The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Now that I can't breathe through my nose, I'm realizing that breathing through your nose is something too many of us take for granted. I mean, I truly miss the days of breathing through my nose. It will be a wonderful experience when that feeling returns.

I had a septoplasty done in 2007.. the day the packing came out was one of the best days of my life.

I feel for ya, not being able to breath thru your nose is excruciating.


Well-Known Member
Yes, but bitterness is different then trauma. I have, as far as I know, absolutely no recollection of anything that happened when I was 3 years old. It has an affect of being bitterness when later on they see people with a long term relationship with their father or their mother depending on the particular loss. One is an anger emotion, a feeling of unfairness, the other is a deep down emotional pain that just doesn't go away. All one can hope for is that they are able to see and be thankful for the time that they did have, push it to a back file in the brain and continue forward in life.
Kids are so incredibly resilient. I think we mourn a loss of that magnitude more than they do.

If the child receives love, so much love, and is taught to have an understanding of different doesn’t equal less, or bad, or that they’re missing out on something.. then I think they’ll be ok in the long run. Sadness will creep in sometimes, and the parent of course needs to let the child grieve, but I do think that kids can still thrive and be happy and secure. The pain of the parent, especially a pain or feeling of loss for their child, is what I think is the hardest part.

My prayers go out to that woman, and to any mother in that situation. I hope she does move closer to her family and gets the support network that she needs. ❤️


Well-Known Member
Update on this post.. asked kiddo when I picked him up from school. Apparently they start cursive next week after testing is over.
Ha ha!! I didn’t know!! I swear that I do pay attention to his schooling, but I didn’t know about the cursive.. or maybe just didn’t pay attention at a parent/teacher night. Either way- YAY!!

In other news.... we just returned from the Dentist, he “magically removed” T’s other front tooth after the standard cleaning (it was extremely loose and driving him nuts)!! It was adorable, I love his dentist!
Anyway, here’s T’s toothless selfie. :)

View attachment 268997
When mine were minus two front teeth, they thought it was pretty funny to drink with a straw. Congratulations, and I hope the Tooth Fairy was kind.


Well-Known Member
I'm a fan of Mucinex (the one kept behind the pharmacist counter that you have to sign for version) Also The cold and Allergy version of Advil that is also signed for at the pharmacist desk. Beyond that nothing much works for me over the counter.

I used Mucinex and Tamiflu when I had the flu a few weeks ago.. the Mucinex helped tremendously!
Can't imagine paying double what I did. Lots went into me opening my own business raising those kiddos. There are pros and cons to both. Hindsight, I can't say which would have been better, more it worked out in the moment and my kids turned out awesome for it. I'm still in the camp that there is not a right answer. Given how our government flip flops every few years on its values and allowable deductions etc., it is an in the moment consideration. Everyone needs to make the right call for their family and their family at the moment they are in. Every couple years it is going to be a whole new world. Not any right or wrong call overall.

Parents of 3-4 kids could be spending $40,000-$80,000 per year on infant care and beyond. I think that’s one reason why we’re seeing a lot more women choosing to stay home. I’m one of 3 full time working mothers in my son’s class.
I hope it stays left to the parents to decide what they want to do until the children are age 5.. I don’t think anyone can (should) mandate what’s right or wrong for an individual family.
The new tax law will help me tremendously with school.. it was a huge relief.. I just hope the government doesn’t change their mind about the new allowances with 529s anytime soon... at least not over the next 10-11 years. ;)
You have to learn to work the system if it works against family time. Not all families have careers that allow for vacationing during the schools set times. Many corporations bid their vacation on seniority, a problem we had as a young family. Try bidding Christmas or Spring Break with zip seniority! The powers to be in Education (certainly not the teachers) fail to take into consideration the break time for their profession vs the rest of the world. Thanksgiving week, 2 weeks at Christmas and a week for Spring Break and Summer is not how the balance of professions a lot closed time.

Plus even in my area not all Spring Breaks happen the same week(s) So a teacher maybe off week #3 for Spring Break and their kids maybe off week #4. There should be flexibility. Flex to the student vs teacher makes more sense to me, less of an impact.

I learned the truth failed me. I learned to lie as they aged. I took them out a day earlier, Friday to make up all the freak'n homework before we left plus that weekend immediately crunched to it. Really the only subject I found to keep in step with at an early age was math. Reading, spelling, history not so much of a deal breaker. Math built. If any child walked away from math for several weeks that would be difficult to pick up on where they left off. Frankly I had several teachers that had a no worry attitude, as parents they got it. I had more issues over the decades with few teachers that were in their dawning retirement years. The majority worked with us and wished us good times.
As it should be.
That’s good to read. I love how our school views vacations, I just wish they would allow us to bring the work. Maybe in older grades they will, I’m not sure. Right now sports are determining our travel plans.

