The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
It’s going to drive me nuts.. I’ll have to read your entire trip report

I wish I had the patience!

Apparently FB is for “old people” now. Ha ha. The work stuff I never understood.. why would anyone think it’s a good idea to post about work?!
Ha! Just scanned some of it. There was a delicious black bean burger at Restaurantasaurus too. :)


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Thanks. Brought a smile to my face.:) Actually our snow was reduced to a dusting and no more than an inch. Unfortunately @figmentfan423 situation is not looking good at all.

Now I need to go see what is happening to our little @figmentfan423IMG_4344.JPG

Apparently FB is for “old people” now. Ha ha. The work stuff I never understood.. why would anyone think it’s a good idea to post about work?!
Not about work but what work finds out about. Some people are just reckless with what they put on FB.
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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Again?! I figure at the rate he's going, he'll be renting out every possible store space in that mall before he retires! :p

You'd have to ask others for their opinion on Brookstone. Personally, I don't think it's nearly as popular as it used to be, but again, that's just my opinion. Never was a big fan of their stuff--seemed overpriced to me. They did have "some" nice things on occasion, but I'd never really go out of my way to go to that store.

They have closed all the Brookstones at least in Northern Illinois, right after the New Year. Bought by a Chinese firm.

But I THINK they still have their airport stores.
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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Oh no. T had a broken leg once, so far I’ve been lucky with no stitches etc.. I’m hoping it stays that way!

Did I read that correctly, the spotter pushed him???

My Sunday night bath ritual is what keeps me sane. ;). Every mom needs a few minutes if total peace...and wine. :)

Yes my kids were frequent fliers to the ER rooms. As time went on though I just kept the orthopedist in my contact list on my phone as they just started having evening or weekend hours at least at one of their branches. Skipped a step between ER then to the Ortho

And yes. His spotter pushed him. I was curious as to why they had students from his class up on the beam though. That PE teacher knew nothing of gymnastics.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Thanks for asking. Brad is still pretty devastated but is coping. He is also bummed we will have to miss the funeral as it is on Tuesday and we will be gone. He and some of his other friends are going to visit the guys wife who is also a good friend of all of theirs on Thursday.

The wife of the guy who passed is also still pretty devastated and probably will be which is expected. She hadn't told her daughter yet but was going to last night that would be really tough. It's just hard to imagine something like that .

Oh My! So sad. How old is her daughter? Breaks your heart. Wondering if she was trying to get a grip on it before she told her daughter.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I have a compact crossbody, Baggalini fabric bag, that I use on weekends, just to carry the essentials.

On Sunday, I went to Wendy's. As I was attempting to pump some ketchup out of their container, the stupid thing was tilted sideways, and ketchup went flying--all over my bag! :mad: I wiped it off with napkins as best I could. When I got home, I threw it in the washing machine and put it in the dryer on low -- came out as good as new. (P.S.: The bag color was black, so that's why there was no visible staining from the ketchup.)

Sorry. I hate those pumps. Even when they are assembled correctly they splatter when the vacuum bag starts to get low. The kind they have at Pecos Bills works so much better.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I still miss MySpace :hilarious:

I’ve been on FB since late 2008.
Everyone in my “friends list” is friends, family, past or present coworkers, former classmates.. I’m not one to have 897,452,681.7 ‘friends’ whom I’ve never met.. I do have 2 people from this site..those are the only ones who I don’t know personally, but Disney Friends almost count as personal, right? ;)

I’ve been on Instagram for the past couple of years, but only relatively recently have I started to use it regularly.

Pinterest is a given.

I’ve been on Twitter for the past year or so.. However, with Twitter it’s not at all like my other social media accounts.. I don’t know anyone that I I’m just on there to read some info and laugh ;)

I did join Snapchat last summer, still have no idea how to use it. So why did I join? Because friends of mine were going to Disney, and they Snap instead of FB.. so of course I had to follow along on their trip. :)
dear god.. no..
MySpace was very cancerous.

The background music, the glitter, etc... nope nope. Good thing its death.


Premium Member
Oh My! So sad. How old is her daughter? Breaks your heart. Wondering if she was trying to get a grip on it before she told her daughter.

