The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
Speaking of facebook...

Noone has having issues with it?

Currently I started to notice that if I click to comment on ANY post that is branded or comes from a established service (like cnn). And has the "mention" bar in the comment area (the bar that allows you to insert friends in the comments). The post will hide itself automatically?
I have to click on the company in question and find the relevant post and then comment from there...
Are you using the app or accessing FB via a browser ?


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
True. It allows internet window shoppers like me to find the best prices. Although I think that Brookstone had the towel warmer on Amazon's site. I bought it through Brookstone directly though so I could take advantage of the discount offered on their site.

Yeah, you have to watch out for who is selling on Amazon, private seller or Amazon itself. I rarely buy outside Amazon fulfilled otherwise it is a dicey as Ebay.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Losing a parent at a young age can bring about bitterness, I assume. An amazing support system with lots of loving people around is really important. Therapy would probably help as well. A very difficult situation.

Yep so dang rough. At 3 years old she might not hold onto much. Memories at that age are so often in the moment. Hopefully she will be reminded of the fun things when memories are shared and that is what is embedded in her memories. Sometimes I wonder what my memories are really mine vs what stories are told and shared.


Well-Known Member
@Songbird76 I have had several Fitbits and I love them. There are different models and price ranges. I have the regular Alta at the moment, it links with the App on my phone, it keeps track of my daily steps and recognizes other exercise like cycling after you have done it 15 minutes or more. It will ask you afterwards if it recognised the correct exercise. On the App you can also log food, water etc. which I don't do but others find useful. The thing I really like about Fitbit is their customer service. Years ago I lost my Fitbit after only having it for a month or so. I was so bumped I emailed Fitbit to ask if there was anyway to find it. They responded that same day saying there was no way to recover a lost Fitbit but they could send me a new one, free of charge. Fast forward a few years and my next Fitbit's band started to peel after I had it for 11 months. I emailed and again I got a new one free of charge.
That does sound like great customer service. Not sure I would log food and water intake, but I do like that it recognizes other activities and such. My "cracker" doesn't. So far, from what I'm hearing, I really like the Fitbit Charge 2.


Well-Known Member
Finally got my crown fitted today after my dentist appointment was cancelled because of snow last week.
I also started packing my suitcase for Bali.

When do you leave for Bali? And how are you feeling after the dentist?


Well-Known Member
I’m hoping that Galaxy’s Edge opens next Spring. We’re taking a break until then.
Everything I've read says "late 2019" so I'm guessing it probably won't be open in the Spring, but who knows about soft openings and such. I'm actually hoping they DON'T open until later in the year because then we don't have to battle the crowds. We'll catch it when the hype has died down. Of course, because I want it to open later, it will probably open earlier. :p


Well-Known Member
For the record I SIGNED NOTHING! especially anything that stated openly that I agree....I agree to nothing unless I know 100% what I was agreeing to. My kids went to public school. The law states nothing of having to sign pledges, school handbooks etc.

Signing something, anything you do not understand and is loosely written and open for interpretation is something I would not do. Curious if pledges are approved by the district and the board. Our school handbooks stated you and student were to sign and return paper that stated you READ, UNDERSTOOD and AGREED to everything in that handbook. Heck no was I ever going to sign that. I put a line through Understood and Agreed, I only signed that I read it, not that I understood or agreed.

Then again I was the parent to chose to take my kids out of school for Disney Trips.


Me. I'd never let my kid continue to make the same math mistake for an example over and over on homework. I don't grasp what the point of a kid doing something incorrectly is. Me, I showed my kids where they were going wrong, how to correct the mistake and do the work correctly. To me learning to do things correctly is the objective. You don't learn to do it correctly if the goal is to let them keep doing it incorrectly. Teaching or reteaching isn't doing the work for them. Sometimes it just takes some kids several repetitions to grasp.

Then again I think one of the worlds worst creations is Common Core Math. A disservice IMO
See, I guess that's what I don't understand about " minimal assisstance". Children go to school to learn. And how do they learn? The teacher shows them how to do the math problems, or read words, or spell them, etc. If kids could just do it themselves, we wouldn't need schools or teachers. So you give them homework to give them practice, but how are they supposed to learn without someone teaching them? My kids have a distinct advantage over their peers in that my husband is an engineer and is proficient in computer stuff like PowerPoint. He can teach them how to do things other parents can't teach their kids because they don't know it themselves. But, my husband also made the information available to the other kids in the class, should they choose to take advantage of it. And DD helped a few kids in her class after they saw her PowerPoint presentation, because they didn't have the help at home and DD knew how to do the things they didn't. I don't understand asking parents to butt out of their children's education. I had a teacher in 6th of the 2 worst teachers I ever had. She was a first year teacher, fresh out of college. I was having a really hard time with fractions. My mother had worked in a Savings and Loan in Illinois...she was GREAT with numbers. She could find a mistake in a checkbook register faster than you could say Bob's your uncle. I came home in tears because I could NOT get this math assignment with fractions, I had gone to the teacher to ask her to explain it one more time and she said if I couldn't pay attention the first time, she wasn't going to explain it again....I have no idea why she thought I wasn't paying attention the first time. I wasn't one of those kids who was always in trouble for talking or anything. I told her I was paying attention, but that I didn't understand it...she put her feet up on her desk, grabbed her smutty romance novel, and told me she was busy. So my mom sat down with me at the kitchen table and she explained it in several different ways until we found one that made sense to me. Fractions turned out to be easy when you understood it....who knew! So I go back with my completed math homework and every answer correct, and I even showed my work, how I got the answers. My teacher calls my mother in to reprimand her for teaching me a different way, because that's NOT the way she had taught it, and as my mother didn't have a degree in education and little miss new teacher did, she needed to buzz off and let the "professionals" do their job. I don't really need much imagination to know what my mom had to say about that, but my mom made it a point to check over my homework to make sure I was understanding it and she wasn't going to trust that teacher any farther than she could throw her. A good teacher will encourage parents to be involved with their kids' education. I understand asking parents to let the kids please do the work themselves, but I can't wrap my head around them asking you not to guide them...that's how they learn. Sure, you can let them be and they have a bare-minimum quality of project, or you can teach them what you know and they have a fantastic project and knowledge they can use on every future project. Isn't that the whole point? It seems like a no-brainer to me.

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