The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Oh, and one other thing...
Oldest DDs pregnancy is still going very well. We are so excited and so are they. She's having a bit of morning sickness from time to time, but, she is still healthy otherwise. Her and I speak on the phone every day, she calls or I call her, and we just connect. No matter how old she is, she'll always be my Megan Punkin' and she has always said she's her daddies girl...!!!!!!! :happy:
As I've posted before, I love all our children with all my heart, but, sometimes there is just a slightly more special bond with one.
You could never get me to choose between them though, I would rather my own life be taken. Unfortunately, True love is unexplainable to many.
I are out, y'all be cool...!!!!!!!!!!! ;):happy:
Thnx for sharing. Can't wait for the little bundle xoxo


Well-Known Member
We have another winter thingy:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: There is now a good chance for a delay or closing tomorrow. We can lose 2 more days before the school year gets extended. Right now we're down to Good Friday, the Monday after and I think a half day Thursday for Easter vacation:mad::mad::mad:. Plan A the boys were going to go to with the grandparentals for a week, now they may go for the weekend to hit sunrise service. Tonight's dinner groundhog gumbo;)
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Well-Known Member
We've spent a great deal of time on Tom's Island when my kids were young and now hit it maybe every 4th or 5th trip. I read a lot of trip reports and most do not include their time on Sawyer Island. Wait time is almost always 5 minutes usually the wait for the raft to return. Over the years attendance has dwindled and normally there is only one raft running, the line usually occurs waiting for the raft on either end. They even shuttered Aunt Poly's quick services years ago. Vending machine replaced it for beverages. They tried to open it for spring break a few years ago with peanut butter sandwiches, turkey sandwiches, hummus, veggies and cold beverages but they didn't even serve soda. If it has ever popped up again I haven't seen it though they use to serve Fried Chicken in a cast iron pot meal long long ago.

I can't argue popular 'cause it is popular with those who return to the island but popular as far as volume of guests per hour per day is low. The only attraction with a shorter wait time is the Tree House. But the point of the rumors and also what I do understand is the square footage of that entire body of water and island. Further if they redevelop Liberty Square Presidents through the store area and including Horseshoe and Rifles they can build different type of land where more guests can be pumped through and are far more exciting to the masses. The River Boat is also popular with the repeat riders but it too has very few visitors per hour per day. Presidents can hold nearly 700 people but is rarely even close to that. Add in Sawyer and River Boat are only open limited hours each day usually 10-4, busier times 10-6. Little by little Disney closed a couple other water adventures there too over the years. Add in the liability of not guarded open-ish water, gators, the flooding tunnels in the Fort, ADA is a real stretch.

I have little doubt there are proposals to redevelop this area at some point. The Island could easily become either seasonal or go on a forever refurbishment along with the Riverboat. I am equally surprised the the Tiki's are still in the MK as everytime I've been in there in the last 10 years it has a few handfuls of people in there and usally half of them walk out during the show. Liberty takes a large footprint of the MK yet the portion that is rumored to be redeveloped in the future lacks the overall attendance averages to argue keeping it. I like Tom's Island, it was great for kids to run around when little. My Mom has issues with it as many of the walkways are steep and the raft she really needs a railing to cling to. BTM capacity per hour is 1500, Splash 1200, SM 2000, PotC 3200, UtS 2200, IaSW3000, Dumbo 1000 So from what I've read over the last 5 years or so is the popularity being how many people actually take in an attraction and will repeat it due to its popularity.

My agreement is I ride the boat, see the Presidents or float to Tom's about every 5 years. I have a few attractions like this in every Disney Park. I like Tom's just not every trip and certainly not for me multiple times a trip. Likely no matter what this area is may someday be redeveloped into the Mansion can likely be themed into the new development. I think the area has its traditionalists, but like with the Tiki's everyone was pretty much onboard they hated the once refurbishment, yet after the fire and it being restored still few find it popular enough to sit through in a day.
My family loves The Tiki Room. We have to hit it multiple times during a trip. Then we get a Dole Whip after.:hungry:


Well-Known Member
They are Beautiful!!!!

My DD and I have been trying to figure out the 'wire,' the mason jar part. The outer ring has a lip that goes over the top of the jar (to hold the plate in under) We are not seeing that portion in her photo. How did she pull that off or we just not seeing the lip due to an optical illusion?


We are just so impressed with her creativity!
She uses the jar part that the rings twist on to. I actually haven't watched her do it. She has pliers and a really good eye. Thanks for the compliment. I will pass it on. :)


Well-Known Member
My dad was reading the paper this morning about the Toys R Us closures. Out of the blue, he says, "Guess this means we'll have to find other toystores to take SWG's kids." He says like I'm not sitting right there. To which I'm like:
View attachment 269742
And I said, "Sorry, but I'm not having kids." Which he completely ignored and started mentioning other places to take my nonexistant children.

Whelp, guess he'll eventually figure it out. Like when I'm forty and there's no kids around.
What a cute kitty!


