The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Hey good to hear that people are turning out. I left work a bit early today. I always vote at night (takes too long in the morning and I'd be late for work). But the best thing is that most people vote during the day, and it's not as crowded at night--so even with higher turnouts, I didn't face any long wait at all. :happy:

So I got home maybe 6:45 after voting, and plopped in front of the computer, with snacks and juice. So Jack trots in and I figured he was after the food on the desk. Nope. He's such a wacko dog--he came over to me and licked my left knee, and then the right knee, and then walked out of the room! :hilarious:
What a sweet dog. :)


Well-Known Member
Oh that stinks! You would think that if a mall didn't want more stores closing they wouldn't increase rent. I know the dead one by us gives the remaining stores very cheap rent because of that. Maybe he can just find another location?

I probably need to clarify...
That mall is way less crowded than it was about 6-8 years ago, but, even so, almost every time a store goes away, another takes it’s place.
3 of the 4 anchor stores are still there, sans Sears.

Another location seems to not be on his agenda right now.
I think it’s because, since he doesn’t advertise, he really needs to be in a mall-type setting, where people tend to wander about more, as opposed to a strip center or single building location, where people tend to park, go get what they need, and get outta’ Dodge.

The mall, apparently, isn’t to the tipping point...yet.


Well-Known Member
Boy, can I relate to all of that.

I’m looking to move one of my two stores before the rent increase, and the thought to close it (at least for awhile) has crossed my mind.

But then I’d have to move everything twice and pay for storage in the meantime.

Yep, so many variables, especially for the small business owner with, generally, more limited access to certain support.
Many times it is, indeed, more prudent to step back a bit, reassess, and then move forward again with a more in focus perspective and a more clear course...! ;)
Anyway, the best of luck to you and your business...!!! :)


Well-Known Member
It never ceases to amaze me. Do people that own things like malls not see what is happening around them. Malls are dropping like flies and yet, they keep raising rents expecting the tenants to be able to make a profit from a dying concept. I think malls will be back someday, when the idiots allow the retail establishments to make money and the idiot public gets tired of having to drive to every store, walk in the heat, cold, rain, snow, sleet and hail and suddenly realize how malls came into existence to begin with. Malls themselves seem unwilling to advertise or promote the virtues of mall shopping. Instead they keep raising rents causing merchants to have to charge more for what they sell. One of the main reasons why malls have lost popularity is that everything is more expensive there by a huge margin. I often wonder if our enemies haven't tainted our drinking water with something that lowers people IQ's. That would explain the sudden lack of common sense or any other sign of possible intelligence.

I hope there is intelligent life on other planets because there certainly isn't any of that here anymore. Short sighted greed is the current ruler.

Regarding the greed thing, it has always been the ruler, and has nothing to do with today.
Even a very minimal cruising of history clearly reveals so as more than evident. Greed isn’t news, it’s been around in full force since the beginning of time in every form you can imagine it.

I could be wrong, but, that mall definitely doesn’t sound like a Simon Property Group owned mall (at least not in our neck of the woods). A store closes one night, and the next mornin’ that sucker’s windows are blacked out ‘til the next victim :cautious: is ready to roll the dice... :cyclops:

And, if the mall folks continue to get the rents they want...who actually has their heads where the sun doesn’t (yes, I read your post earlier at the office ;):cautious::D) shine...? :cyclops:

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
@Tony the Tigger , I agree with what Figgy said above. Always good to get something checked out--it gives you peace of mind.

And as I’m overreacting about that today after googling it for two hours - B’s Uncle was actually just diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer that has spread to his lungs. He had gone to the doctor with stomach pains.

He’s not even going to bother with chemo, expected to live 6 months. His daughter is losing it.

That is exactly why I’m paranoid, though - how long ago was it stage 1 and maybe treatable? Was anything ignored or minimized then?

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Looks like outdoor patio furniture tables. Do you have any second had stores around, that might sell them for you on consignment?

I’d sell them myself, but leaning towards keeping them as a coffee table for awhile. Or just two tables (not right up against each other) where a coffee table would normally go.

Got 2/3 of the wood floor down so far. Got nearly an inch splinter in my hand and acted like a baby about it for the better part of an hour until I got it all out.

Saw the Queen movie. Loved it.

For some reason, that photo reminds me of the American Pavilion at EPCOT. I can just see the Voices of Liberty singing songs in that Welcome Center. :)


I like lentil soup. There is a green veggie that makes me want to heave though--lima beans. They are the most vile, horrible veggie on the planet. :depressed:

Same again, on both counts!

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
And as I’m overreacting about that today after googling it for two hours - B’s Uncle was actually just diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer that has spread to his lungs. He had gone to the doctor with stomach pains.

He’s not even going to bother with chemo, expected to live 6 months. His daughter is losing it.

That is exactly why I’m paranoid, though - how long ago was it stage 1 and maybe treatable? Was anything ignored or minimized then?
that sucks :/


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
It never ceases to amaze me. Do people that own things like malls not see what is happening around them. Malls are dropping like flies and yet, they keep raising rents expecting the tenants to be able to make a profit from a dying concept. I think malls will be back someday, when the idiots allow the retail establishments to make money and the idiot public gets tired of having to drive to every store, walk in the heat, cold, rain, snow, sleet and hail and suddenly realize how malls came into existence to begin with. Malls themselves seem unwilling to advertise or promote the virtues of mall shopping. Instead they keep raising rents causing merchants to have to charge more for what they sell. One of the main reasons why malls have lost popularity is that everything is more expensive there by a huge margin. I often wonder if our enemies haven't tainted our drinking water with something that lowers people IQ's. That would explain the sudden lack of common sense or any other sign of possible intelligence.

I hope there is intelligent life on other planets because there certainly isn't any of that here anymore. Short sighted greed is the current ruler.

Not that I disagree with all that...still it seems to be a demographic thing and some states and areas that have substantially better planning. We have a mall that will go under in N.IL
Still in the same area we have 6 that are thriving by leaps and bounds. Anyone that has been to Woodfield, Aurora, Rosemont, Gurnie Mills or Oakbrook or Old Orchard know malls are awesome if the businesses have a good model and enough population to sustain a mall. The one that will eventually go under up here built within a few miles of Woodfield one of the USA largest malls. What were they thinking? It isn't anti mall it was what were you thinking.

Woodfield also has tourism. It has a huge convention appeal much like Minneapolis with Mall of America which is beyond awesome too. Then there is the business model. I ride our trains to Chicago frequently a major hub of business. What the majority of men are not wearing daily is suits and neither are the majority of women. Times changed. Sure there are the token few per car but an era for daily business gone bye bye. Not the malls fault, nor the rent. Look at the youth, they are going to work in Jeans and Sweatshirts in the tech field which here in Chicago is booming. Some embrace that and shift their offerings and others hang on to yesteryear. There is one mall but also the Mag Mile connecting it to all sorts of businesses from Crate and Barrel to Uniqlo in a free form stores lining the streets of Michigan Avenue that leads to Water Tower, a mall. Sometimes the time has come for some stores to be replaced, our Carsons for Uniglo, Suits of traditional business wear to more business casual. It isn't always the rent but not changing with the times and updating your business model. Some can do it, like American Eagle which has been around since my childhood and still going strong as they adapt, same with Abercrombie & Fitch still a hit, they got it and move forward. If you want to survive you have to look to the youth not the nearing retired for what sells. The majority of the malls up here get it. Some demographics do not. Lessons to be learned or not. But when you choose not to recognize the changing buyers habits you go out of business.
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