The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Best thing I ever did was sign up for Target Red Card. The 5% adds up! And I did buy quite a few Disney gift cards there before my last trip. There weren't any discounts at Christmas, so I made my own. (Insert Green Grinning Guy)

To each their own, though.

It is a good deal. I don't like it tied to my checking account nor do I trust Target with the routing numbers. Target doesn't have a history of letting you know they've been hacked. If someone gets a credit card number I'm not responsible. Emptying my checking account isn't worth the risk. Nothing is fool proof but I tend to safeguard things like my social security number and bank routing numbers and passwords.
Best thing I ever did was sign up for Target Red Card. The 5% adds up! And I did buy quite a few Disney gift cards there before my last trip. There weren't any discounts at Christmas, so I made my own. (Insert Green Grinning Guy)

To each their own, though.

Me my best thing is my Disney Rewards Visa It comes with more perks I actually use.

Some trust Target, I don't. I'm not turning over my routing numbers for bank checking to a clerk at Target and giving them permission to direct deduct from my checking account. Target failed miserably when they were hacked and went a very long time without informing their customers that their private info was stolen. So yeah I'm not a fan of Targets trustworthiness. Not worth the gamble for me.


Well-Known Member
Oh my Gosh! Yes! I just started Snap Chat, thanks to someone I follow headed to WDW, and mentioned he would be posting there. Imagine my DD's surprise, when she got a friend request from her Mom. :p I have been on FB for years, but I have to say, I can't stand Snap Chat! I think I am going to delete it, after I torment my DD for a bit. And then, I think I should try Instagram. She will be so pleases to get another friend request from me.:inlove:

I'm not on Facespace, or Snapgram, or Instachat, or whatever. ;)
This site is the extent of my social media involvement, and I can't even keep up with it...!!! :facepalm: :cyclops:


Well-Known Member
That usually happens to me,
right before stomach flu hits.

I only ever remember my temperature being recorded once at 98.4...2/10ths below what's considered "normal".
I always tease my DWifey about being cold-blooded. I can be in our bed uncovered in just my unmentionables while she's laying right next to me in pj bottoms and a t-shirt under a sheet, a blanket, and a I've posted before, the only 3 times we ever agreed on the thermostat setting was the 3 times she was expecting our kiddos...!!! :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
I'm not on Facespace, or Snapgram, or Instachat, or whatever. ;)
This site is the extent of my social media involvement, and I can't even keep up with it...!!! :facepalm::cyclops:
@donaldtoo ....this thread is more demanding than Facebook. Facebook is like flipping through a magazine. With this Chit Chat Thread you POSSIBLY feel you must read what each person said and respond accordingly. That's tough to hold yourself to that standard....if that's what you expect of yourself???
Just an observation....definitely not a criticism. This thread is fun.


Well-Known Member
I only ever remember my temperature being recorded once at 98.4...2/10ths below what's considered "normal".
I always tease my DWifey about being cold-blooded. I can be in our bed uncovered in just my unmentionables while she's laying right next to me in pj bottoms and a t-shirt under a sheet, a blanket, and a I've posted before, the only 3 times we ever agreed on the thermostat setting was the 3 times she was expecting our kiddos...!!! :hilarious:
I am in sweats and have one extra comforter on my side of the bed. :joyfull:


Well-Known Member
@donaldtoo ....this thread is more demanding than Facebook. Facebook is like flipping through a magazine. With this Chit Chat Thread you possibly feel you must read what each person said and respond accordingly. That's tough to hold yourself to that standard....if that's what you expect of yourself???
Just an observation....definitely not a criticism. This thread is fun.

Fun, indeed, and I didn't take it as criticism.
Just recently I skipped a whole bunch of pages 'cause I was way too far behind to "ketchup". ;)
I'm currently behind again by 20 pages...I'll just skip ahead again, because if I tried to keep up with every single post at the rate I'm goin' I'd be answering posts from yesterday a month from now...!!!!! :joyfull: :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
Fun, indeed, and I didn't take it as criticism.
Just recently I skipped a whole bunch of pages 'cause I was way too far behind to "ketchup". ;)
I'm currently behind again by 20 pages...I'll just skip ahead again, because if I tried to keep up with every single post at the rate I'm goin' I'd be answering posts from yesterday a month from now...!!!!! :joyfull::hilarious:
I'm "lame" compared to most of you.
My style is to peek in when I have time.
Skim around......if some phrase or key word catches my attention and then I read that fully.....then MAYBE :rolleyes: back up in the thread to see everything in context.
I'm also regularly checking school e-mail and I participate in two forums on Tripadvisor ( NJ and PA)

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
My kids liked it as well. I did the whole dance thing for a few years with the 2 older girls. I will just say that I am happy they switched to gymnastics. Just avoiding the recitals was huge for me. I will say since I have experience with both, I saw a heck of a lot more progress and quicker with gymnastics than with dance. By us, the gymnastics and dance places offer a free trial class. Do they do that by you? Might be a good way for her to get a taste of a class.
Seen the movie, not that stiff, animation quality was above average. What annoyed me was some of the storyline.
Some of the choices the people in the movie make are.. stupidly illogical (to keep the plot going and make the drama twist).

