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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Now that I can't breathe through my nose, I'm realizing that breathing through your nose is something too many of us take for granted. I mean, I truly miss the days of breathing through my nose. It will be a wonderful experience when that feeling returns.

Ugh. I hope your dreams come true.



Well-Known Member
I'm sick, but something weird is happening. Instead of running a fever, my temperature went down to 95.6. I checked the thermometer five times, and it ran normal for the kid, but showed me at 95.6. now I'm up to 96.7.

I guess i never realized your temp could go down with a sickness instead of up....
Sympathy like. I run on the lower side for temperatures (97.8 is normal for me, 99 is elevated, 100 is sick; I once ran 104 and felt like I was dying). I've woken up in the middle of the night freezing before and once took my temperature, and it had dropped down to 96. No wonder I'm always freezing at night. I sleep with a comforter and electric blanket year round.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
We have one in Raleigh, but, it is the only one I have seen for years. I've never noticed many people in it and even I just go in out or curiosity. I wander through and wonder who would actually buy about 90% of the stuff they carry.


While the internet replaced the availability of many quirky tech things I once bought many a cutting edge tech item at Brookstone for Christmas Gifts. Same as Sharper Image. It was not long ago that I bought my 100# adult daughter a towel (jammies & robe) warmer for her Birthday from Brookstone. Keeping that tiny, skinny little thing warm was worth every penny to me. I genuinely loved walking through those stores over the decades looking at the new things invented. It in its day was cutting edge as was Sharper Image. The internet and Amazon kinda puts places like this out of business, one by one.



Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Sympathy like. I run on the lower side for temperatures (97.8 is normal for me, 99 is elevated, 100 is sick; I once ran 104 and felt like I was dying). I've woken up in the middle of the night freezing before and once took my temperature, and it had dropped down to 96. No wonder I'm always freezing at night. I sleep with a comforter and electric blanket year round.

If I hit the normal 98.6 I am sick. I generally run around 96.5-97.5 as do my kids. Gave me some wiggle room before daycare kicked them out.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
They are about an hour away, so not too far. Before he passed they were looking to move closer to her family which is in Iowa. So it wouldn't be too surprising if the move still happens.

Oy. Still not to far to be a support in their lives for His buddies.

My Godfather passed when I was 7 years old. He was 35. His daughter was with him as he passed, an unknown heart defect. She is 3 years older than me, it rattled her to her core and became a difficult child, she was so close with her Dad. She is still a miserable person. It started that day as she watched her Daddy pass. Maybe that is the ray of sunshine in this awful situation? As young as 3 is maybe she won't hold onto the loss as deeply as an older child may. I can only hope as there is no consolation for a loss like this.

The upside to my Godfather's friends stepped up, my Dad being one of a core group of guys. They all grew up together. They made sure she never was fatherless when the need arose, father daughter dances and the like. They also watched out for the needs his wife had.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I tolk Afrin, Sudafed, and Mucinex, so one of these darn well better work.

My DD took her allergy meds tonight before she went to sleep she said. Apparently she had a rough night last night. It is freak'n frozen outside. Go figure.

Her worst year was 6th grade, WDC trip with her school for 7 days, home, WDW for 2 weeks, (school board convention and spring break) and home for Illinois Spring. The 3 various allergy triggers in short order did her in.
That was Ugly.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
When dh and I were dating we drove up to Vernon. He lived in Clifton so not a terribly long drive. We were just driving around when a snowstorm started. Big deal, right? Within a half hour the roads were covered. He had a Pontiac Grand Am. Not a great car for snow. We had started driving up a hill on a 2 lane road. There was a lake on our right. We didn't get half way up it and then the car started to go backwards.:eek: Then it started to head towards the lake. :eek::eek:Somehow, he managed to do the most amazing nonstop K turn and got the car turned so we were going down the hill on the road and didn't end up in the lake. Never forgot that.:oops:

I had that moment too. My son was 2. It was Valentines day. I left early from work as the weather was bad. My office overlooked the landing area for the military (then) landing area for Ohare Airport. I got a half mile, downhill to a fork in the road. I turned left, my car went right. It didn't stop. It kept going through two very short intersections. By the Grace of God I wasn't hit as my car ignored red lights. When I stopped I had to sit there a few minutes. When I hit my sons daycare I turned in, HA! Right across their front lawn as many before me seemed to have the same issue.
I had a Mustang. Not an all weather vehicle. It was not much longer that I bought a 4x4 pick up truck. Sometimes a gal has to do what a gal has to do.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
They would sell the coolest gadgets and gizmos. It was awesome when it opened in the 80's. Maybe it was around before then, but I just remember seeing them in the malls in the 80's. Of course malls are dying and that has a lot to do with mall stores folding. People just buy online a lot. I am one of those people.:oops:

We head to Woodfield. They are a major mall in the US. They are reinventing themselves. Currently putting in a Block Store, a competitor to a Legoland area. It also has a playground for very young kids. My Dad was a contractor for this mall when I was a child. I don't want to see it go and want it to take on new life. So now there is a food court being built, never one. The sit downs were fading. There are coffee and tea places popping. And new generation stores catering to the young over the anchor stores of yesteryear. It has Microsoft and a Apple Store. This mall seems to be adapting to the young over the AARPs. The other malls in Northern IL are struggling, failing to understand the wants and needs of the young. There are also play gyms for people with young kids that are awesome and a place called PAC MAN that has a bowling alleys and video type games etc with a restaurant, a nicer version of Dave and Busters. They seem to understand the younger ones are the ones that are actually spending and building a new generation. Me, the AARP I don't purchase all that much as I once did.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I offered the same to dh. I had worked with the 2 older and then stayed home when the 3rd one came around. I said I would go back to work and he said that paying for daycare would eat what I would make anyway. The kids were thriving at home. We do lots of activities to make up for not being in a "school" environment.

Can't imagine paying double what I did. Lots went into me opening my own business raising those kiddos. There are pros and cons to both. Hindsight, I can't say which would have been better, more it worked out in the moment and my kids turned out awesome for it. I'm still in the camp that there is not a right answer. Given how our government flip flops every few years on its values and allowable deductions etc., it is an in the moment consideration. Everyone needs to make the right call for their family and their family at the moment they are in. Every couple years it is going to be a whole new world. Not any right or wrong call overall.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
That’s my only complaint about our school, we don’t have restrictions on vacations.. however, we don’t get the work ahead of time.

You have to learn to work the system if it works against family time. Not all families have careers that allow for vacationing during the schools set times. Many corporations bid their vacation on seniority, a problem we had as a young family. Try bidding Christmas or Spring Break with zip seniority! The powers to be in Education (certainly not the teachers) fail to take into consideration the break time for their profession vs the rest of the world. Thanksgiving week, 2 weeks at Christmas and a week for Spring Break and Summer is not how the balance of professions a lot closed time.

Plus even in my area not all Spring Breaks happen the same week(s) So a teacher maybe off week #3 for Spring Break and their kids maybe off week #4. There should be flexibility. Flex to the student vs teacher makes more sense to me, less of an impact.

I learned the truth failed me. I learned to lie as they aged. I took them out a day earlier, Friday to make up all the freak'n homework before we left plus that weekend immediately crunched to it. Really the only subject I found to keep in step with at an early age was math. Reading, spelling, history not so much of a deal breaker. Math built. If any child walked away from math for several weeks that would be difficult to pick up on where they left off. Frankly I had several teachers that had a no worry attitude, as parents they got it. I had more issues over the decades with few teachers that were in their dawning retirement years. The majority worked with us and wished us good times.
As it should be.

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