Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes! It was a nice day. And here's my present: Chargy McCharge-face Fitzcracker (it has to have a name.) Bob for short.
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It's a Fitbit charge 2. Hence the name, chargy McCharge-face. (we call everything whatever mcwhatever-face. Sheepy McSheep-face, drinky McDrink-face, etc) And my old activity tracker was named the "cracker" because when I went to the store, I couldn't find them, and I asked where they were and the lady thought I said "cracker" not "tracker" so she sent me to the wrong place, hence the cracker. And this is the Fitbit...which is the ritzy name brand kind....hence the Fitz. So....Chargy McCharge-face Fitzcracker.
Hope you had a lovely Birthday.

Happy you received the Fitbit you needed so quickly!!!

I'm on my second one, I really like it. Keep your receipt. Should it unexpectedly meet an untimely death an email to the Fitbit and they replace it. My kids have iWatches. It was a little too much info. I don't know how cell phones work over there but my Fitbit sync's with my iPhone, gives me a notice who is calling or the quick version of a text message. Comes in handy when you can't just whip out your phone like when your driving.