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
It is a good deal. I don't like it tied to my checking account nor do I trust Target with the routing numbers. Target doesn't have a history of letting you know they've been hacked. If someone gets a credit card number I'm not responsible. Emptying my checking account isn't worth the risk. Nothing is fool proof but I tend to safeguard things like my social security number and bank routing numbers and passwords.

Me my best thing is my Disney Rewards Visa It comes with more perks I actually use.

Some trust Target, I don't. I'm not turning over my routing numbers for bank checking to a clerk at Target and giving them permission to direct deduct from my checking account. Target failed miserably when they were hacked and went a very long time without informing their customers that their private info was stolen. So yeah I'm not a fan of Targets trustworthiness. Not worth the gamble for me.
Speaking of VISA Disney card.
I always got offers from it via email. But I was always was baffled of why. I mean I'm not american and its for americans only.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I'm glad I was born when I was. I got to be a kid. No stress or worries, just play with my friends. Use my red wagon like it was a car and made roads that I would drive across country in. Play baseball with my friends in the field next door. Float around in the little wading pool my parents bought, watch the Mickey Mouse Club with my early love, Annette singing for me and then watching Superman save the world while munching on a fluffernutter. Of course, before that I would sit at the table and use my coloring book while listening to the Lone Ranger and the Green Hornet on the radio. Go outside and with a couple of wooden planks and a small sawhorse create my own store complete with cash register. In other words I had a childhood not an adult competition to have the smartest child ever. Will today's kids end up more successful financially then I ever did? Chances are pretty good that they will. It's to bad they missed out on all the joys of being a kid for awhile before being thrust into competition and pressure to learn everything.

I have no way of knowing which was the best way to go and that will probably not show up until after I am taking that dirt nap, but, I still am glad that I got to be that kid. I loved the 50's. They were, in spite of being the cold war time, very fun for me.

This is harsh and a bit pointed. I was a Mom who did thrust my kid into the public school system at age 3. She was non verbal. She entered Project Head Start and was evaluated and had an IEP. Did she miss the joys of being a kid NO! Do I find thrust and pressure poor choices of words and a tad judgmental? Yep.

My kids also both attended daycare from the time they were infants. Their Daycare was a learning center school. By the time they went to kindergarten they knew a great deal. I have no regrets and paid dearly for quality daycare over some other daycare situations I could have placed them in. My kids also had a good foundation in learning Spanish in daycare and they had computer learning class as computers and children was just dawning. Studies show that learning a language as a child is easier to pick up than when they are older. 30 years ago many judged wasting our time teaching children to be computer literate. I chose to allow them to learn from young what a computer was. I have to say even from little some of these programs were a great deal of fun and if they learned while having fun it was a bonus.

My kids had a wonderful childhood. I don't find the Joys of Childhood or Learning everything (how is everything defined even???) to be an either or. Being a well rounded child and exposed to all sorts of fun and/or educational experiences is a good thing IMO not something a parent should feel guilty about.

Disclaimer: I'm also in the camp that Common Core Math is the dumbest thing ever invented. Glad my kids were spared.
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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
@donaldtoo ....this thread is more demanding than Facebook. Facebook is like flipping through a magazine. With this Chit Chat Thread you POSSIBLY feel you must read what each person said and respond accordingly. That's tough to hold yourself to that standard....if that's what you expect of yourself???
Just an observation....definitely not a criticism. This thread is fun.

I wholeheartedly concur. This thread is fun. Facebook on my terms is a few minutes as is my twitter, easy scroll.
I love this thread. I cannot keep up with thread, it is always a goal and goal rarely ever met. I tend to follow
@Goofyernmost way of keeping up many days or even weeks. I read my Alerts. I respond to the ones I should.
I then like Goofyernmost says consider myself caught up. Everything else after that is gravy. I tend to make an announcement like: I have officially read every post today because it is a big deal for me 'cause I just can't seem to do that. I think I've read every post in a day twice this year, once during a bad snowstorm that had me housebound.
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Well-Known Member
Good for her! Nice that she wants to make family recipes. :)

There is a family strudel recipe that we have that is amazing! Everywhere it goes it disappears in no time...!!!!! :hungry:
There's also a chicken noodle soup recipe that both of my grandmothers did pretty much the same other than different amounts of the same seasonings, with rolled out homemade noodles, that I love also...far better than any soup I have had anywhere in my entire life! Everything is sooooo balanced in all the right ways it's insane. No gooey broth, actuall brothy broth...hearty stuff! :happy: :hungry:

Darn! I need a bowl of that soup, and a coupla' slices of that strudel right now...!!!!!!! :joyfull: :hungry:


Well-Known Member
It was dropped from where? a helicopter?
4th story apartment building?
That doesn't look like it "fell". More like it was smashed.

Thinkpads also are more notoriously sturdier (lenovos too) than most laptops, which makes this thing less believable.
Yeah, we don't believe it was "dropped" for a second. "Dropped" was just what came up when we looked at the ticket for it. My theory is a car backed over it.

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