I'm worn out!! Today is Harry Potter Day, and they had a whole event where DD has her musical theater lessons, and this year her group did a musical about a magic school, etc, so she got to perform it again today. It was kind of fun....they had places to make your own wands, you could hold an owl, you could ride a mechanical bucking broomstick, you could play wizard's chess, etc. And you could buy tshirts with your house crest on them, and add your name. 1 Tshirt for 4 euro, 2 for 7, or 3 for 10, and 1 euro extra to add a name. So we go and order 3 Ravenclaw shirts, 2 with the kids' names on them. The guy says it's 14 Euros. I'm like....no....it's 3 shirts for 10 and he says "Yes, but you have two with a name on them". Yes....and the name is 1 euro each. "Yeah....so each shirt is 4 euro...." no....it says 3 for 10. He's standing there arguing with me and it's not even difficult math!! Finally a supervisor comes over and immediately adds it up to 12 Euros....the kid looked like he didn't get it, but ok, supervisor says. So we pay, he tells us they'll be ready in about 30 mins. We go do other things, come back after an hour and a half, get the same kid, who doesn't seem to remember us at all, and he comes back and says they aren't done yet. So I tell him....but...you said they'd be done in 30 minutes and that was an hour and a half ago! He looks confused, then asks me to write down our order again. So I did, and then we came back in 30 minutes....not done yet and the printer is down and they can't guarantee that they will get it running again, so all the people ordering now don't have to pre-pay. But we've already paid. So we come back later....still not done, but the girl writes our stuff down....again. It took 3 hours to get our tshirts that were supposed to be done in 30 minutes. Good thing we had nowhere else to be!! DS was afraid even to be sorted...he wouldn't even walk into the room with the sorting hat. Not sure what was going on there, but we had fun anyway. DD LOVES owls and was ecstatic that she got to hold one!!!
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