The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
She cooks most nights of the week and wants to perfect the recipes that have been handed down and handed down again. She has a goal of owning her own food truck. :geek:

That is awesome!!!!!! There are sooo many good successful restaurateurs that have made it from food trucks, just even here in Austin!!!
Torchy's Tacos just being one of many off the top of my head. He turned it into several brick and mortar locations, and darn, the tacos are sooooo friggin' good. All the best to her and her dream...I have no doubt she'll make it, and beyond...!!!!!!!!!!! :joyfull:

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
That bottom picture looked like us last week. Well, not riding the bike. Nope, nope, nope. We are under a Winter Weather Advisory until 1 pm tomorrow. :bored: Three to five inches of blowing snow. Blah! It just all melted from last week. :grumpy:

4-day old sympathy like. :cyclops:
Sorry, I'm 40 flippin' pages behind again, but, l ain't givin' up the ship, just yet...!!!!!!!!! :joyfull: :hilarious: :facepalm: :cyclops: :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
Hahaaa...!!! :hilarious:

I know I've posted this before, but, all the pups we've ever had since we've lived in our home have always stared at the wall above were DWifey sleeps on our bed. We're talking almost 30 years now!
We have no clue, and have never had anything "unexplained" happen 'round here.
For years now, we have just chuckled at it. No explanation, just all the same with all the pups we've ever had...!!!!! :hilarious:
Is that where she hangs her halo? :)


Well-Known Member
That is awesome!!!!!! There are sooo many good successful restaurateurs that have made it from food trucks, just even here in Austin!!!
Torchy's Tacos just being one of many off the top of my head. He turned it into several brick and mortar locations, and darn, the tacos are sooooo friggin' good. All the best to her and her dream...I have no doubt she'll make it, and beyond...!!!!!!!!!!! :joyfull:
Thanks! Good thing she has plenty of taste testers around. She cooks for her grandma often.


Well-Known Member
Adults can use rider swap without a kid riding on the return pass?
Pretty much, if you have anyone who doesn't want to ride, you can use the rider swap pass while one person waits with the person who doesn't want to ride (doesn't have to be a kid; friends of ours used it for their elderly mother) and then you can come back with up to one other person while the other adult waits. You can also go by yourself. It's how my parents managed to do Space Mountain when I was too young for it. They're pretty willing to accommodate as well; even on rides where everyone theoretically can ride (like HM) but there's a child who is too scared to ride, they can give you the pass. It may be a reentry pass instead of a rider swap, but all you have to do is ask. It would save @Songbird76 for having to wait in line with her group when she's got a kid who's too scared to go in. They could go off and do something else and then switch kids.


Premium Member
Pretty much, if you have anyone who doesn't want to ride, you can use the rider swap pass while one person waits with the person who doesn't want to ride (doesn't have to be a kid; friends of ours used it for their elderly mother) and then you can come back with up to one other person while the other adult waits. You can also go by yourself. It's how my parents managed to do Space Mountain when I was too young for it. They're pretty willing to accommodate as well; even on rides where everyone theoretically can ride (like HM) but there's a child who is too scared to ride, they can give you the pass. It may be a reentry pass instead of a rider swap, but all you have to do is ask. It would save @Songbird76 for having to wait in line with her group when she's got a kid who's too scared to go in. They could go off and do something else and then switch kids.

Moreover, you only need one fastpass to do it so you can effectively double your fastpasses.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I disagree on this. Any time I've gone to Tom Sawyer's Island (last time was last year's trip to WDW), there was always a wait for the raft to get over and back. Plenty of people on the island (not as many as the main parts of MK). It's still popular.

We've spent a great deal of time on Tom's Island when my kids were young and now hit it maybe every 4th or 5th trip. I read a lot of trip reports and most do not include their time on Sawyer Island. Wait time is almost always 5 minutes usually the wait for the raft to return. Over the years attendance has dwindled and normally there is only one raft running, the line usually occurs waiting for the raft on either end. They even shuttered Aunt Poly's quick services years ago. Vending machine replaced it for beverages. They tried to open it for spring break a few years ago with peanut butter sandwiches, turkey sandwiches, hummus, veggies and cold beverages but they didn't even serve soda. If it has ever popped up again I haven't seen it though they use to serve Fried Chicken in a cast iron pot meal long long ago.

I can't argue popular 'cause it is popular with those who return to the island but popular as far as volume of guests per hour per day is low. The only attraction with a shorter wait time is the Tree House. But the point of the rumors and also what I do understand is the square footage of that entire body of water and island. Further if they redevelop Liberty Square Presidents through the store area and including Horseshoe and Rifles they can build different type of land where more guests can be pumped through and are far more exciting to the masses. The River Boat is also popular with the repeat riders but it too has very few visitors per hour per day. Presidents can hold nearly 700 people but is rarely even close to that. Add in Sawyer and River Boat are only open limited hours each day usually 10-4, busier times 10-6. Little by little Disney closed a couple other water adventures there too over the years. Add in the liability of not guarded open-ish water, gators, the flooding tunnels in the Fort, ADA is a real stretch.

