And the worst part- the woman was the second person to run the light! It’s happened near a university and several hospitals, extremely busy area and high traffic at all times.. the interesection is large. Sis got the green arrow to turn, pulled in the intersection then breaked when she saw that the first car was running the red light, started to turn after and the other woman ran the red light too!
How careless can someone be???
Another car got hit by debris from sister’s car.. bumper flew off, tailgate won’t even open and her rear side speakers are now inside of the car. She spun 180 degrees and is very lucky that she didn’t hit another car when doing so.
She didn’t even appear shooken up, just angry. She still has temporary tags on the vehicle.
Ha ha!
That’s what we said. She’s running a full 26.2 on Saturday.. I think she should be checked, but.. she won’t listen because she knows it all.
Oh no! Was he by himself when it happened?
It’s frustrating when someone else causes you to lose so much value in your vehicle or compromise the factory build. I think there should be much heftier fines than what currently exist for running red lights etc...even if the other person is physically ok. Maybe people would stop being so careless.