The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
It is a good deal. I don't like it tied to my checking account nor do I trust Target with the routing numbers. Target doesn't have a history of letting you know they've been hacked. If someone gets a credit card number I'm not responsible. Emptying my checking account isn't worth the risk. Nothing is fool proof but I tend to safeguard things like my social security number and bank routing numbers and passwords.

Me my best thing is my Disney Rewards Visa It comes with more perks I actually use.

Some trust Target, I don't. I'm not turning over my routing numbers for bank checking to a clerk at Target and giving them permission to direct deduct from my checking account. Target failed miserably when they were hacked and went a very long time without informing their customers that their private info was stolen. So yeah I'm not a fan of Targets trustworthiness. Not worth the gamble for me.

I don't have any Target card or whatever else they offer. But just in general, my ATM card is also a debit card and I refuse to use it as a debit card anywhere, for the exact reasons you outlined above. Credit cards I'll use at POS but not a debit card.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that is a great deal of subjective over generalizations.

Me, I was the parent, they were the child. In a era of blaming millennials and their parents for how they turned out which irks me to no end, I can't imagine ever letting my children raise themselves and giving them control over what they will and will not do. I see how many times a day some member refers to the young and their parents as *snowflakes* It seems even harder to be a parent than when I was decades ago. I stand by my choices. I stand by how they turned out because of my choices for them. We are all so vastly different here but when I review in my head everyone's kids we speak of frequently here I can't think of one child that has a bad life or had their childhood taken away from them. Raised differently yes but they all seem to be pretty darn good, happy kids and all seemed to have their share of fun growing up.

So I think we need to agree we disagree.
Gabe, on this particular topic we seem to be discussing two different things. My job was to help them learn who they were, not what I wanted them to be. I'm not talking about jumping from an airplane without a parachute, I'm talking about organized activities vs. free play. You are not reading what I'm writing. Let me repeat it one more time. I never said anyone was unhappy. I never said that their life was ruined. What I said was that I feel that to many parents put unneeded pressure on kids to succeed and feel that the only way to success is through competitive participation. Both my kids were successful and in many cases driven to succeed, but, it wasn't because dear old dad pushed them to succeed. They succeeded because they wanted to, it made them feel good and in the process all of us felt good. That doesn't mean that there aren't other avenues to that same end. So once again, I feel that my childhood experience was much calmer, less stressful and more fun in a childlike manner then the kids today, but, since they are not experiencing that, for the most part, they are, of course, happy with their life. Do they know any other? I can't see this discussion going anyplace so since we seem to be disagreeing on something that we both agree on, perhaps the better part of reason would be to just let this discussion end.


Well-Known Member
I can't like that! That was one of the companies I dealt with when I worked full time and they were both easy to work with and gave me discount coupons all the time:(:(:(:(

sad but people like to shop online. I like to too (always love it when that happens) but I'm not addicted like some people. I would prefer to keep people in jobs. Sometimes when stores don't have my size (length, even then I have to get it hemmed) in clothing or product I want, I'll go to Amazon. Let's just say men's 7 inch shorts fit me just above the knee where they fit some mid thigh. I finally got shorts that fit me as proper shorts a couple years ago (of course, it had to be at JCrew). It couldn't be at a normal priced store like JC Penney.


Premium Member
sad but people like to shop online. I like to too (always love it when that happens) but I'm not addicted like some people. I would prefer to keep people in jobs. Sometimes when stores don't have my size (length, even then I have to get it hemmed) in clothing or product I want, I'll go to Amazon. Let's just say men's 7 inch shorts fit me just above the knee where they fit some mid thigh. I finally got shorts that fit me as proper shorts a couple years ago (of course, it had to be at JCrew). It couldn't be at a normal priced store like JC Penney.

Me, too. I like a balanced approach to shopping.

King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
Yadda yadda yadda . . . we're so lucky he picked us. :facepalm: I think I mentioned (long time ago) that we actually got Jack on sale?! :hilarious: Yah, the little twerp had been in the shelter for quite some time, with no takers. The day we went to the shelter, he was on "special" -- dog of the day. :p Sold! :joyfull:
Bit harsh to label your dog as "special" ;)

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