I have little doubt there are proposals to redevelop this area at some point. The Island could easily become either seasonal or go on a forever refurbishment along with the Riverboat. I am equally surprised the the Tiki's are still in the MK as everytime I've been in there in the last 10 years it has a few handfuls of people in there and usally half of them walk out during the show. Liberty takes a large footprint of the MK yet the portion that is rumored to be redeveloped in the future lacks the overall attendance averages to argue keeping it. I like Tom's Island, it was great for kids to run around when little. My Mom has issues with it as many of the walkways are steep and the raft she really needs a railing to cling to. BTM capacity per hour is 1500, Splash 1200, SM 2000, PotC 3200, UtS 2200, IaSW3000, Dumbo 1000 So from what I've read over the last 5 years or so is the popularity being how many people actually take in an attraction and will repeat it due to its popularity.

My agreement is I ride the boat, see the Presidents or float to Tom's about every 5 years. I have a few attractions like this in every Disney Park. I like Tom's just not every trip and certainly not for me multiple times a trip. Likely no matter what this area is may someday be redeveloped into the Mansion can likely be themed into the new development. I think the area has its traditionalists, but like with the Tiki's everyone was pretty much onboard they hated the once refurbishment, yet after the fire and it being restored still few find it popular enough to sit through in a day.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
After seeing Carousel of progress, seen stuff from the early 1900's and older..

I'm glad I was born after the 80's.

We didnt have to use these kind of tools. My grandmah complains eons how much she suffered washing stuff for her army of kids :p

Me too! I can remember those wringers attached to the side of laundry tray sinks when I was small and lived in the city. They were long replaced by appliances. My Dad said when he was small they had an "ice box." He actually called our refrigerator an ice box. I wonder if my someday Grandkids will know what a telephone was. During a power failure I had to show my kids how to manually lift open a garage door. They genuinely had never seen such a thing. Giggle.

My Grandmother of 12 kids didn't suffer washing stuff or much of anything. She really didn't know how to do much and could barely cook. With that many kids she delegated. Older children were assigned younger children. Some did laundry, some diapers, some ironed, some cleaned, some cooked, others washed dishes basically Grandma had it covered after her first several kids. My Grandfather each night made homemade bread for the meals the next day, now that I understand was tasty. My Grandmother was the General.

Now my Gran she did it all, washed, cooked, cleaned and was a master seamstress.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
When does the school day start and end? I think not having homework does allow for more activities. I know some kids that at 4th grade had 3 hours of homework. They wouldn't be done until after 6. Then it is dinner and clean-up time and bed. No wonder kids hate school so much here, not to mention the common core, right @Gabe1? No common core in my house. :)

My DD had generally 3-6 hours of homework a day. She made use of every moment of the school day to twiddle down the alotment left for when she got home. She'd even take homework in the car. If you look at what kids have assigned to them for AP English over the summer and for those struggling the huge math packets due on the first day back to school in the Fall. It is crazy.

My son had for the most part a completely different batch of teachers and mindset K-8 than my DD. The thoughts for his age group was 10-15 minutes in each subject just to reinforce what was taught that day or to seal grasping it. My DD had far more homework in Middle School than my son. The core teachers decided to use a Rubric that was a warp'd rubric IMO. Each assignment had what you had to do to get a D, C, B or an A. The A almost always had them buried in pretty useless baggage of details and extra work. Gone were the days if you received A's on your tests and quizzes if you didn't do the busy work a A student would likely get a C even if they mastered the material. So glad my son missed that, it would have "broken" him. My DD was driven and I'd find her asleep on her homework.

Common Core would have driven me to Home School or Private School. Give it a few more years and watch the SAT scores of some of these students where districts went to common core. How do they mold a curriculum to max out at a Community College admission? Nothing wrong with community college but what if you want to be a doctor or an engineer let alone a scientist? You need more math to get into those Universities for those type of careers. So go to Community College to learn what those before you learned in high school? What is the point in putting off learning Algebra by a year or two? :facepalm: Ahhhhh Rant over.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
First headband done for GKTW.
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Oh @Songbird76 she used a mason jar for the wire.

They are Beautiful!!!!

My DD and I have been trying to figure out the 'wire,' the mason jar part. The outer ring has a lip that goes over the top of the jar (to hold the plate in under) We are not seeing that portion in her photo. How did she pull that off or we just not seeing the lip due to an optical illusion?


We are just so impressed with her creativity!

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