The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Speaking of DVC, my old soccer coach bought DVC directly from Disney. 100 points which is not even good enough for a whole week. And he's like the kids can use it. :rolleyes: He's thinking more like the Poly than Old Key West or resorts like that.

He paid more for 100 than my parents paid for 250.

If they go Hunger Game style and see who gets to go to Disney with their own kids each year.
how much is 100 points now?

I suppose its a fortune?

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
If you are viewing on a cell ya might have to zoom in on words

@MinnieM123 last week you posted a photo of old laundry tech. I told you I'd post some pics from my DD cellar
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After seeing Carousel of progress, seen stuff from the early 1900's and older..

I'm glad I was born after the 80's.

We didnt have to use these kind of tools. My grandmah complains eons how much she suffered washing stuff for her army of kids :p

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Doubt that would happen. By the way, I just watched Coco on DVD this afternoon. It was a cute movie, but nothing I was all that excited about watching.
Shame it didnt ring with you.

Probably had to do with the insane amounts of spoilers, videos, memes..etc.. that spawn after a movie ends its runtime and is popular.

just like how black panther memes are everywhere x_x


Well-Known Member
Losing a parent at a young age can bring about bitterness, I assume. An amazing support system with lots of loving people around is really important. Therapy would probably help as well. A very difficult situation.

Yes, beyond a very sad situation all the way around there. It makes my heart hurt.
I have been fortunate enough to spend my entire 55+ years of my life with my loving parents still alive and active. I know I am beyond lucky to have had that, as sooo very many haven't. I never take it for granted...for that matter, anything in life. It will be more than difficult to let them go when that day comes.
But, let's face it, I could be t-boned at an intersection tomorrow, and they could be laying me to rest before themselves.
Bottom line, love each other like you've never loved before.
Sorry for a bit of a downer post, but, also not...always let your loved ones know how much you love them and you'll never have any regrets.
There is not a single day I have ever left my home for work, or just to even run an errand on the weekend, or something, that I have not told my family I love them as I'm walking out the door.
And also, being Catholic, everytime I start or a family member starts down the road I make the sign of the cross.
Something I inherited from my devout grandmother on my pops side of the family...silent, but, meaningful to her, as it now is to myself.


Well-Known Member
I have a question for at least @StarWarsGirl , and possibly @figmentfan423 . I'm looking into the DAS for DS for our next trip, but what I specifically need is a way for him to bypass the queues that are kind of creepy themed, like Tower of Terror, Pirates of the Caribbean, and specifically, that he wouldn't have to do the stretching room of Haunted Mansion to get to the rider swap. That's the one that caused so many problems because he wouldn't even get into the line for it until we confirmed that they had a rider swap and he wouldn't have to actually go on the ride. Then we got through the 25 minute line, which was bad enough for him, but then they wouldn't let us swap outside....we HAD to go into the stretching room and do the pre-show part before we could switch. He threw a major fit and was screaming that he wouldn't go in, we PROMISED he didn't have to go in, and I ended up having to exit through the same line we came in, and wait for DH and DD to come out and then wait in line again if I wanted to ride. I'm told that people in wheelchairs enter through a different door. Does using the DAS pass let you use that separate door? Do all the rides have a special entrance for disabled guests? DS isn't the MOST patient person on the planet, but the biggest problem is just that he really doesn't like how scary some of the theming is in the queues, and it would be nice if we could bypass those, but I don't know if the DAS pass would be a solution to that. So for those who have used it, would that solve the problem?
So this is rather complicated, but in short, if he's not riding, you won't be able to use the DAS. So if he doesn't want to do HM, then no, you wouldn't be able to use the DAS. You would get the rider switch at the entrance and wait outside. You by no means have to wait in the queue to use rider switch.

If it's a matter of he wants to ride, but finds the queue overwhelming (like for Pirates) then the answer is he probably would be able to use the DAS to enter via the exit for certain rides (Pirates has a wheelchair entrance through the exit). You would need to discuss that with guest services when you get the DAS.

Certain rides have one entrance for everyone, (TofT being one of them) so that wouldn't work in that case.


Well-Known Member
This is in reply to @Gabe1 post about garages. Very funny. Forgot to add the quote.

Yep, have a 2 car garage here. But, are there 2 cars in there...nada! Some of our junk, but mostly opj (other people's junk;)).
Come about 2 mos. from now people are comin' to collect their stuff, or we're gonna' have one nice cruise fund yard/garage sale...!!!!!
And this time, we're serious, 'cause we now know we LOOOOOOVVVEEEEEEE to cruise...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :joyfull:


Well-Known Member
Maybe you have a ghost? Or he hears something in your walls? ;)

Hahaaa...!!! :hilarious:

I know I've posted this before, but, all the pups we've ever had since we've lived in our home have always stared at the wall above were DWifey sleeps on our bed. We're talking almost 30 years now!
We have no clue, and have never had anything "unexplained" happen 'round here.
For years now, we have just chuckled at it. No explanation, just all the same with all the pups we've ever had...!!!!! :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
So this is rather complicated, but in short, if he's not riding, you won't be able to use the DAS. So if he doesn't want to do HM, then no, you wouldn't be able to use the DAS. You would get the rider switch at the entrance and wait outside. You by no means have to wait in the queue to use rider switch.

If it's a matter of he wants to ride, but finds the queue overwhelming (like for Pirates) then the answer is he probably would be able to use the DAS to enter via the exit for certain rides (Pirates has a wheelchair entrance through the exit). You would need to discuss that with guest services when you get the DAS.

Certain rides have one entrance for everyone, (TofT being one of them) so that wouldn't work in that case.

Adults can use rider swap without a kid riding on the return pass?

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