The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
In other news, one of the guys I went to college with lost his son. He went missing in November. He was 18 and had been staying with his grandparents in another state and apparently went out hiking, which he did often, but he didn't come back. A hiker found his body a few days ago at the bottom of a steep drop off. So so sad for this family. They lost a little girl several years ago to....I want to say meningitis, but I may be wrong. And now this.
I am always in wonderment about situations like that. My mothers brother, my uncle, married one of the nicest people on the planet. She would do anything for anybody, generous, sweet and never a bad word about anyone. She is indeed my favorite Aunt. She had four children. The first born died at age 64 from alcohol related liver damage. The second one, born on exactly the same day within 10 minutes of myself, died, in her arms, as an infant from Cystic Fibrosis. The third about 5 years younger then me died at age 60 of alcohol related throat bleed out and the Fourth died at age 10 months from a short circuited homemade vaporizer that caught his room on fire. He also had Cystic Fibrosis and not a good prognosis. Her husband, my Uncle died at age 66 of Pancreatic Cancer... he had been an alcoholic since his service time in WWII. She is now 91 years old, recently fell and is currently permanently in a nursing home and all she wants to do is die. That isn't even all the tragedy that she has endured. She herself had Cervical Cancer at around age 40, had surgery and no chemo or any other treatment and has remained cancer free to this day.

I've always been in awe of her strength and felt somewhat guilty because how could she not have looked at me over the past 70 years and not have been reminded of her son that was born the same day as I was. If it ever bothered her I never knew it. I never wish for anyone to pass away, but, I hope that someday soon her suffering ends.

On a weirder note... He and I were not the only ones born on the same day, in the same hospital, within an hour of each other, but, one other cousin was also part of our group. The rest of the oddity was that without either of us having seen each other for probably 10 or more years, we both got married on the same day to a person named Gail (not the same person) and picked the same best man. Unfortunately for me, he got to him a day sooner. We didn't even live in the same state at the time, but, both had gone to high school with the friend we chose. (Brrrr) Sometimes I make myself shiver.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks, he was happy with it. We only spent 2 days shopping and making, but I think it turned out fine.

Hopefully I don’t sound too horrible saying this, but I look forward to when this is over. It’s a huge sacrament and one of the most celebrated times in a catholic’s life.. but there’s been so much studying, tests, reports, crafts, events, meetings, the suit that I still haven’t bought, a party that I’m planning, gifts, and so on.. I am excited for him, really, but it will be nice to maybe exhale a bit after the first weekend in May.

Then he will forced make his confrimation and go to CCD every week and one day see church is too crowded and walk out and never return. Oh, wait, that was me. And I went to a catholic college although if I had to do it over again, i would go somewhere else.
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Well-Known Member
When you’re in a hurry, only have a few hours to make a cake.. and have to sacrifice the one you wanted to bake for the one you have time to bake, no time for fondant and ball shaped cakes. Just added the finishing touch. It works.. I think he’ll be plenty happy with it. :)

Next year I’m just going to place orders instead of fooling myself with what my shedule allows, or doesn’t allow.. for sure!


Well-Known Member
You know, we wandered all over that City after dark and never felt unsafe. Bourbon Street was pretty crowded so we were on the side streets a lot. It was fun!! But i wouldn't have felt as safe with a kid in tow. New Orleans feels dirty, and smelly, but it never once felt unsafe to me.

Yes, dirty and smelly, indeed, but we were same...never felt unsafe anywhere, even when we walked block after block to clubs in the northeast part of town. It was a lot of walking, but, there was some darn good music in those places...!!! :)
But, I may have had something concealed JIC.
I'm a Texan, don't judge... :cautious:


Well-Known Member
This reminds me of when my brothers used to put together plastic models of ships. They'd spend hours with those kits, and then display the ships on shelves in their room. They also put together model airplanes and rockets. :happy:

Cool!!! :)
My mom and pop used to allow me to hang my airplane models from mine and my brothers (they never took an interest, so never built any) bedroom ceiling with fishing line to display them...!!!!! :happy:

I also did a little Estes model rocketry, it was a hoot...!!!!!!! :joyfull:


Well-Known Member
They finally opened up the European 2019 deal for Disneyworld, but the site is too busy to actually LOOK at anything. I just keep getting the "Sorry. We're experiencing an extremely high volume of traffic at the moment. Please try again later." message. Oh well...I have until July.

In other news, one of the guys I went to college with lost his son. He went missing in November. He was 18 and had been staying with his grandparents in another state and apparently went out hiking, which he did often, but he didn't come back. A hiker found his body a few days ago at the bottom of a steep drop off. So so sad for this family. They lost a little girl several years ago to....I want to say meningitis, but I may be wrong. And now this.
No words for this.


