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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I didn't know there were free preschools either. I always had to pay for preschool, even one I sent ds to in our community center.

I know Illinois has Project Head Start, at Risk Kids. 3-5 year old and usually a pediatrician recommends the parent have their kid assessed by the district at 2.5 to 3 years old. Usually developmentally delayed or lack of spoken English in the home. They do 3 & 4 in one contained classroom here (we are small) and for Kindergarten they do half day in general Kindergarten to prep them to move on and half day in the contained room with the 3 & 4 years old.

Beyond that the only way for free K-Prep for general preschoolers or at Park District is the poverty line and the budget has allowances for everything from free lunch, free milk, field trips, school supplies and yearly fees are then usually waived also.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I get paid overtime if I work more than 40 hours per week, which I generally can say no to. So this would be a trade off; I worked 10 hours Monday, but I can go home early another day, usually on a Friday. The good thing is just being able to take my laptop home and get work done instead of having to stay in the office.

Both of my kids do this too. My DD laptop always comes home as does my DS tablet. He says it doesn't happen often but he is on call 24/7 365 days a year.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Ahh ok. I wonder if all States will go to that eventually.
Public schools have requirements on how many days you can miss/unexcused absences, hopefully that doesn’t apply to preschool as well.

We traveled a lot more during those years than we do now. I wouldn’t want to see families lose that as an option if the state is involved. However, free preschool sounds incredibly wonderful.

Oh trust me, I pulled my kids out of school frequently for vacations. Less in high school but yeah minimum they'd miss 2 weeks every fall. Wouldn't change a thing. They both graduated 8th grade, high school and from their Universities despite our family vacations.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
The weather is not looking good. My dh has to go in early so they can get out before it gets too bad. I get to sleep in because he'll be home to wake the boys up:joyfull:

I really really don't miss that about Motherhood. My DD was pretty easy unless she was still in a deep sleep.
what kind of oatmeal would you like this morning?

DS was a pain in the ....... He is also very nocturnal, gee wonder where he got that from. :rolleyes:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I'm sort of ok. Swelling is way down, but I got more blisters. At least doc says I got way less blisters than expected.
She has seen cases where the blisters spread all over the head in a single line. covering one side badly.

thanks for asking! :>

Happy to hear you are feeling a little better anyhow. My Dad was misdiagnosed with pink eye. It was actually shingles but they kept changing the meds for pink eye vs shingles meds. He wound up with heavy scaring on his eye from the blisters. He had to have surgery to remove the scars to he could see with that eye.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
My dog likes to stare . . . at nothing. His preference is walls, but tonight he mixed it up a bit and was staring at the floor. While staring, he puts himself in this trance-like state. It all means something to him, but I like to mess with him when he gets like this. I might say (rather loudly), "Hey, wanna play?!" Ha! It shakes him out of his stupor and he looks at me, like, huh?! :hilarious:

View attachment 268730

(Not my dog in the photo, but he looks almost exactly like this pup!)

Did you actually play with him then?


Premium Member

And I did this at Target a few weeks ago. 3 people monitoring the lines. One did ask if I'd like to use self checkout and I said No Thank you. Remark was well if you'd rather stand in a long line. I was stunned there for a second or so...couldn't believe she said something so sarcastic to a frustrated customer in a sea of angry customers. I regrouped and said Neither. I'm not doing it myself and now I am not going to stand here either. I left. I frequently have the urge to do that in especially at Target. At the Holiday's I heard two 'fake' managers discussing their bonus' for coming in way below projections on staffing hours so their bonus' should be big this quarter. Who talks about that out on the floor????

YES!!! Sometimes, it's just NOT WORTH IT. Bottom line--green . . . if more people stopped putting up with this b.s. and went elsewhere, things would eventually improve all around.


Premium Member
Neither did our Weather people. We have received pellets, snow, ice and rain. This morning before more pellets, rain and more snow we had ice cone plopping from the sky. When it hit the ground it froze in place in mounds.

So they couldn't predict this time and instead we got it all.

Doesn't it just warm your little heart to know that they still get paid? I'm telling you--it's the best gig on the planet!! :hilarious: :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
View attachment 268717

Figgy @figmentfan423 , stop obsessing about the storm! Enough with watching the weather reports all day, because you've worked up yourself and @MySmallWorldof4 into a frenzy! :p It's not bombogenesis this time, it's just a regular ol' snowstorm. ;):joyfull:
There is nothing regular or enjoyable about over a foot of snow. Please pack a bag, stay overnight at work and hope the can find the proper mix of meds;)


Well-Known Member
I don't know what @figmentfan423 or @MySmallWorldof4 are getting weather wise but we have had 24 hours of bizarre weather starting last evening. Hard snow pellets, then ice, by 8pm ice melted then the snow came, melted, then more ice and snow on top of that. I finally just went to sleep. Woke up this morning to Snow Cone ice without flavoring. Now that was fun trying to get off the the truck and car. And all day today on and off ice pellets to huge fluffy white snow only you could love. The Sunshine. Then Snow. So strange!
I'm sorry there's nothing to like about that. be safe my friend

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