The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
My goodness where does he put it all? I'd have been full after the first plate! And also, that mac and cheese looks soooooo good. I dropped the ball yesterday...we went to get DD all the clothes in the world, and I meant to stop at the chinese grocer who at least USED to sell mac and cheese since it seems to be discontinued from where we have always gotten it, and we spent so much time trying on clothes that we made it to the Chinese grocer 10 minutes after closing. No mac and cheese for us!

He finished the first plate, but only maybe a quarter of the omelette.. on the last plate he ate all of the shrimp, a few bites of Mac and cheese, maybe only 2 bites of the hash.. I thought he was tapping out at that point, but apparently he had room for an ice cream almost all of it anyway.


Well-Known Member
Omg.. please pass some cheese for my whine..

I just checked my email.. first tournament schedule just came out..

Sunday, March 25th our schedule is as follows-

7:45am- Technical Training at an indoor facility (last one, finally).

11:10am (arrive at 10:40)- First tournament game- outdoor field different part of the city.

2:40pm - Second tournament game, same field.

7:20pm- Futsal game at Indoor Facility..cross town..again. (Also last game of the season for futsal)

W. T. H.!!!! Thankfully I think this will be the only Sunday with a schedule that obnoxious.
Woah, that's a LONG day!! Are there so many teams? How long are the games? Ours were always shortened for tournaments...they didn't play full games, but then, it wasn't an elite club or anything. But that seems exhausting!! And so spread out!


Well-Known Member
I have a question for at least @StarWarsGirl , and possibly @figmentfan423 . I'm looking into the DAS for DS for our next trip, but what I specifically need is a way for him to bypass the queues that are kind of creepy themed, like Tower of Terror, Pirates of the Caribbean, and specifically, that he wouldn't have to do the stretching room of Haunted Mansion to get to the rider swap. That's the one that caused so many problems because he wouldn't even get into the line for it until we confirmed that they had a rider swap and he wouldn't have to actually go on the ride. Then we got through the 25 minute line, which was bad enough for him, but then they wouldn't let us swap outside....we HAD to go into the stretching room and do the pre-show part before we could switch. He threw a major fit and was screaming that he wouldn't go in, we PROMISED he didn't have to go in, and I ended up having to exit through the same line we came in, and wait for DH and DD to come out and then wait in line again if I wanted to ride. I'm told that people in wheelchairs enter through a different door. Does using the DAS pass let you use that separate door? Do all the rides have a special entrance for disabled guests? DS isn't the MOST patient person on the planet, but the biggest problem is just that he really doesn't like how scary some of the theming is in the queues, and it would be nice if we could bypass those, but I don't know if the DAS pass would be a solution to that. So for those who have used it, would that solve the problem?


Well-Known Member
Woah, that's a LONG day!! Are there so many teams? How long are the games? Ours were always shortened for tournaments...they didn't play full games, but then, it wasn't an elite club or anything. But that seems exhausting!! And so spread out!

I’m exhausted looking at it.. and I’m not even the one playing!!!!

Only the 11:10 and 2:40 are tournament games. We have technical training every Sunday morning in the winter (and team practice on Wednesday’s in winter)..that week is the last one, indoor practice is ending because we start 3 days of outdoor practice next week.

The 7:10 game is his futsal team, the kids are all in the club, but it’s a mix of different players from 3 different teams.. we’re playing up a year in that. I think there’s 4 kids in the team who are 6, the rest 7, but we’re in a 2009 bracket... coaches thought it would be “more challenging for the kids”. Basically, every team we play is a head taller, at minimum, than our team. It’s kind of funny, but fun to watch. Today in his indoor game the kids we’re like 2 full heads taller. It was crazy...lots of falls/knock downs in that game. T said “UGH those giants just kept trying to run through me. Like I’m a GHOST! I’m not a ghost! Did you see me take them out when they took me out? I slammed a giant into the glass, that taught him a lesson.”

“Yeah, bud, you were on the turf or in the wall a lot today.” 😂😂

T had a penalty in each half..both teams had more penalties today than I’ve ever seen at this age before. Kids flying everywhere. I do think a lot of the penalties were unintentional. No one got injured, a couple kids had to come off the field for a kick or wind knocked out of them, but I think it was more bruised pride than anything else.

