and have something to fall back upon. Not everyone has that. Worse when you have children and no alternative plan. That was my parents thought process, my thought process for my kids, always a Plan B especially when children are involved.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Sympathy like, wine and ammo.

We were hit again early evening. Snow, sleet and ice. I little band that caught everyone off guard. Took stupid salt trucks depending on who owned which road 2-4 hours to salt. It wasn't a great deal of crud but crud that made cars spin out and us walking not being able to stay upright.

F L O R I D A ! ! ! ! ! !


Well-Known Member
Her actions were very kind. For sentimental purposes though, fans would have liked to have seen her.
Agreed. And I have to say, while it's a lovely sentiment to not want to distract from Emily Blunt's performance, and she wanted Emily to make it her own, that's just not going to happen. Julie Andrews IS Mary Poppins. People associate her with that role, that's the icon...people are going to compare. It's never going to be Emily's own, no matter how well she performed it. And my first thought of why Julie Andrews wasn't in the sequel was that perhaps she didn't approve. I'm glad to know that wasn't the case, and Julie really is a class act. But it's rather an unrealistic expectation that fans wouldn't compare, or would see it as someone else's role. At least for me, it will always be Julie's. Just like Richard Harris will always be Dumbledore, even though Michael Gambon played the role in many more films. It's why remakes often don't work as well as the originals. Because you have that image in your head of that person in that role....and it wouldn't have been the same had anyone else played that character. People fell in love with it as it was....sure, the story is great, but the actors really bring it to life. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. And while this isn't a remake, you really can't escape the fact that it's the same iconic character, but not the same actor playing it. So there will be comparisons and discussions about how it was different. I think by doing a cameo, it would have made it clear that she supported Emily playing the role, passing on the torch so to speak.


Premium Member
Poor poor @MinnieM123 Jack, :( he just wants a full belly. :hungry:

Jack Attack last night -- I stepped out of the kitchen for a minute and when I came back, I saw that the tablecloth was kinda bunched up on the table. Couldn't figure it out as there was no food on the table, just a glass of milk. Then I noticed a large wet spot on the tablecloth.

Well, your favorite dog managed to climb up on the table, and slurp MY milk out of MY glass . . . spilling most of it on the tablecloth! :banghead: (And there was also the telltale sign of white milk drops on the side of his mouth.) I told him he was in the dog house (although we don't have a dog house). :facepalm:


Well-Known Member
No statistics is 100% absolute. Nothing makes me happier than when a child growing up in poverty and housing that makes the break and excelled. Michelle Obama is a champion of excelling beyond what was dealt through her long family history. The lady had personal goals. I love the stories of the underprivileged that excel and the strong families that make sure it happens no matter what they sacrifice to make it happen. Still you see families where none of their children go outside the box just like their parents. It is statistically there for some.

Me, I made sure my kids were educated I wanted that for them from birth. We gave up so much for them, it was important to me. No regrets. I'm not certain that it was right or wrong but something nobody can take away from my children, a back up plan and will never harm their future.

I have a DD in grad school that will likely quadruple her salary in 1.5 years given her Bachelor University and her Master Degree value and she is a totally independant woman that doesn't depend on a man or a husband for survival. She is beyond awesome. I know both of my kids value education and both associate on a personal level with others that value education. You were an educated person that also married a person of higher education. There is a pattern for long term success. If the whole world imploded where you live or your life, you too have a degree you could fall back on. I find that an asset vs a minus. Should an illness or a tragedy happen (Lord Forbid) you could move back and have something to fall back upon. Not everyone has that. Worse when you have children and no alternative plan. That was my parents thought process, my thought process for my kids, always a Plan B especially when children are involved.
I definitely don't disagree with the statistics. I just wonder the reasoning behind the statistic, you know? WHY is it more likely that that happens? Where I grew up, it was a coal mining town. Everyone and their dog worked at the mine. Unless they were ranchers. And the ranchers had kids and those kids took over the ranch when they got older. And the miner's kids got jobs at the mine. My brother and I were kind of the odd ones out, because we came from a ranching family, but didn't grow up on the ranch and had no desire to take over the ranch, and my dad couldn't make a living from the ranch so he worked at the mine as a security guard, and we also didn't become coal miners. But a LOT of the kids from my graduating class got jobs at one of the mines and are still there, raising their families, and their kids will probably also work at the mine someday, unless we switch to alternative energy sources. But because our parents didn't work FOR the mine (security guards were contracted from a separate company), they didn't make the kind of money that those coal miners made. We lived below the poverty line. It's only because we did well in school that we got scholarships to go to college. Without that, I'd probably be stuck back home working for the mine, because I'd never have met my husband if I hadn't gone to college. But most of those coal miners had no college's unskilled labor. And the fact that they had high paying jobs....higher paying than the teachers who had college degrees, they didn't see the necessity of going to college. There was no "getting a better job because of your education." Most of the kids did go to college for a semester or so...most flunked out or lost interest and ended up back at home working for the mines within a year. I'm one of the few who actually got a degree, even though my parents never went to college, and I had grown up in poverty. So it's really interesting to me what the psychology of that is....why are the statistics the way they are? Because statistically, my brother and I should have been delinquents with anger issues who didn't amount to much and had to join the minimum wage working world. Divorced parents, low income, no education for our parents. While other kids in my class grew up in upper-middle class families with both parents, married....they had every opportunity open to them, but never excelled. So why do the statistics become what they are? And what accounts for the outliers? Statistics only tell part of the story....they only tell you WHAT is, not WHY...and I am fascinated by the WHY.


Premium Member
Thanks. She had the drain move today and the vet was happy with the healing. I was not happy about being charged again for a follow-up. Seemed a bit wrong to me.

First of all, wonderful news that the drain is out. That means she's healing quite well. :)

As for the follow up visit, removing the drain is a (minor) procedure (even if it's very quick--like removing stitches), so they will charge for that.

We've had a handful of vets through the years. They all hit you with a charge for services, the moment you open their door and step inside the vet's office. It's more about their time spent with the animal; essentially ANY visit is billable. Not saying it's always right, but I can only relate our experiences with vets.

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