Premium Member
I attached it at the bottom.. I hope this photo is allowed. Today is Emmaus Day. They will practice, do reconciliation, have bread and wine. They also had to bring in a piece of cloth, something important to them. We have a ribbon from a flower arrangement on my grandfather’s casket.. it said “Grandkids” and all of their names. The ribbon is just one piece, but it means a lot to T, they were very close.

They will sew everyone’s cloths together today to make a large tapestry.. or something like that.. I’m still not exactly sure.

They’re little pom poms. T was very specific about what he wanted, Colors, design etc. he said “I don’t want it too busy” (definitely my kid ;) ) He did want wheat on each side, but we just ran out of time. We’ve had 3 weeks to do this, but we’ve just had so much going on! The felt is cut as straight as I could get it. T cut the chalice and bread, and background for his name, I cut the grape leaves.

I saw a Mom post her son’s on Facebook today, they used a white hand towel. Why didn’t I think of a towel!lol. Oh well.

Oh, I remember that first time. Stay strong momma!! You know she’ll be in good hands, try to have a fun evening! :)

I think that looks very nice. Well done.:)


Well-Known Member
You know, we wandered all over that City after dark and never felt unsafe. Bourbon Street was pretty crowded so we were on the side streets a lot. It was fun!! But i wouldn't have felt as safe with a kid in tow. New Orleans feels dirty, and smelly, but it never once felt unsafe to me.
I had stated earlier that my daughter graduated from Tulane. During her years there I would get phone calls from her telling me that some dude got shot in front of her dorm and that a girlfriend went downtown with a boyfriend and they were robbed at gunpoint. Also during that time her purse as snatched (more then once) costing her cash and her credit card which by the time we were able to notify the bank had been maxed out. (the bank forgave it) While at Mardi Gras all she brought with her was $20 cash and her college ID. Her pocket was picked clean.

That, of course, was in the 80's and New Orleans was in the middle of a huge corrupt police scandal. By the time of her graduation it all seemed a lot safer. Anyway, those are all things that a Father does not want to hear from a daughter 1500 miles away.


Well-Known Member
About 7 years ago there was a big youth gathering in New Orleans and I helped chaperone that trip. We took the kids down Bourbon Street during the day and we saw plenty of interesting things just during the day! And we were told that while the gathering was in town businesses were asked to keep stuff a little more family friendly, the gathering had about 45,000 people most of them them teens. So I can imagine (or maybe not) what you all saw! We did like the city overall, and the food....great stuff! Hubs and I would like to go back someday, without chaperoning 20 teenagers.

Yep, definitely go back! It will be a blast!!!
As I've posted before, our youngest had just turned 21 on our last trip, and it was a hoot!!!
But, with "Keep Austin Weired" here there wasn't a lot that surprised them...!!!!!! :hilarious: ;)


Well-Known Member
Saturday was spent outside in shorts, tank top and bare feet. Today I'm inside shivering in fleece, there's some ice on the trees, I can hear the wind and the lights flickered most of last night. Tonight's dinner groundhog general Tso:angelic::angelic::angelic::angelic: Right now we have internet but no landline but and the lights have been pretty steady for about an hour. That being said we're lucky compared to some of our neighbors who lost their power.

Sympathy like.


Well-Known Member
Saturday was spent outside in shorts, tank top and bare feet. Today I'm inside shivering in fleece, there's some ice on the trees, I can hear the wind and the lights flickered most of last night. Tonight's dinner groundhog general Tso:angelic::angelic::angelic::angelic: Right now we have internet but no landline but and the lights have been pretty steady for about an hour. That being said we're lucky compared to some of our neighbors who lost their power.

I'm not even gonna' post what our weather's been like lately, on the grounds that, well, it may get me killded...:cautious:


Well-Known Member
Time for me to complain about soccer again..

Tonight’s Practice- CANCELLED.

So, we’ve had a total of 4 practices and 0 games. In 6 Weeks.

What a waste of money!!!!!!!!!!!

The worst part is- I can’t even plan anything because I never know if practice or games will be cancelled or not.

This entire situation is so frustrating!! Just bad luck :(

Yet another belated sympathy like.
I can't speak for you, of course, but, frustration station Mother Nature...:bored:


Well-Known Member
So glad everyone is safe from the tornado warnings yesterday. My DD and SIL missed a tornado at their house by just 9 miles N of them. They actually could hear the train sound for a few seconds. She said it was terrifying! The damage is awful in east Greensboro! Twisted trees, downed power lines, and houses and businesses with the roofs torn right off. My DH headed up there this morning with a crew to get the lines back up. Lots of crews are responding. Please send pixie dust to the residents and all the power crews. Thank you! I am hoping that he gets to see our DD. We are so thankful that they are ok. :happy:

Sorry so late with my response, but, I'm perpetually behind here!
Glad they are OK and sincerest prayers to all affected by this horrible weather.

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