The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Boston area is in the 4-6" snow range now--keeps inching up each day. Have your totals been vascillating as well? (P.S. Don't drive over your bridges down there during this! :eek: ) I saw the photos from the truck that fell over, from the recent storm--yikes.

"Snow will develop in the late morning and become heavy in the afternoon and evening. Right now we are seeing a chance that this wet snow will change to a period of rain potentially along and south & east of Interstate 95. So, in a nutshell, the best chance of big snow accumulations (6-12"+) will be north & west of I-95 and the best chance of seeing snow change to rain is south & east of the I-95 corridor."

That is all what they say. All they say is how much central Mass and Northern RI might get. I leave work at 3 so that's rush hour for me.


Well-Known Member

Even my grandmother on my dads side had one like this with a hand-cranked wringer, and then hung it on a line.

View attachment 268574

The washer was in the wash house right next to the smokehouse about halfway between the barn and the farmhouse.
But, my mother on my moms side always did it in a kettle with a fire under it outside, and then hung it all on a line.
Old methods die hard, sometimes.
That was as modern as their washing/laundry ever got.
Considering how people did laundry back then, I guess we shouldn't complain so much. ;)Couldn't imagine having to cook our clothes.:hilarious:


Premium Member
How is the hubby coping? How is his family coping. Ugh.

Thanks for asking. Brad is still pretty devastated but is coping. He is also bummed we will have to miss the funeral as it is on Tuesday and we will be gone. He and some of his other friends are going to visit the guys wife who is also a good friend of all of theirs on Thursday.

The wife of the guy who passed is also still pretty devastated and probably will be which is expected. She hadn't told her daughter yet but was going to last night that would be really tough. It's just hard to imagine something like that .


Premium Member
I have a compact crossbody, Baggalini fabric bag, that I use on weekends, just to carry the essentials.

On Sunday, I went to Wendy's. As I was attempting to pump some ketchup out of their container, the stupid thing was tilted sideways, and ketchup went flying--all over my bag! :mad: I wiped it off with napkins as best I could. When I got home, I threw it in the washing machine and put it in the dryer on low -- came out as good as new. (P.S.: The bag color was black, so that's why there was no visible staining from the ketchup.)

Something like that happened to me once luckily my stains came out to but it was on my shirt for the day so I had to wear a ketchup shirt all day .


Well-Known Member
Thanks for asking. Brad is still pretty devastated but is coping. He is also bummed we will have to miss the funeral as it is on Tuesday and we will be gone. He and some of his other friends are going to visit the guys wife who is also a good friend of all of theirs on Thursday.

The wife of the guy who passed is also still pretty devastated and probably will be which is expected. She hadn't told her daughter yet but was going to last night that would be really tough. It's just hard to imagine something like that .
Oh gosh. No words really for a situation like that. :(


Well-Known Member
They have free public preschools here, similar to public elementary schools.

But the illiteracy rate in America is abysmal and a large part of that is exactly what you're describing.
Wow, how sheltered a life I lead in Wyoming...I had no idea there were free preschools!! Crazy!
It was just so sad to me about this girl...I mean, I'm sure she was embarrassed by it, but there are so many resources that could help. I don't understand how you could doom your child to a life in which they are basically unemployable because you don't want to deal with the problem. They certainly weren't helping her by moving every time someone caught on. I was only there for a few weeks, so I never met her parents or anything, but it just makes me wonder what they were like themselves. Were they illiterate themselves and figured they were still alive so their daughter didn't need an education? Were they abusive in other ways besides being neglectful? I just don't understand that sad for her. Who knows what she could have accomplished if she'd been given the chance.


Well-Known Member
I cringe when the school’s name comes up on my phone, I immediately think “please don’t tell me he’s sick and ask me to come get him!” Luckily it’s typically a playground fall, and the nurse is calling to tell me what happened, that he’s fine, and what she did to treat him. (Usually a bandaid and a lollipop lol)

My Sunday evening ritual is a bubble bath with a glass of Chianti. I’ve never purchased anything from Basin, always hear great things..maybe I should. The store definitely smells good!
Do they have to notify you every time the kid falls and needs a bandaid? Is that standard? We don't have school nurses here. A kid gets sick, they just call you to come get the kid....they don't have a nurses office or anything where they can check the temperature or anything. In the upper grades, sometimes they just let the kid go home themselves. They ask if the kid can get home and get in their house, and if they can, they let them go. DS fell in PE a couple of weeks ago and scraped up his shins...they put some massive bandaids on him and that was it. He had to tell me about it himself as I got no phone call. Maybe they aren't as worried about lawsuits as they are in the US?

King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
Do they have to notify you every time the kid falls and needs a bandaid? Is that standard? We don't have school nurses here. A kid gets sick, they just call you to come get the kid....they don't have a nurses office or anything where they can check the temperature or anything. In the upper grades, sometimes they just let the kid go home themselves. They ask if the kid can get home and get in their house, and if they can, they let them go. DS fell in PE a couple of weeks ago and scraped up his shins...they put some massive bandaids on him and that was it. He had to tell me about it himself as I got no phone call. Maybe they aren't as worried about lawsuits as they are in the US?
Or the children in Europe are tougher ;)


Well-Known Member
Wow, how sheltered a life I lead in Wyoming...I had no idea there were free preschools!! Crazy!
It was just so sad to me about this girl...I mean, I'm sure she was embarrassed by it, but there are so many resources that could help. I don't understand how you could doom your child to a life in which they are basically unemployable because you don't want to deal with the problem. They certainly weren't helping her by moving every time someone caught on. I was only there for a few weeks, so I never met her parents or anything, but it just makes me wonder what they were like themselves. Were they illiterate themselves and figured they were still alive so their daughter didn't need an education? Were they abusive in other ways besides being neglectful? I just don't understand that sad for her. Who knows what she could have accomplished if she'd been given the chance.
I didn't know there were free preschools either. I always had to pay for preschool, even one I sent ds to in our community center.


