The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
We did 4.. I miss our Wednesdays so much, we would just spend the whole day together. Every Wednesday we’d go on an outing, was wonderful to not have the weekend crowds.

This is kind of similar to the preschool that I went to. I’m the oldest of 3, my mom was a SAHM. My brother was born shortly after I turned 3 years old.. after that my mom enrolled me in preschool for Mom,Wed,Fri. It was a Montessori school, but was on a church’s property, as previously mentioned, we’re Catholic, but that school was Baptist or Non Denominational, can’t remember.
It was a co-op, so the parents had to take turns volunteering to help the teacher- read to us, help with crafts, etc.

Funny story from when I was 4 at that school (one I don’t remember..but it’s written in my Baby Book) -
Apparently, myself and another girl asked to use the restroom. We didn’t come back to class in a timely manner. Teacher went to see what was going on.
We had stuck OUR HEADS IN THE SINK.. and then used soap to lather our hair. We were singing “I’m going to wash that gray right out of my hair!” Over and over.
Needless to say, We got in trouble. :(

My mom still laughs about it, but she was angry that day.

Wow, where do you live? I didn’t know anyone required full day. We did full, but it was about 50/50. Half the kids were half day.
That is a funny story, and I remember that commercial. :hilarious:
The kindergarten where we live now is a full day at all the elementary schools. Just a few years ago when the older 2 were in school, it was still half day. Ds went to afternoons and I loved that. I would take him and younger dd(just 3 kids then) to Barnes and Noble in the mornings and look at the books, then walk in the mall. Mostly I took care of all the household chores so the afternoons could be focused on helping with homework and after school activities.


Well-Known Member
Sympathy like. When you say app, do you mean a text? Cause here an app are the "applications" we put on our phones, like Google Play, or games, etc.
I mean a whatsapp. I don't know what it's called in the US, but over here, we tell someone to "app me". Text would only apply to SMS. If I'm using facebook, I'd say "message me", for SMS, I'd say Text, and for Whatsapp it's "app me". I take it you all don't do that? Do you have whatsapp?


Well-Known Member
We did 4.. I miss our Wednesdays so much, we would just spend the whole day together. Every Wednesday we’d go on an outing, was wonderful to not have the weekend crowds.

This is kind of similar to the preschool that I went to. I’m the oldest of 3, my mom was a SAHM. My brother was born shortly after I turned 3 years old.. after that my mom enrolled me in preschool for Mom,Wed,Fri. It was a Montessori school, but was on a church’s property, as previously mentioned, we’re Catholic, but that school was Baptist or Non Denominational, can’t remember.
It was a co-op, so the parents had to take turns volunteering to help the teacher- read to us, help with crafts, etc.

Funny story from when I was 4 at that school (one I don’t remember..but it’s written in my Baby Book) -
Apparently, myself and another girl asked to use the restroom. We didn’t come back to class in a timely manner. Teacher went to see what was going on.
We had stuck OUR HEADS IN THE SINK.. and then used soap to lather our hair. We were singing “I’m going to wash that gray right out of my hair!” Over and over.
Needless to say, We got in trouble. :(

My mom still laughs about it, but she was angry that day.

Wow, where do you live? I didn’t know anyone required full day. We did full, but it was about 50/50. Half the kids were half day.
That's hilarious!!!! Why did you get in trouble? It's not like you were doing anything destructive...?


Well-Known Member
I didn't take baths until i bought from Basin and now I'm pretty obsessed. It's some hard earned me-time, now. About once a week, i get to languish alone and nobody bothers me. Basin makes that luxurious.

I can't with the confetti bombs... I don't need my bath to look like a party :hilarious::hilarious: they're cute though!
It’s the best!! You can order online. ;)

Do you know what I’ve been using for the past 7ish years?
Burt’s Bees Baby Bubble Bath. :joyfull:

I ran out of my bath product one day when T was a baby, so I used his. I was immediately hooked. Been buying it for myself ever since.

Never even heard of a Nerf course before, but, it sounds like fun! I Googled it, and it turns out there's an indoor course just down the road within' walking distance of our home...who knew...!

We haven’t been yet, it does look fun!

About 50% of the time school and daycare was a trip to the Doc or ER.

DS in HS-his spotter pushed him off the balance beam
DD 2 years old-a boy picked up a wagon and hit her in the head with it, there is a big bump
DS friends mom-he fell 2.5 stories out of tree as my DD was chashing him in the tree trying to kiss him. She was 7 years old, he was 9.
DD Primary school-she was walking backwards like her teacher down the hallway. She slammed her head into the IBeam (had a cover the next week)
DS middle school-tug of war gym sock, sock won forehead stitches
DD Intermediate School-swim team practice-DD fractures pinky and pulls away ligaments from bone by getting finger stuck in lane line doing backstroke (after I heard full story from DD I told her coach he was a PIN HEAD)

When my DD was about 2 had my bathtub removed and a Jacuzzi bathtub in its place. Not a hot tubby thing a very deep but long Jacuzzi tub. Suddenly everyone wanted to use my bathroom :cautious:

Riesling please!