The daughter is three and yeah I think she just wanted to get herself together before telling her. The daughter knew that daddy was going to be gone to see a dr. So she didn't have any where's daddy questions when she came home alone.

Thanks again to everyone here for condolences, hubs appreciates it too.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Carp I have to run out today, somehow I'm out of soy milk again:banghead: The good thing about going out is I only need one thing, the roads are clear enough to go to the mall and walk and there may also be a Target visit before I get to cooking and laundry. I hate storm prep.

It looks like the storm that is hitting you is the one from here that just will not leave. It is doing that counterclockwise spin from the top of Illinois to the far south of Illinois. Everytime it goes over Lake Michigan it picks up some more moisture comes back and dumps some type of ice, snow, pellets or rain on us. It is still here making more. :cautious:


Well-Known Member
Ha! Just scanned some of it. There was a delicious black bean burger at Restaurantasaurus too. :)
That might have been it!!

Yes my kids were frequent fliers to the ER rooms. As time went on though I just kept the orthopedist in my contact list on my phone as they just started having evening or weekend hours at least at one of their branches. Skipped a step between ER then to the Ortho

And yes. His spotter pushed him. I was curious as to why they had students from his class up on the beam though. That PE teacher knew nothing of gymnastics.
I hope the spotter was suspended or expelled. That’s horrible.

My brother and sister were prone to injuries.. both also have matching forehead scars.. from the same type of accident-2 or 3 years apart. I was the only one smart enough to not do the same :) I’m also the only one of the 3 of us who doesn’t have any metal in my body at this point... hopefully never will.

That sweatshirt is perfection!!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
My only issue with mosquitos was during a boat trip from Magic Kingdom to Fort Wilderness.
and near the "river" canals in Universal Studios.

I forgot about THOSE mosquitoes. We had those on the Big Boat from MK to WL one night and nobody would go to the outside seating cause the benches were coated in them. Then Gyser Point had issues at night. That menu sign at night was coated so badly with Mosquitoes as it was back lit and warm. Can't believe I forgot about them. Maybe 'cause I didn't get bit by them.


I went looking for my picture of those little bugs can't find. So


Well-Known Member
Well.... as someone with a kid this age and with friends who have kids this age, I'll disagree on a couple of points:

1) Kindergarten has changed. Kids are given assessments their first week in, and some kindergartens actually have application exams. During these assessments, kids are expected to be able to recognize all letters, count to 40 only skipping one or two numbers, make the sounds of all the letters, and more.

2) Preschool is important for children who don't go to daycare/school from birth, especially for social skills.

3) They stop teaching the wheels on the bus when the kids are 1.5 years old :joyfull::joyfull:

Woof! It has definitely all changed.
When we moved to No Cal back in '68, it was towards the end of the school year. My folks decided to put me in kindergarten at the local public school for the last 2 weeks of the year (I was the youngest kid in the class and barely made the birthday deadline IIRC), fully expecting me to go all the way through kindergarten again the next year. Nope, the teacher thought I was prepared for first grade the next year, and so it went. I never had to be held back, and ended up graduating HS back here in Texas about 5 months before my 18th birthday. For some perspective, 18 was the drinking age here at the time.

Fast forward...
All 3 of our kiddos were in daycare (it wasn't called preschool) at the same time at one point (remember, 3 yrs. 2 mos. from youngest to oldest) to the tune of $900+ a month...!!!!! :eek:
I know younger coworkers of mine that are now paying that much+ per child...Holy cannoli...!!!!!!! :facepalm:

With DSs situation, he started in pre-K at our local public elementary school at age 3. All 3 of our kiddos went all the way through that elementary school, then on to the middle school (which is, incidentally, directly across the street from my folks house, and my mom worked in the lunch room there long enough to draw a decent little retirement check :)), and then on to and through our local HS.
Their HS was consistently ranked in the top 100 in the country for the years they went there, at least. Not sure of the ranking now, as they all graduated so long ago. Darn, time flys.
It was all local public schools, so I don't remember much of any of the seemingly complicated situations that have been discussed. Again, no judgement, I'm just ignorant to it based on what we experienced with raising our kiddos 20+ years ago.