Years ago I saw a post that went somewhat like....

Garage: The place where people store worthless crap so their $30,000 vehicles x 2 could live outdoors.

An eye opener. I had a 3 car garage. Minimum 2 cars fit. Sometime 3.

That’s so funny.. and true!
I have a 2 car garage that is ridiculously filled in the winter. Bikes, Pitchback, Rebounder, Soccer goals, etc much carp. I also bring in my lawn chairs, small tables, larger table and chairs, and umbrella.. a piece of a tree fell onto my deck during a winter storm two years ago.. broke my last table. My deck isn’t covered, Easier to just clear it for the winter now... maybe, now I’m second guessing it.
Did you manage to get to bed early last night? I had some sort of stomach bug yesterday, so I went to bed early...still feeling a bit meh, but not as bad as yesterday...I think the sleep helped.
What does "Minimal assistance" even mean? All DH did for the kids was teach them the commands. They had to do it all themselves, and they told him what he wanted and he told them how to do it, but it was all their own work. DD especially fell in love with PowerPoint. She does it for fun now. She just made one to remind DH of how much fun we had in WDW to convince him we need to go back. I don't know if there's a way to post something like that here or not, but it was really cute.

I went to bed at 11ish, thanks! I’m sorry you’re feeling bad, hope you feel better soon!

For ‘minimal assistance’, I had to sign a pledge that “I will let him make his own mistakes but can provide minimal direction and supervision without overbearing influence.” Still not exactly sure what that


Well-Known Member
And especially when customers leave a cart with lots of stuff in it to be re-shelved. I know how long it takes me to get through my Target, likely takes them longer to find where that item came from to re-shelf it.

I had a manager training a teller at the bank (one of the big ones) and asked me if I'd like to upgrade my credit card to the latest, newest and greatest credit card. I said no thank you. She looked at me straight in the face and obnoxiously said to me 'so you are not interested in free money.' I raised my voice just loud enough to be heard and said 'I beg your pardon' much in the tone I'd use if I didn't care for the tone my kid used with me. She started to back pedal but there is no recovery. I've had the same issue with Target Red Card pressures by cashiers. I just keep replying no thank you and as they keep up the routine I've heard for years I just keep saying no thank you and repeat repeat repeat. :facepalm:
Best thing I ever did was sign up for Target Red Card. The 5% adds up! And I did buy quite a few Disney gift cards there before my last trip. There weren't any discounts at Christmas, so I made my own. (Insert Green Grinning Guy)

To each their own, though.


Well-Known Member
Best thing I ever did was sign up for Target Red Card. The 5% adds up! And I did buy quite a few Disney gift cards there before my last trip. There weren't any discounts at Christmas, so I made my own. (Insert Green Grinning Guy)

To each their own, though.

I like that they have a debit option. I don’t have a Red Card.. but I’ve had a Nordstrom Debit Card for 10 years or so now.. I get a ton of rewards which come in extremely handy throughout the year. Nordstrom Rack has some of the best deals on shoes, jackets, exercise clothes.. and especially kiddo’s clothes. I cancelled all of my store credit cards years ago and haven’t looked back. Every “insider sale” would include so many restrictions on brands. Nordstrom Rack is one of the very few places left to get great deals on Under Armour, Nike, and North Face.. unless Dick’s is doing an after season sale and I have rewards coupons.. but on a daily basis the Rack is less than any other store.


Well-Known Member
I like that they have a debit option. I don’t have a Red Card.. but I’ve had a Nordstrom Debit Card for 10 years or so now.. I get a ton of rewards which come in extremely handy throughout the year. Nordstrom Rack has some of the best deals on shoes, jackets, exercise clothes.. and especially kiddo’s clothes. I cancelled all of my store credit cards years ago and haven’t looked back. Every “insider sale” would include so many restrictions on brands. Nordstrom Rack is one of the very few places left to get great deals on Under Armour, Nike, and North Face.. unless ****’s is doing an after season sale and I have rewards coupons.. but on a daily basis the Rack is less than any other store.
That is what I have. The debit option. And sometimes, I feel like I live there. They have been remodeling the store, though, so I find myself trying to avoid it. I know it will be great when it is done, but man. Takes so much longer right now to get the shopping done.


Well-Known Member
That bottom picture looked like us last week. Well, not riding the bike. Nope, nope, nope. We are under a Winter Weather Advisory until 1 pm tomorrow. :bored: Three to five inches of blowing snow. Blah! It just all melted from last week. :grumpy:
Sympathy like. I'd send you a sling shot but I'm not going out until it's a bit safer and nobody is doing house deliveries or pickups today:mad:

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