The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
I still write notes in cursive. I’ll have to teach my son or he’ll never be able to read his chores list when older.
Oh, wait, maybe we’re supposed to text the kids their chore list?lol.

He came home with another report outline yesterday. This one is actually written, drawn, and using other materials.. not just a computer. It’s an odd week to give a report since they have placement assessments all week.. but still, I’m happy that this one is not in PowerPoint! The teacher does a good job of rotating between computer and written reports.
I take it you can't help with PowerPoint? I'm SOOOOOOO lucky. My husband does all that kind of stuff with the kids. He's been teaching DD the basics of computer programming, and when she had a power point presentation in 4th grade, he taught her how to do it, and she had stuff the teachers had no idea how to adding music and such. So they ended up asking DH to come in and do a presentation to teach the kids how to do it, and then the next year it was DS's turn and they had him come in again. It's so nice to be able to turn them over to him for that stuff!! I'm such a squib with technology!


Well-Known Member
This is great news!!!

We’ve had Spanish since early learning days.. French is offered as well now in elementary, but my kiddo isn’t taking French yet.
Latin isn’t offered until 5th grade (don’t quote me, it’s 5th or 6th) Chinese is offered around 6th or 7th, but I don’t plan on him taking that unless he expresses interest.

I’m not sure about cursive in our school, I haven’t looked that far ahead yet.. we’re definitely not doing it now. I should probably find out if it’s taught later, I hope so!

Update on this post.. asked kiddo when I picked him up from school. Apparently they start cursive next week after testing is over.
Ha ha!! I didn’t know!! I swear that I do pay attention to his schooling, but I didn’t know about the cursive.. or maybe just didn’t pay attention at a parent/teacher night. Either way- YAY!!

In other news.... we just returned from the Dentist, he “magically removed” T’s other front tooth after the standard cleaning (it was extremely loose and driving him nuts)!! It was adorable, I love his dentist!
Anyway, here’s T’s toothless selfie. :)



Well-Known Member
I hate days like that! It reminded me though...I have a bike repairman coming around 11 on Friday and I forgot that DS has half days on Friday, so that might not work. Hope you survive today!!

Thank you, so far so good. I plan on going to sleep early tonight. :)
I take it you can't help with PowerPoint? I'm SOOOOOOO lucky. My husband does all that kind of stuff with the kids. He's been teaching DD the basics of computer programming, and when she had a power point presentation in 4th grade, he taught her how to do it, and she had stuff the teachers had no idea how to adding music and such. So they ended up asking DH to come in and do a presentation to teach the kids how to do it, and then the next year it was DS's turn and they had him come in again. It's so nice to be able to turn them over to him for that stuff!! I'm such a squib with technology!

I am not an IT person by any stretch, but I am proficient with computer programs and definitely know PowerPoint.. I’m not allowed to help him though.. I’m allowed to give “minimal assistance”, but he is required to do it on his own for the most part.
Not bad really. My wife came home and pulled her car into he garage. That's my Mazda soaking in the snow.View attachment 268996

Is that a CX-5? If so..I love that vehicle! It’s what we drove to Florida. I’m one of the few people who prefer driving a sedan on a daily basis, or else I would have bought that in a heartbeat...absolutely love how it drove. Cargo space was great too.

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