Well story time.....
So no good deed goes unpunished as I said earlier.
Back story. My folks have owned this house that my Mom lives in since I was in early elementary school (so a very very log time)
That area of Suburbia of Chicago all homes have alleys behind their homes, some access garages some do not. My Moms home has a cool garage with double doors one for the driveway from the street and an exit to the alley for exit, never needing to back out. Over the decades the stone alley has made the alley higher and higher. Couple that with 3 knock downs for McMansions out of 4 neighbors. My Mom over the last decade went from level land to being the 'low spot' for rain from alley and back of property causing rain to roll from alley to her house. I grew up in that home, it is a NEW issue by higher surrounding large homes and a higher alley.
My Mom is 83. So my son was in and my DD, DS and me raised the alley along her fence to slightly higher than her neighbors to stop the neighborhood water from rolling completely into her yard to her house. This was August but in the 90's I waited until the temps dropped in late September after our WDW trip to fix the problem. On the yard side I bought bricks, dirt, landscaping skin and bark along with water eating plants to level the backside of the yard. (so far with all the rain it has worked, woot) I'm too old for this type of manual labor. I am a small woman now well into my 50's. It took me 6 days to level a short brick wall, fill it with dirt, line it and bark it then add plants so Mom's property would stop flooding.
I've yet to see it in daylight as I was not leaving until it was done on DAY 6. It is over an hour to my Moms and back again so it is a time ability thing. But Mom's backyard and the area I was working in is not level and so many dips. Well I wrenched my ankle and damaged my Achilles, enter boot. At least I finished my Moms yard. Good Daughter.
*Pat on head. *
Well it is black outside the last few hours I worked on this cause I was going to be DONE!!!
Photos are taken at night and flash only does so much on my phone
And stepped into a dip messed up leg
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Results no good deed goes unpunished
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