The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
The beginnings of more 3-D modeling fun today...!!!!! :joyfull:

View attachment 269026

Compared to that 15,000+ sq. ft. monster I did a little while back, this is a baby house at only 7,400+ sq. ft., yet still totally dwarfs what we live in...!!!!! :hilarious:
Perspective, what a concept...!

Reminds me of when my brothers were kids--they were always "building" houses, etc., with blocks, cardboard, old cans, you name it . . . So in looking at your creation above, it's kinda like the adult version of their hobby?!:joyfull:


Well-Known Member
Oh, we got it last night and it's still coming down (6-7 inches so far . . . heavy, wet snow). Just finished shoveling front steps. I'll walk to a bus stop in a little while and just wait for whatever bus driver decides to show up today and attempt to drive during this! HA! It's going to be a long commute into work, that's for sure. Not bothering with the driveway with the concrete snow boulders from the plows--I'll let hubby sleep. He knows I like walking in the snow, so no big surprise when he wakes up and I'm gone. :D
Sympathy like and be careful out there


Premium Member
And, speaking of the firm, one of the partners bought a car. Not just any car, a Mercedes SL550. Yes, I looked up the MSRP... :cautious:
About $115,000 for a new 2018 model...!!!!! :greedy::greedy::greedy:
But, although his looks brand spankin' new, it's actually 3 years old, but, has less than 4,000 miles on it, and he got it for a lot less than that from a "motivated" seller.
This car has a retractable hardtop. He traded in his Audi A5 convertible for it as well...

View attachment 269027

And, here I am driving a 17-year-old Chevy Malibu...!!!!! :hilarious:
Again, perspective...!

Meh, that little car is nothing. Here's what I take to work-a stretch:


King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
Oh, we got it last night and it's still coming down (6-7 inches so far . . . heavy, wet snow). Just finished shoveling front steps. I'll walk to a bus stop in a little while and just wait for whatever bus driver decides to show up today and attempt to drive during this! HA! It's going to be a long commute into work, that's for sure. Not bothering with the driveway with the concrete snow boulders from the plows--I'll let hubby sleep. He knows I like walking in the snow, so no big surprise when he wakes up and I'm gone. :D


Well-Known Member
OK, so I'm channel surfin' and I come across Guy's Grocery Games...!!! :hilarious:
One of the contestants starts talkin' 'bout slaughterin'/butcherin' chickens and hogs, which reminds me of a story my dad told us years ago when they were butchering a hog on their back porch on the farm. A rag that was totally soaked with pigs blood was tossed off the porch by one of my uncles, and before it ever touched the ground was quaffed down by one of their dogs...!!!!! :hilarious:And, then, that reminded me of this old Far Side cartoon...!!!!! :joyfull:

View attachment 269036
:hilarious:The Far Side was a great cartoon! I have one of the books. Haven't looked at it in ages though. Maybe I should bring it down from the attic. It has humor that ds would like.


Well-Known Member

While the internet replaced the availability of many quirky tech things I once bought many a cutting edge tech item at Brookstone for Christmas Gifts. Same as Sharper Image. It was not long ago that I bought my 100# adult daughter a towel (jammies & robe) warmer for her Birthday from Brookstone. Keeping that tiny, skinny little thing warm was worth every penny to me. I genuinely loved walking through those stores over the decades looking at the new things invented. It in its day was cutting edge as was Sharper Image. The internet and Amazon kinda puts places like this out of business, one by one.

True. It allows internet window shoppers like me to find the best prices. Although I think that Brookstone had the towel warmer on Amazon's site. I bought it through Brookstone directly though so I could take advantage of the discount offered on their site.


Well-Known Member
Oy. Still not to far to be a support in their lives for His buddies.

My Godfather passed when I was 7 years old. He was 35. His daughter was with him as he passed, an unknown heart defect. She is 3 years older than me, it rattled her to her core and became a difficult child, she was so close with her Dad. She is still a miserable person. It started that day as she watched her Daddy pass. Maybe that is the ray of sunshine in this awful situation? As young as 3 is maybe she won't hold onto the loss as deeply as an older child may. I can only hope as there is no consolation for a loss like this.

The upside to my Godfather's friends stepped up, my Dad being one of a core group of guys. They all grew up together. They made sure she never was fatherless when the need arose, father daughter dances and the like. They also watched out for the needs his wife had.
Losing a parent at a young age can bring about bitterness, I assume. An amazing support system with lots of loving people around is really important. Therapy would probably help as well. A very difficult situation.


Well-Known Member

While the internet replaced the availability of many quirky tech things I once bought many a cutting edge tech item at Brookstone for Christmas Gifts. Same as Sharper Image. It was not long ago that I bought my 100# adult daughter a towel (jammies & robe) warmer for her Birthday from Brookstone. Keeping that tiny, skinny little thing warm was worth every penny to me. I genuinely loved walking through those stores over the decades looking at the new things invented. It in its day was cutting edge as was Sharper Image. The internet and Amazon kinda puts places like this out of business, one by one.

The internet is putting almost all retail out of business. Before long there are going to be a lot of large buildings empty and unused. However, like I said a very large percentage of what they offer has a specific, almost individual, appeal to most folks. Even you haven't purchased everything and, like me, have used it more as a museum then a store. Unless they start charging admission they won't be paying their rent.


Well-Known Member
Losing a parent at a young age can bring about bitterness, I assume. An amazing support system with lots of loving people around is really important. Therapy would probably help as well. A very difficult situation.
Yes, but bitterness is different then trauma. I have, as far as I know, absolutely no recollection of anything that happened when I was 3 years old. It has an affect of being bitterness when later on they see people with a long term relationship with their father or their mother depending on the particular loss. One is an anger emotion, a feeling of unfairness, the other is a deep down emotional pain that just doesn't go away. All one can hope for is that they are able to see and be thankful for the time that they did have, push it to a back file in the brain and continue forward in life.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for asking. Brad is still pretty devastated but is coping. He is also bummed we will have to miss the funeral as it is on Tuesday and we will be gone. He and some of his other friends are going to visit the guys wife who is also a good friend of all of theirs on Thursday.

The wife of the guy who passed is also still pretty devastated and probably will be which is expected. She hadn't told her daughter yet but was going to last night that would be really tough. It's just hard to imagine something like that .
All the best to that family during this difficult time.

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