The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
My parents are thinking about getting Echo dots and putting them throughout the house. There'd be about five of them throughout. We used to have an intercom system, but it hasn't worked for a while now, and my mom hates yelling through the house. So they're thinking about doing this so they can page the different Echos and then just patch the walls where the intercoms used to be.

My parents...they went from having dial up in 2008 to having a smart home in 2019.:hilarious:

There is thing called two legs that we can walk on. Or one leg and a crutch. Or a wheelchair.


Premium Member
Thank you the headache is mostly gone but I'm VERY tired. I'm taking it easy today just making rice and beans and getting a bit of Mount laundry done

Holidays zap the strength out of a lot of people. You had some extra planning this time, with transporting the feast. Takes some extra energy to line up all your cards correctly on that undertaking. And then there's spending the day with the rellies . . . :facepalm:


Premium Member
We had a great visit with our Dd, SIL and grand doggie! The vegan, gluten free meal was wonderful. The 3 meat eaters did have pork chops though! 😁We could not give up the meat!
Pictures of my sweet baby! ❤️He was so awesome this weekend. He loved the new pumpkin doggie treats I made him!
Dinner was pork chops, wild rice and mushrooms, Brussels sprouts and sweet potatoes, and green bean casserole. We fried our own onion strips. I forgot the dessert. It was a pumpkin pie that was the best I have ever eaten!! When I get the recipe, I will share. View attachment 328361View attachment 328362

Cute doggie!! :happy:


Premium Member
There is thing called two legs that we can walk on. Or one leg and a crutch. Or a wheelchair.

Maybe they have a really big house, and it's just more efficient to have some sort of intercom-type system. I'm sure they also walk around to talk to other family members, but perhaps not all the time. Different strokes as they say.

The above is nothing I have to think about where I live, because our place is so dinky! ;)


Well-Known Member
Sympathy like. I hope the tylenol worked. I've always loved the holidays, but I have to say I really don't like the rush of's so stressful. Poor DS can't take it. He's SO intensely sensitive to stimuli right now. We're riding our bikes home, and we come to a stoplight and he starts shouting that the stoplights are too bright. Then he's freaking out because the dog barking is sooooo loud. Then out of nowhere, he says "Mommy, is there a plane here?" and I had to listen really close, but he was right...we couldn't see it, but there was a sound from a plane somewhere. Between HIS birthday, Sinterklaas, MY birthday, my nephew's birthday, Christmas, his presentation this week for school, etc, it's just too much for him to process. So I can completely understand why you have a headache and you're exhausted...this time of year just does that to people! Feel better soon!
You are so right. Sad thing is, is we do this to ourselves every year.


Well-Known Member
Oh that would make SO much more sense! I read it, and reread it, and it just didn't compute. Sometimes, my dyslexic brain just won't register things. I will get stuck on one word in a sentence and have to read that sentence 5 or 6 times before it clears and makes sense. And this was one of those that just wouldn't clear up! So frustrating when that happens. It makes me feel so stupid!
I had to look at it a couple of times as well until I figured it out.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Words: Fun snow!! :joyfull:

I question if you would have even liked this particular snow storm. It started as rain then ice pellets for hours. Moved onto slush and then to huge and heavy snow flakes. A wet snow. It went down overnight to low 20s. At dawn it stopped. It was a foot deep but likely more cause it compacted into the slush below. You could walk on top of the snow it was to heavy to lift and you couldn't get the shovel down to the sidewalk anyhow or break it loose to clear. The cars were encased in ice and slush then frozen snow. It took hours to get snow and ice off the cars mainly by letting them run and warm spots to try and budge it. Kid just took an Uber to work.

The plow finally came here and plowed the driveway. To exit it is down hill so even with my 4x4 it was too risky cause if I couldn’t stop on the ice I’d hit the barn.

A bad first of the season sticking snow. Schools were closed so these kids have been off school since November 17th for Thanksgiving Break. Now it’s is going to get real cold so the crunchy snow and ice will be with us a while

But you’d likely enjoy looking at it more than being one with it.


Blurg! You'd swear these were Black & White Photos. :(:cautious::coldfeet::cold:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
We had a great visit with our Dd, SIL and grand doggie! The vegan, gluten free meal was wonderful. The 3 meat eaters did have pork chops though! 😁We could not give up the meat!
Pictures of my sweet baby! ❤️He was so awesome this weekend. He loved the new pumpkin doggie treats I made him!
Dinner was pork chops, wild rice and mushrooms, Brussels sprouts and sweet potatoes, and green bean casserole. We fried our own onion strips. I forgot the dessert. It was a pumpkin pie that was the best I have ever eaten!! When I get the recipe, I will share. View attachment 328361View attachment 328362

Awe is he so dang cute. Was he politely begging for a Pumpkin Biscuit in this photo?

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