The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Yep, both my MIL, mom, and DWifey still know shorthand, as well...!
I, on the other hand, have no clue...! :cyclops:
Can you just imagine the things they must share about you without your knowledge? It was like at my grandparents when I was young. Whenever they wanted to say something they didn't want us to hear, they reverted to French. We all knew that it must have been really interesting, but, had no way of knowing for sure.


Well-Known Member
This was her second recital. One of the dances was Bumblebee Boogie.

Take as many pictures as you can. It all flies by, faster than you realize.
View attachment 269322
Adorable, and yes it does.:cry::cry::cry:
I sit there talking with my daughters, currently 43 and 41 years old. Grown up, parenting, dealing with life and the world with calmness and clear thinking, and flash back to the baby years, the toddler years, the young child years, the teenage years, the college years and it all seems surreal now. I know it happened, I even have pictures, but, those two cannot be the same people. They just can't be. If it is possible I love them more then I did when they were born. I'm proud of what they have become even at the times when they forget that I am Dad and that I know everything. They even have the audacity to disagree.... out loud. Can you imagine? We sometimes get so involved with the process that we don't really see until much later what has been accomplish, by them, without our help.

They, like we ourselves did, have reached the point where they no longer need us in any tangible sense, but, we need them to need us because being a parent is a life time commitment. We must always be there for them from a distance. Hurts sometimes until we remember that our purpose was to teach them to be able to survive without us. If they can, we did our job and we did it well.
you'll miss Barnes and Noble soon. Prices are so high compared to Amazon Target and Wally World.
From the first time I entered the likes of Barnes and Noble or Borders my first thought was 'how do you make money allowing people to act like this is a library'. Comfortable furniture, coffee bar where you can sit there and read books and never have to buy any? Higher prices to those that actually did buy them to me was never a formula for long term success. It brought people in and except for the cost of coffee, they never really gained anything. So A, T, & WW. could sell for less money because they didn't have massive overhead that was connected to it. The words on the pages of the books were the same no matter where they were purchased. Cities or county's should step in and acquire those building, already set up like libraries and make them exactly that. Municipal Library's.


Premium Member
you'll miss Barnes and Noble soon. Prices are so high compared to Amazon Target and Wally World.

Less availability, too. Over Christmas time I went to B&N to buy a book for my husband and they didn't have it. They offered to order it for me but couldn't guarantee it would be there before Christmas. I likely ordered it from Amazon while standing inside B&N and it arrived on my doorstep two days later.


Well-Known Member
I am jealous of the people who can still afford to make regular trips to Disney World and/or Disneyland. I like hearing about their trips, of course. I wish I had the time/patience to read every post in this thread. It moves far too quickly for that. My house has been crazy lately. First the mouse invasion, and now People's Gas is putting in new gas meters into every house on our block. Yesterday they were here, and today they are coming back to finish up. My neighbor/tenant is all worried about an endoscopy that she has agreed to have soon. Not sure why she felt the need to ask my husband and I if we could take care of her after the procedure. She has gotten it into her head that it is a debilitating surgery. Not sure what doctors have told her, but I think she's getting ahead of herself somehow. She has suffered from acid reflux as long as I have known her. Not sure why it has gotten so bad lately. She is 71. I got the results from wearing my heart monitor, and the doctor reported nothing to be concerned about. I guess my cataract surgery made my heart rate a bit weird, and someone over reacted. Anyhow, good to know my heart is fine for someone my age. Now I'll probably end up having my 2nd surgery sometime in May or June. Tonite we spring ahead, and I am ready. Happy Saturday to everyone.

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