And, in regards to the time flies thing, all y'all parents here with young kiddos...

Don't blink...! ;)

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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Just one thing? We're out of mostly everything, but can last through the end of the week (plus I buy my main meal and snacks at work during the weekdays). Oh, the reason I'm out of a lot of stuff is because I went to the grocery store on the weekend (not my favorite one to begin with, but it was on the way), and didn't buy anything.

Long story short it was a cluster-xyz at the checkout area. They never have enough people on registers, and I don't go to the self-checkout registers either. (If they want me to do their job, they have to give me a discount.)

Then after waiting in line, the register went down--and instead of them directing the people in the defunct line to the front of an existing working register line (ahead of those who had just arrived), they just told us to go to another line. :rolleyes::banghead: Some people started arguing with one another, trying to cut into those lines. (The people who just arrived didn't have a clue what was going on.).

I left the entire cart full of carp (about $80 worth) there and walked out of the store.

And I did this at Target a few weeks ago. 3 people monitoring the lines. One did ask if I'd like to use self checkout and I said No Thank you. Remark was well if you'd rather stand in a long line. I was stunned there for a second or so...couldn't believe she said something so sarcastic to a frustrated customer in a sea of angry customers. I regrouped and said Neither. I'm not doing it myself and now I am not going to stand here either. I left. I frequently have the urge to do that in especially at Target. At the Holiday's I heard two 'fake' managers discussing their bonus' for coming in way below projections on staffing hours so their bonus' should be big this quarter. Who talks about that out on the floor????


Well-Known Member
This is one of my factors for our move to Cincinnati. Even the most expensive schools here are still $10k less than they were where we used to live.

The only area I would disagree with that study would be on language.
I definitely agree with the play based learning too, ours had a strong play element to the curriculum even though it was very structured.
There’s so many decisions to make and an endless amount of choices now. When I was a kid it was pretty much Montessori Preschool or daycare. I went to preschool 3 days per week, half day. I’m not sure when that changed to what preschool has become these days.

All I want in life is for someone to give me a copy of the Parenting Handbook. ;)

Ahhh, y'all are talking about private schools, then...?! Boy howdy, am I quick on the uptake, or what...?!!! :happy: :facepalm:

There's a reason that parenting handbook doesn't actually parent or child is the same...! ;)


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
The weather con artist really have no clue what is happening near my house for tomorrow nights storm. It's a toss up between snow and rain. Or a little both.

Neither did our Weather people. We have received pellets, snow, ice and rain. This morning before more pellets, rain and more snow we had ice cone plopping from the sky. When it hit the ground it froze in place in mounds.

So they couldn't predict this time and instead we got it all.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Do they have to notify you every time the kid falls and needs a bandaid? Is that standard? We don't have school nurses here. A kid gets sick, they just call you to come get the kid....they don't have a nurses office or anything where they can check the temperature or anything. In the upper grades, sometimes they just let the kid go home themselves. They ask if the kid can get home and get in their house, and if they can, they let them go. DS fell in PE a couple of weeks ago and scraped up his shins...they put some massive bandaids on him and that was it. He had to tell me about it himself as I got no phone call. Maybe they aren't as worried about lawsuits as they are in the US?

The laws vary by state but we must have a Registered SCHOOL Nurse. It is a master degree program. Then depending on the case load the additional nurses can be 4 year degree Registered Nurses. By law they dispense all the medications from Epi, inhalers, insulin, you name it. It all falls under the Americans with Disabilities act. We for a time had a Registered Nurse assigned to a young girl in a wheelchair that also had a vent. That kid had an Aide and her district provided RN from the time she was picked up on the bus until she was returned home. Here someone has to sign the kid out. When my son fell of the beam the nurse was waiting for me with him in a wheelchair and a clipboard for me to sign him out. Much of it here too is the liability. By intermediate school my DD could carry her inhaler and a few years later the laws changed so the student could carry the Epi just so there was also matching Epi and Inhaler in nurses office. Even the health insurance started allowing for 2 of each.

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