The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
See, I guess that's what I don't understand about " minimal assisstance". Children go to school to learn. And how do they learn? The teacher shows them how to do the math problems, or read words, or spell them, etc. If kids could just do it themselves, we wouldn't need schools or teachers. So you give them homework to give them practice, but how are they supposed to learn without someone teaching them? My kids have a distinct advantage over their peers in that my husband is an engineer and is proficient in computer stuff like PowerPoint. He can teach them how to do things other parents can't teach their kids because they don't know it themselves. But, my husband also made the information available to the other kids in the class, should they choose to take advantage of it. And DD helped a few kids in her class after they saw her PowerPoint presentation, because they didn't have the help at home and DD knew how to do the things they didn't. I don't understand asking parents to butt out of their children's education. I had a teacher in 6th of the 2 worst teachers I ever had. She was a first year teacher, fresh out of college. I was having a really hard time with fractions. My mother had worked in a Savings and Loan in Illinois...she was GREAT with numbers. She could find a mistake in a checkbook register faster than you could say Bob's your uncle. I came home in tears because I could NOT get this math assignment with fractions, I had gone to the teacher to ask her to explain it one more time and she said if I couldn't pay attention the first time, she wasn't going to explain it again....I have no idea why she thought I wasn't paying attention the first time. I wasn't one of those kids who was always in trouble for talking or anything. I told her I was paying attention, but that I didn't understand it...she put her feet up on her desk, grabbed her smutty romance novel, and told me she was busy. So my mom sat down with me at the kitchen table and she explained it in several different ways until we found one that made sense to me. Fractions turned out to be easy when you understood it....who knew! So I go back with my completed math homework and every answer correct, and I even showed my work, how I got the answers. My teacher calls my mother in to reprimand her for teaching me a different way, because that's NOT the way she had taught it, and as my mother didn't have a degree in education and little miss new teacher did, she needed to buzz off and let the "professionals" do their job. I don't really need much imagination to know what my mom had to say about that, but my mom made it a point to check over my homework to make sure I was understanding it and she wasn't going to trust that teacher any farther than she could throw her. A good teacher will encourage parents to be involved with their kids' education. I understand asking parents to let the kids please do the work themselves, but I can't wrap my head around them asking you not to guide them...that's how they learn. Sure, you can let them be and they have a bare-minimum quality of project, or you can teach them what you know and they have a fantastic project and knowledge they can use on every future project. Isn't that the whole point? It seems like a no-brainer to me.
Yep, I agree. That teacher should have been fired. What is the point of teaching then if you are not willing to do it.


Well-Known Member
This actually makes me want to cry. I made it a point to try and buy from TRUs at Christmas time. I always bought the baby stuff from Babies R Us. Amazon toy prices are generally more expensive than other stores and rarely buy toys from them. I read the article and it seems that a buyout in 2005 started the downfall. They couldn't keep up with debt. Poor management and probably a change in kids tastes with more of a move to digital toys led to this. Very, very sad.


Well-Known Member
I can't like that! That was one of the companies I dealt with when I worked full time and they were both easy to work with and gave me discount coupons all the time:(:(:(:(
It also is bad because now there will be less competition. Who do you get toys from now? Target, Walmart, Amazon? Think about Wall-E. Everything eventually became Buy N Large. I think that is what Amazon is becoming. I try and avoid using them, but sometimes have no choice. Love/Hate relationship.


Well-Known Member
sad but people like to shop online. I like to too (always love it when that happens) but I'm not addicted like some people. I would prefer to keep people in jobs. Sometimes when stores don't have my size (length, even then I have to get it hemmed) in clothing or product I want, I'll go to Amazon. Let's just say men's 7 inch shorts fit me just above the knee where they fit some mid thigh. I finally got shorts that fit me as proper shorts a couple years ago (of course, it had to be at JCrew). It couldn't be at a normal priced store like JC Penney.
Try their factory store online. They always have sales. I have gotten amazing deals from them.


Premium Member
sad but people like to shop online. I like to too (always love it when that happens) but I'm not addicted like some people. I would prefer to keep people in jobs. Sometimes when stores don't have my size (length, even then I have to get it hemmed) in clothing or product I want, I'll go to Amazon. Let's just say men's 7 inch shorts fit me just above the knee where they fit some mid thigh. I finally got shorts that fit me as proper shorts a couple years ago (of course, it had to be at JCrew). It couldn't be at a normal priced store like JC Penney.

Online businesses still need associates to perform services, so the jobs aren't being eliminated, per se. More like reallocated. Instead of face to face retail positions, they'll be in a call center or fulfillment hub.


Premium Member
This actually makes me want to cry. I made it a point to try and buy from TRUs at Christmas time. I always bought the baby stuff from Babies R Us. Amazon toy prices are generally more expensive than other stores and rarely buy toys from them. I read the article and it seems that a buyout in 2005 started the downfall. They couldn't keep up with debt. Poor management and probably a change in kids tastes with more of a move to digital toys led to this. Very, very sad.

Makes me sad too. We buy from Amazon a lot, but there's something special about bringing my daughter into a store filled with nothing but toys. Can't get that with Amazon.

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