Well-Known Member
I just now finished working. I worked 8.5 hours and then came home and worked another 1.5 hours, stopping for dinner. Corporate suddenly threw something on us and was like, "Yeah, due Tuesday." They told us Friday. I got told this morning. I'm so exhausted. Bath time with a book, then bed.
Do you get paid extra for overtime? I got an app this morning that they changed the schedule for tomorrow...suddenly I was scheduled to work tomorrow evening when DH has something else and I have to stay with the kids. Um, yeah, sorry....that's not going to work for me. You can't change my schedule and add hours on last minute like that!
Did you get your stuff done?


Well-Known Member
Do they have to notify you every time the kid falls and needs a bandaid? Is that standard? We don't have school nurses here. A kid gets sick, they just call you to come get the kid....they don't have a nurses office or anything where they can check the temperature or anything. In the upper grades, sometimes they just let the kid go home themselves. They ask if the kid can get home and get in their house, and if they can, they let them go. DS fell in PE a couple of weeks ago and scraped up his shins...they put some massive bandaids on him and that was it. He had to tell me about it himself as I got no phone call. Maybe they aren't as worried about lawsuits as they are in the US?
When my 2 older ones were in daycare/preschool, the teachers needed to write a report if any kid got hurt and why. Guessing it is for legal reasons.


Well-Known Member
Do you get paid extra for overtime? I got an app this morning that they changed the schedule for tomorrow...suddenly I was scheduled to work tomorrow evening when DH has something else and I have to stay with the kids. Um, yeah, sorry....that's not going to work for me. You can't change my schedule and add hours on last minute like that!
Did you get your stuff done?
Sympathy like. When you say app, do you mean a text? Cause here an app are the "applications" we put on our phones, like Google Play, or games, etc.


Well-Known Member
Can't hurt... :cautious:
I know I wouldn't mind tryin' it...! :greedy::greedy::greedy::greedy::greedy:;)
I dunno...I don't think I want to be filthy rich. Would I like to be a bit more comfortable? Sure....and once in a while something luxury would be, I would like to travel first class some time in my life, or to stay at the Poly for a trip, but I don't need that luxury all the time. I'd like to be able to go on vacations a bit more would be lovely to go on vacation once every year, but I think it would be really stressful to be that rich. I am stressing out about taxes this year because I've never had capital gains or a mutual fund and it's not even that much! I don't think I'm cut out to be rich.


Well-Known Member
When my 2 oldest went to preschool, I paid $800 a month for 2 and 3 days a week.
We did 4.. I miss our Wednesdays so much, we would just spend the whole day together. Every Wednesday we’d go on an outing, was wonderful to not have the weekend crowds.
All this talk about pre-school....I went to pre-school when I was a kid. It was a half-day program held at our church. It wasn't just for members of our church though. The two nicest ladies ran the pre-school. I remember doing a lot of crafts, listening to stories, and singing. I already knew how to read by the time I went there but we probably did activities that helped with building early skills. I'm sure it wasn't very expensive because my parents didn't have a lot of extra money when I was little. I think my mom probably used it as a way to get a break since she was a stay at home mom at that time!:joyfull: I was also a very shy child (still am fairly shy) so she probably saw it as a way for me to learn to socialize a little too.

The district I currently teach in has what we call a 4 year kindergarten. It is optional but strongly recommended and just a half day program.

This is kind of similar to the preschool that I went to. I’m the oldest of 3, my mom was a SAHM. My brother was born shortly after I turned 3 years old.. after that my mom enrolled me in preschool for Mom,Wed,Fri. It was a Montessori school, but was on a church’s property, as previously mentioned, we’re Catholic, but that school was Baptist or Non Denominational, can’t remember.
It was a co-op, so the parents had to take turns volunteering to help the teacher- read to us, help with crafts, etc.

Funny story from when I was 4 at that school (one I don’t remember..but it’s written in my Baby Book) -
Apparently, myself and another girl asked to use the restroom. We didn’t come back to class in a timely manner. Teacher went to see what was going on.
We had stuck OUR HEADS IN THE SINK.. and then used soap to lather our hair. We were singing “I’m going to wash that gray right out of my hair!” Over and over.
Needless to say, We got in trouble. :(

My mom still laughs about it, but she was angry that day.

It's not only free here, but now required. It's a half day. Essentially, they used to have half day kindergarten. Now they've moved to full day kindergarten and pre-school is similar to what kindergarten used to be.

In a state that usually ranks at the top with public education, they must be doing something right.

Wow, where do you live? I didn’t know anyone required full day. We did full, but it was about 50/50. Half the kids were half day.


Well-Known Member
Just one thing? We're out of mostly everything, but can last through the end of the week (plus I buy my main meal and snacks at work during the weekdays). Oh, the reason I'm out of a lot of stuff is because I went to the grocery store on the weekend (not my favorite one to begin with, but it was on the way), and didn't buy anything.

Long story short it was a cluster-xyz at the checkout area. They never have enough people on registers, and I don't go to the self-checkout registers either. (If they want me to do their job, they have to give me a discount.)

Then after waiting in line, the register went down--and instead of them directing the people in the defunct line to the front of an existing working register line (ahead of those who had just arrived), they just told us to go to another line. :rolleyes::banghead: Some people started arguing with one another, trying to cut into those lines. (The people who just arrived didn't have a clue what was going on.).

I left the entire cart full of carp (about $80 worth) there and walked out of the store.
Ugh! Do they not have a service desk? That sounds like a service desk issue....the people in line with the defunct register should have been directed to service desk....were there no other registers to open up? Talk about incompetence!

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