Oh no. T had a broken leg once, so far I’ve been lucky with no stitches etc.. I’m hoping it stays that way!

Did I read that correctly, the spotter pushed him???

My Sunday night bath ritual is what keeps me sane. ;). Every mom needs a few minutes if total peace...and wine. :)


Well-Known Member
Do they have to notify you every time the kid falls and needs a bandaid? Is that standard? We don't have school nurses here. A kid gets sick, they just call you to come get the kid....they don't have a nurses office or anything where they can check the temperature or anything. In the upper grades, sometimes they just let the kid go home themselves. They ask if the kid can get home and get in their house, and if they can, they let them go. DS fell in PE a couple of weeks ago and scraped up his shins...they put some massive bandaids on him and that was it. He had to tell me about it himself as I got no phone call. Maybe they aren't as worried about lawsuits as they are in the US?

I think if the kid goes to the nurse then the parent must be notified. Not sure if that’s for all grades or just the younger ones. I don’t know if it’s a law.. but even in early learning and then preschool and then PreK, I was notified of any incident that happened.


Well-Known Member
That is a funny story, and I remember that commercial. :hilarious:
The kindergarten where we live now is a full day at all the elementary schools. Just a few years ago when the older 2 were in school, it was still half day. Ds went to afternoons and I loved that. I would take him and younger dd(just 3 kids then) to Barnes and Noble in the mornings and look at the books, then walk in the mall. Mostly I took care of all the household chores so the afternoons could be focused on helping with homework and after school activities.

That sounds like a nice day! We only had the option of 7:35-12:30 or 7:35-2:25 (the latter includes time for lunch and a recess so it’s not even a full 2 hour difference in the classroom). It would be nice if there was a choice for afternoon, I bet a lot of parents would like that. I wasn’t aware of the full day thing.. that kind of makes me sad for parents who have the time to do a half day and spend some qt with that child before the others come home.

That's hilarious!!!! Why did you get in trouble? It's not like you were doing anything destructive...?

I don’t think you’re supposed to wash your hair in the middle of a school day, or play in a restroom when you’re supposed to be in class. ;). Disobedience.. but, I’m sure the teacher had to laugh to herself about it.ha ha


Well-Known Member
Does anyone ever look back on their Facebook “on this day” and laugh?
Today the progression was striking..especially now that I see how many years I’ve been stressing over bdays ;)

On this day in 2009, Late Night Fun vacation in Key West,FL-

On this day in 2010- Baby Shower-

On this day in 2011- Late Night Fun doing birthday preparations. (Note the time)


On this day in 2016- Late Night Fun watching PBS.


#momlife :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
Does anyone ever look back on their Facebook “on this day” and laugh?
Today the progression was striking..especially now that I see how many years I’ve been stressing over bdays ;)

On this day in 2009, Late Night Fun vacation in Key West,FL-
View attachment 268615

On this day in 2010- Baby Shower-
View attachment 268618

On this day in 2011- Late Night Fun doing birthday preparations. (Note the time)

View attachment 268617

On this day in 2016- Late Night Fun watching PBS.

View attachment 268616

#momlife :hilarious:
I don't do Facebook etc. but it looks like you had fun back in 2009.:D


Well-Known Member
Do you get paid extra for overtime? I got an app this morning that they changed the schedule for tomorrow...suddenly I was scheduled to work tomorrow evening when DH has something else and I have to stay with the kids. Um, yeah, sorry....that's not going to work for me. You can't change my schedule and add hours on last minute like that!
Did you get your stuff done?
I get paid overtime if I work more than 40 hours per week, which I generally can say no to. So this would be a trade off; I worked 10 hours Monday, but I can go home early another day, usually on a Friday. The good thing is just being able to take my laptop home and get work done instead of having to stay in the office.


Well-Known Member
About 50% of the time school and daycare was a trip to the Doc or ER.

DS in HS-his spotter pushed him off the balance beam
DD 2 years old-a boy picked up a wagon and hit her in the head with it, there is a big bump
DS friends mom-he fell 2.5 stories out of tree as my DD was chashing him in the tree trying to kiss him. She was 7 years old, he was 9.
DD Primary school-she was walking backwards like her teacher down the hallway. She slammed her head into the IBeam (had a cover the next week)
DS middle school-tug of war gym sock, sock won forehead stitches
DD Intermediate School-swim team practice-DD fractures pinky and pulls away ligaments from bone by getting finger stuck in lane line doing backstroke (after I heard full story from DD I told her coach he was a PIN HEAD)
I don't remember my daughters ever having any problems in school. Their mother was an RN and they knew that they had better be bleeding from the ears if we were called to pick them up because of illness. Yea, I know that was old school and we probably would have gone to pick them up if needed, but, every time they attempted to stay out of school because they were sick, they got the once over from their mother and 99% of the time, they were on their way. Never any real problems and by some wild miracle they seemed pretty healthy by the time they got home. :)
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