The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
One more post about hair @dryerlintfan
Went back and found this photo..

One of T’s homework assignments last year. He had to pick the book from the library.
When I asked him why he chose his subject-
He replied
“Someone already took Abraham Lincoln, and I liked this guy’s hair.”
Why this was even in the library? I still can’t figure that out.
View attachment 269006

T did a good job here!! Looks exactly like him!!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Thanks. I was talking to her about making some for Give Kids the World, and making a project out of it. I told her to try and sell some on Etsy and use some profit for GTTW as well.

Awe. That is sweet. What is her connection to GTTW? My DD soft spot has been Special Olympics. From Preschool one of her best friends had cerebral palsy and for the most part always in a wheel chair. My DD always chose her Birthday Parties where she could come and fully participate.

Funny in high school my DD Buddy for the Schools Special Olympics programs also sat with my DD at lunch multiple semesters. For whatever reason she'd plop herself down next to my DD. The buddy who also had cognitive issues never made the connection that my DD was both her Special Olympics Buddy and table mate at lunch. She'd talk to my DD about Special Olympics and ask my DD if she ever went or knew about them. It was kinda cute. On some level she must have recognized my DD by facial recognition but nope never put the two together.


Well-Known Member
Thank you, so far so good. I plan on going to sleep early tonight. :)

I am not an IT person by any stretch, but I am proficient with computer programs and definitely know PowerPoint.. I’m not allowed to help him though.. I’m allowed to give “minimal assistance”, but he is required to do it on his own for the most part.

Is that a CX-5? If so..I love that vehicle! It’s what we drove to Florida. I’m one of the few people who prefer driving a sedan on a daily basis, or else I would have bought that in a heartbeat...absolutely love how it drove. Cargo space was great too.
You got that correct @21stamps A 2016 Mazda CX-5. I used to drive a Mazda CX-9 but some idiot blew a stop sign and t boned me 😔😒
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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I have family friends that frequently take their kids out of school for vacations. It helps that their kids are at the tops in their classes. They are given the work they'll be missing so they work on it during vacation.

School was never a challege to my DD until college. My DS was upper end too but was not as driven as my DD.
I always pulled their school work. We'd leave generally on a Monday and come back on a Monday. There last day of school would be Thursday (my learning curve.) On Friday, Saturday and Sunday they would plow through 2 weeks of homework, they usually finished by Saturday. I wasn't lugging all those text books on airplanes. They were motivated to finish as they knew if they didnt finish they'd have to do it in Disney World. With most teachers it really wasn't that much to accomplish in a few days. There is so much academic related downtime in school for PE, Music, Art, Media Center, Tech/Computer Time, lunch. It became more dicey in high school and I had to be more creative with slapping it up against 4 day weekend or parent teacher conference/veteran day week, finals worked well too as they often were not required because of gpa in the class, but it did take some more creativity


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Normally I'd send you some but I'm not sure how anything is getting out of here today:mad:

Understand. Ugh. Florida my Friend



Premium Member
I taught my daughter cursive. A lot of her grandma and great grandma's recipes are in cursive and she was adamant about learning to read it. 😁

Good for you! I'm floored that some schools are not teaching cursive to children anymore. It is a BASIC skill. Your daughter will thank you for instructing her how to write. And, as you said, she will be able to read and enjoy the recipes that have been passed down in your family.


Premium Member
Update on this post.. asked kiddo when I picked him up from school. Apparently they start cursive next week after testing is over.
Ha ha!! I didn’t know!! I swear that I do pay attention to his schooling, but I didn’t know about the cursive.. or maybe just didn’t pay attention at a parent/teacher night. Either way- YAY!!

In other news.... we just returned from the Dentist, he “magically removed” T’s other front tooth after the standard cleaning (it was extremely loose and driving him nuts)!! It was adorable, I love his dentist!
Anyway, here’s T’s toothless selfie. :)

View attachment 268997

I could never figure out why a little kid with 2 front teeth missing, is so adorable--when an adult missing teeth--isn't quite so endearing . . . :D


Well-Known Member
T did a good job here!! Looks exactly like him!!

I learned something new that night too:rolleyes:...never thought I’d have to listen to a book about Justin I’ll tease him about this for the rest of his life. ;)
You got that correct @21stamps A 2016 Mazda CX-5. I used to drive a Mazda CX-9 but some idiot blew a stop sign and t boned me 😔😒

Awesome about the car.. horrible about the accident! Were you ok?


Well-Known Member
Awe. That is sweet. What is her connection to GTTW? My DD soft spot has been Special Olympics. From Preschool one of her best friends had cerebral palsy and for the most part always in a wheel chair. My DD always chose her Birthday Parties where she could come and fully participate.

Funny in high school my DD Buddy for the Schools Special Olympics programs also sat with my DD at lunch multiple semesters. For whatever reason she'd plop herself down next to my DD. The buddy who also had cognitive issues never made the connection that my DD was both her Special Olympics Buddy and table mate at lunch. She'd talk to my DD about Special Olympics and ask my DD if she ever went or knew about them. It was kinda cute. On some level she must have recognized my DD by facial recognition but nope never put the two together.
She has none actually. I came up with the idea, and she thought it would be a nice thing to do.

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