I just realized that this post sounds quite Sorry! I love outdoor soccer and I love the footwork in futsal.. but boarded indoor is the most fun to watch, and play..imo.
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Well-Known Member
Vastly different weather here today compared to yesterday, temperature-wise anyway.
Sunny, calm, and a high of 92 here yesterday.
Overcast, windy, and 65 here right now.
Already been out in the yard a good part of the day, but, took a break for a bit.
But, the shrubs and trees aren't gonna' trim themselves, so back to it for a while...!!!!! :joyfull:


Well-Known Member
Omg.. please pass some cheese for my whine..

I just checked my email.. first tournament schedule just came out..

Sunday, March 25th our schedule is as follows-

7:45am- Technical Training at an indoor facility (last one, finally).

11:10am (arrive at 10:40)- First tournament game- outdoor field different part of the city.

2:40pm - Second tournament game, same field.

7:20pm- Futsal game at Indoor Facility..cross town..again. (Also last game of the season for futsal)

W. T. H.!!!! Thankfully I think this will be the only Sunday with a schedule that obnoxious.
Would you like your wine in bottle or keg form?


Well-Known Member
I have a question for at least @StarWarsGirl , and possibly @figmentfan423 . I'm looking into the DAS for DS for our next trip, but what I specifically need is a way for him to bypass the queues that are kind of creepy themed, like Tower of Terror, Pirates of the Caribbean, and specifically, that he wouldn't have to do the stretching room of Haunted Mansion to get to the rider swap. That's the one that caused so many problems because he wouldn't even get into the line for it until we confirmed that they had a rider swap and he wouldn't have to actually go on the ride. Then we got through the 25 minute line, which was bad enough for him, but then they wouldn't let us swap outside....we HAD to go into the stretching room and do the pre-show part before we could switch. He threw a major fit and was screaming that he wouldn't go in, we PROMISED he didn't have to go in, and I ended up having to exit through the same line we came in, and wait for DH and DD to come out and then wait in line again if I wanted to ride. I'm told that people in wheelchairs enter through a different door. Does using the DAS pass let you use that separate door? Do all the rides have a special entrance for disabled guests? DS isn't the MOST patient person on the planet, but the biggest problem is just that he really doesn't like how scary some of the theming is in the queues, and it would be nice if we could bypass those, but I don't know if the DAS pass would be a solution to that. So for those who have used it, would that solve the problem?
The DAS get you a return time and you enter through the FP line. You'll need to explain your ds' situation to the CM when you get the card and they may be able to mark yours accordingly. By card I mean entering the info on your MB. Same for UNI but they still give out cards.


Well-Known Member
The DAS get you a return time and you enter through the FP line. You'll need to explain your ds' situation to the CM when you get the card and they may be able to mark yours accordingly. By card I mean entering the info on your MB. Same for UNI but they still give out cards.
So, you mean I may be able to ask to be admitted through the wheelchair entrance to avoid the themed parts? I didn't know Uni had a similar DAS type pass...also great to know, thanks!!


Well-Known Member
Mason jar....brilliant idea!! Does she use wire for the headband, too, or did she get cheapie headbands and attatch all the other stuff to them? Have you tested them out? We found that lining the inside of the headband with velvet ribbon was essential to keeping our ears on our heads. The ones we made where we didn't cover the original band with any fabric didn't stay on. The velvet ribbon kind of grabs onto your hair (not painfully), so you may want to test these out and see if they'll stay put pretty well, and if not, just add a strip of velvet ribbon.
We bought headbands from Amazon. Couldn't find any at Michael's when we went. She wrapped them with some fabric. I will mention the velvet. Sounds like a great idea. Thanks!:)


Well-Known Member
Free upgrade for waterparks? Was that only for DVC? We didn't get offered that. Lucky!

Speaking of DVC, my old soccer coach bought DVC directly from Disney. 100 points which is not even good enough for a whole week. And he's like the kids can use it. :rolleyes: He's thinking more like the Poly than Old Key West or resorts like that.

He paid more for 100 than my parents paid for 250.

If they go Hunger Game style and see who gets to go to Disney with their own kids each year.


Well-Known Member
Omg.. please pass some cheese for my whine..

I just checked my email.. first tournament schedule just came out..

Sunday, March 25th our schedule is as follows-

7:45am- Technical Training at an indoor facility (last one, finally).

11:10am (arrive at 10:40)- First tournament game- outdoor field different part of the city.

2:40pm - Second tournament game, same field.

7:20pm- Futsal game at Indoor Facility..cross town..again. (Also last game of the season for futsal)

W. T. H.!!!! Thankfully I think this will be the only Sunday with a schedule that obnoxious.
Sympathy like. Yeesh! What a day.

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