Premium Member
We have another winter thingy:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: There is now a good chance for a delay or closing tomorrow. We can lose 2 more days before the school year gets extended. Right now we're down to Good Friday, the Monday after and I think a half day Thursday for Easter vacation:mad::mad::mad:. Plan A the boys were going to go to with the grandparentals for a week, now they may go for the weekend to hit sunrise service. Tonight's dinner groundhog gumbo;)

Tonight into tomorrow afternoon, we're in the 12-18 inches of snow area! :inlove: :happy:


Well-Known Member
Oh, and one other thing...
Oldest DDs pregnancy is still going very well. We are so excited and so are they. She's having a bit of morning sickness from time to time, but, she is still healthy otherwise. Her and I speak on the phone every day, she calls or I call her, and we just connect. No matter how old she is, she'll always be my Megan Punkin' and she has always said she's her daddies girl...!!!!!!! :happy:
As I've posted before, I love all our children with all my heart, but, sometimes there is just a slightly more special bond with one.
You could never get me to choose between them though, I would rather my own life be taken. Unfortunately, True love is unexplainable to many.
I are out, y'all be cool...!!!!!!!!!!! ;):happy:
Us Disney "relatives" are all excited for you and your family.:happy:


Premium Member
Oh, and one other thing...
Oldest DDs pregnancy is still going very well. We are so excited and so are they. She's having a bit of morning sickness from time to time, but, she is still healthy otherwise. Her and I speak on the phone every day, she calls or I call her, and we just connect. No matter how old she is, she'll always be my Megan Punkin' and she has always said she's her daddies girl...!!!!!!! :happy:
As I've posted before, I love all our children with all my heart, but, sometimes there is just a slightly more special bond with one.
You could never get me to choose between them though, I would rather my own life be taken. Unfortunately, True love is unexplainable to many.
I are out, y'all be cool...!!!!!!!!!!! ;):happy:

So happy to hear about her good health. Just think--another little Disney fan will be joining your family!


Premium Member
In the end he did back off but he was kind of like the hunter before they kill bambi's mom. It is such a strange intersection that nobody really understands and it happens every 5 minutes there cause it is really a horrid design.

That Firehouse is new and divided by a shared Police/Fire station exit and a strip mall light exit, it should have never been built like that about 10 years ago. Worse, the area in front of the station is striped. So you know not to stop there. The area closer to the second light it not striped and will allow space for one car in each lane to stop at the white line. So the Lights and striping are in conflict along with a double set of lights for one intersection. I was already in the non striped area when the ambulance started coming and the white light went on. My guess is when he finally ran my license and saw zip he decided it might be a difficult sell in court given the stupid design and my record and the dude sitting in a lot not having a sight line to see it all coming down. At least he did the right thing in the end and I was happy he was at least nice and polite about it all.

This reminds me of an (unrelated) traffic situation. Years ago, hubs was driving us out in a very rural area in eastern Colorado. We approached a tiny town (as we exited a high speed road); and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a street sign that said 15 mph (sign almost obscured by a huge tree branch). I immediately told hubs, and he slowed to exactly 15. (He grew up in Colorado and was aware of these tricks.)

We went around a corner and the local sheriff was sitting there in his car (just waiting to bag unsuspecting people--a revenue generating scheme if I've ever seen one). He watched us, and hubs dogged the car along at 15 all the way through the main street of town. I'm sure we ruined that sheriff's day! :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
This reminds me of an (unrelated) traffic situation. Years ago, hubs was driving us out in a very rural area in eastern Colorado. We approached a tiny town (as we exited a high speed road); and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a street sign that said 15 mph (sign almost obscured by a huge tree branch). I immediately told hubs, and he slowed to exactly 15. (He grew up in Colorado and was aware of these tricks.)

We went around a corner and the local sheriff was sitting there in his car (just waiting to bag unsuspecting people--a revenue generating scheme if I've ever seen one). He watched us, and hubs dogged the car along at 15 all the way through the main street of town. I'm sure we ruined that sheriff's day! :hilarious:
Another unrelated incident. On our honeymoon, we were driving on a 2 lane road in Idaho. There was a police car in front of us. There was at least 2 car lengths between us. Anyway, the officer told us to pull over. He said we were driving too close to him. Really???? We didn't argue and he let us go. But seriously, how many times have you had a police car follow you so close on a highway, so they could pass, without their flashers on.:rolleyes:


Premium Member
They are Beautiful!!!!

My DD and I have been trying to figure out the 'wire,' the mason jar part. The outer ring has a lip that goes over the top of the jar (to hold the plate in under) We are not seeing that portion in her photo. How did she pull that off or we just not seeing the lip due to an optical illusion?


We are just so impressed with her creativity!
She uses the jar part that the rings twist on to. I actually haven't watched her do it. She has pliers and a really good eye. Thanks for the compliment. I will pass it on. :)

She's not using the actual jar piece or lid piece, @Gabe1 , she's just using the mason jar to shape the wire.


Premium Member
Another unrelated incident. On our honeymoon, we were driving on a 2 lane road in Idaho. There was a police car in front of us. There was at least 2 car lengths between us. Anyway, the officer told us to pull over. He said we were driving too close to him. Really???? We didn't argue and he let us go. But seriously, how many times have you had a police car follow you so close on a highway, so they could pass, without their flashers on.:rolleyes:

I got pulled over for this once. I wasn't tailgating the cop or anything, but she said "If you'll drive this close to an officer, imagine how close you'll drive to someone else"

So she basically pulled me over for an assumed rule breakage that I wasn't even doing....

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