The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
And, speaking of the firm, one of the partners bought a car. Not just any car, a Mercedes SL550. Yes, I looked up the MSRP... :cautious:
About $115,000 for a new 2018 model...!!!!! :greedy::greedy::greedy:
But, although his looks brand spankin' new, it's actually 3 years old, but, has less than 4,000 miles on it, and he got it for a lot less than that from a "motivated" seller.
This car has a retractable hardtop. He traded in his Audi A5 convertible for it as well...


And, here I am driving a 17-year-old Chevy Malibu...!!!!! :hilarious:
Again, perspective...!


Well-Known Member
And, speaking of the firm, one of the partners bought a car. Not just any car, a Mercedes SL550. Yes, I looked up the MSRP... :cautious:
About $115,000 for a new 2018 model...!!!!! :greedy::greedy::greedy:
But, although his looks brand spankin' new, it's actually 3 years old, but, has less than 4,000 miles on it, and he got it for a lot less than that from a "motivated" seller.
This car has a retractable hardtop. He traded in his Audi A5 convertible for it as well...

View attachment 269027

And, here I am driving a 17-year-old Chevy Malibu...!!!!! :hilarious:
Again, perspective...!
Nothing wrong with your Malibu. No car payment. :)


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
YES!!! Sometimes, it's just NOT WORTH IT. Bottom line--green . . . if more people stopped putting up with this b.s. and went elsewhere, things would eventually improve all around.

And especially when customers leave a cart with lots of stuff in it to be re-shelved. I know how long it takes me to get through my Target, likely takes them longer to find where that item came from to re-shelf it.

I had a manager training a teller at the bank (one of the big ones) and asked me if I'd like to upgrade my credit card to the latest, newest and greatest credit card. I said no thank you. She looked at me straight in the face and obnoxiously said to me 'so you are not interested in free money.' I raised my voice just loud enough to be heard and said 'I beg your pardon' much in the tone I'd use if I didn't care for the tone my kid used with me. She started to back pedal but there is no recovery. I've had the same issue with Target Red Card pressures by cashiers. I just keep replying no thank you and as they keep up the routine I've heard for years I just keep saying no thank you and repeat repeat repeat. :facepalm:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
The daughter is three and yeah I think she just wanted to get herself together before telling her. The daughter knew that daddy was going to be gone to see a dr. So she didn't have any where's daddy questions when she came home alone.

Thanks again to everyone here for condolences, hubs appreciates it too.

I keep flashing back to this 3 year old. That is such an odd age where they grasp and remember but so hard to figure out how their young minds are processing as it is so basic. Dad is at Doctor...then Dad never came back. Child doesn't want to go to Doctor...I can't even imagine. I'll keep them in my thoughts and prayers.


Well-Known Member
Yep, all 4 of 'em. And you should see our fee schedule...!!! :greedy:
But, apparently the clients don't mind 'cause they're lined up and waitin' for us to start on their projects, and we have many repeat clients.
All I know is we can pay our bills...! ;)
Do they do any designing or do they just delegate at this point? Yes, it is always a plus to have the bills paid.


Premium Member
I keep flashing back to this 3 year old. That is such an odd age where they grasp and remember but so hard to figure out how their young minds are processing as it is so basic. Dad is at Doctor...then Dad never came back. Child doesn't want to go to Doctor...I can't even imagine. I'll keep them in my thoughts and prayers.

I keep thinking about that too. Losing a parent is close at any age but to be so young, she was truly robbed of a good Daddy.


Well-Known Member
I learned something new that night too:rolleyes:...never thought I’d have to listen to a book about Justin I’ll tease him about this for the rest of his life. ;)

Awesome about the car.. horrible about the accident! Were you ok?
Yes! Thank you @21stamps
I highly recommend the CX-9
The strong structure and the side curtain air bags (that deployed)were impressive.
Allstate said the car was totaled.
I could not afford to replace the CX-9 with another....but I've been happy with the CX-5
........and it naturally has better gas mileage ;)


Well-Known Member
It is such an outstanding organization and thrives on all those who volunteer and donate. I love stories like this especially on days like today when I just had to turn off the news. It restores your faith in humanity.
Glad my post made you feel better. Sometimes it is nice to get a break from news. Watching just makes you feel brow beaten when most of what they report is bad news. They get ratings based on reporting negativity. Seems like they thrive on it actually. I find just avoiding news for a couple of days makes me happier. There should be a news program that only reports good news so that people realize there is some humanity left in the world.


Well-Known Member
Do they do any designing or do they just delegate at this point? Yes, it is always a plus to have the bills paid.

They are all very capable of designing, and do. But they are also all busy with client meetings a lot of the time as well. I take up the slack, and designing and prepping designs for client presentation is what I do.
As well as being able to do "old school" hand rough and presentation sketching on my drafting table, I work with AutoCAD, and SketchUp 3-D modeling.
One of the partners doesn't know CAD or SketchUp, one knows SketchUp and Photoshop, but doesn't know CAD, one knows only CAD, and the other knows CAD and SketchUp. As well as myself, they are all capable of producing presentation hand sketches, and the 5 of us are also capable of producing hand drawn color renderings if need be. None of the younger folks in the office have the capability of hand sketching or hand color rendering. Just us five old guys. ;)
Not much need for the hand color rendering anymore though, as we also have a color rendering program (Piranesi), and an animated rendering program (Lumion).
But, just yesterday, the partner I've been working with on 2 beach developements down on the Texas coast was having our marketing person do brochures and didn't like how the computer drawing front elevations they were originally going to use looked. He had me gather up all my original presentation hand sketches for them to use instead because they looked much more "artsy". :)
Gotta' try and stay ahead of the competition...! ;)

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